Page 29 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine Issue 109
P. 29

BV109 pg 28-31 Rews.qxp_BV109 pg 29  11/12/2023  16:46  Page 2

                                                                                            BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 29
                    ans of the hit TV show Buffy the Vampire Slayer may be familiar with one of its most memorable
                 F lines, said by the show's star just before she sacrificed her own life to save the life of her sister: ‘The
              hardest thing in the world is to live in it’. These are words which many are only too familiar with at
              present as, for many, it seems living in the world becomes a tougher and tougher challenge with each
              passing moment, but, if you can be, as Buffy told her sister, ‘brave and live’, the rewards can be tremendous.
              And this is something that Northern Irish songstress Shauna Tohill has tapped into with the creation of
              the third album of her alter ego Rews, 'Meridians', where she has wonderfully taken all the emotions and
              upheavals that life can throw at you and mixed in the remarkable human spirit it takes to face them,
              using it to make not only brilliant music, but also, music that can inspire and motivate.
                    ews is a unique concept. It's not a   "I want to try and be able to help people   and a difficult way to live life.
                 Rband. Even though it has a band name,   through difficult times, but also help them feel   "So, to see younger generations feel that
              it is more of a solo project conjured up by the in-  good when they have good times and hopefully   they have to do that is quite sad, because I feel
              credibly talented Shauna. But, if you are unfa-  provide a soundtrack which can help facilitate   that, when I was younger, social media was
              miliar with her work, it's not the most   life, because, sometimes, it can be a very hard   there, but it wasn't something to live your whole
              straightforward of things to explain. So, before   thing to go through. We all go through ups and   life on and would have to constantly deal with
              we delve deeper into the new music, we ask if   downs and that's why I do it, and what I hope   those things, so, in some ways, it would be great
              she would mind explaining to any readers that   other people get from it."   to see people not do so much social media. To
              are new to Rews, exactly what it is.   She says that what she gets from her music   see more magazines for people to read, or listen
                 Joining us fresh from the completion of her   herself is "a bit of everything you know. Because   to the radio more. I know people do still pick up
              'Meridians' tour, she tells us, "Rews is essen-  I value that connection, I just love it whenever I   magazines and read them, but it's not the phys-
              tially my little brainchild. It's sort of become an   see people resonating with it. It just fills me with   ical thing so much anymore.
              alter ego now, and I have a revolving door of   so much joy to see someone has actually gotten   "But then, on the other hand, it is also won-
              musicians who come and join me at different   something from it.       derful that we don't have as much waste by hav-
              gigs and events to make it sound like it does on   "Sometimes, it does surprise me, the differ-  ing magazines digitally, for example, so I think it
              the record. I write all the songs myself, but I still   ent ways people will read into the lyrics and   is about finding that right balance between
              do some collaborations with people, because I   they'll hear the songs and that it can affect them   everything and if you do need to do things on-
              really value that connection with people.   in a different way to someone else, and I always   line, you need to find a healthy way of going
                 "But it works a bit easier for me to do it this   find that amazing and very interesting to see   about it.
              way and a bit more fluid, because I've got lots   what different things people come back with.   "For me, I now schedule a lot of things, so I
              of good musician friends who can just jump in   And again, that creates that connection between   set a time and a day to create lots of content,
              when needed while being able to do their own   me and the person who listens to my music.   and then I schedule it to go out when I want it
              projects, so there is no pressure on anyone   "But also, on a non-connection basis, I find   to, which means I can live my life and enjoy the
              else. It just makes it a more creative and fluid   the creative process, I just love being in that little   moments that come with it rather than being on
              environment for me.                 headspace. If it's just me writing on my own, I   my phone all the time, because I really value the
                 "It's a very high energy thing, but it's not ex-  really value that time, getting lost in a flow of   time I spend with the people in my life."
              actly a band; it's my own thing, but, when you   music, and, for me, that is a very beautiful place
              go and see it live, it's a band."   to be, and I enjoy that moment, so that is an-  e ask our songstress what world she
                 Having mentioned she writes all her songs,   other reason why I do it."   Whopes she will leave behind, both per-
              we feel it is important at this point to also ad-  "Musically, the things that drive me, I'm quite   sonally and musically, and what she hopes she
              dress how much of the music you hear when   an ambitious person anyway", she tells us. "I   might be remembered for in years to come.
              you listen to Rews away from a live show comes   suppose, a lot of what I said before, about how   “I'd like to just make sure whatever music of
              from her own hands as well. "The only thing I   good relationships with people, have happiness   mine is left behind continues to inspire people
              don't play is drums," she tells Black Velvet. "But,   and be able to talk about things openly and hon-  to do what they love and add a little positivity to
              I do write some of the drum parts and I can play   estly. Those are the kind of things which really   life, which can often be a little up and down.
              the drums, but I think, for the record, I'm not as   drive me as a person, and also with my music.   And, I suppose, I also want to inspire more
              good as those who I've had come in and play   "From a music point of view, I also love   women,and people who identify as women, to
              for me on the record. And, while I hope I will get   songs that have slightly different chord se-  feel empowered in the musical world, and I hope
              there eventually, it's nice having other people in-  quences and make the hairs stand up on the   that it continues to be more equal, in time."
              volved, because I do really enjoy collaborating   back of your neck. Those kind of songs that I   Her last words bring to mind another lyric in
              with others.                        hear and wish I had written them myself and that   the song of, 'Crossing your borders', so we ask
                 "But everything else you hear is me!"    will drive me to think about certain chord se-  of the kind of borders she would like to see
                                                  quences in my future songs in the hope I can   brought down in the future.
                    hat explained, we turn to the songs to   achieve that myself."      "I think, generally, just acceptance across
                 Tbe found within the new record and the   The album’s opening track, 'The World That   the board for people who are maybe a little dif-
              many themes and emotions it contains. 'Breathe   You Left Behind', contains the simple, but   ferent. The thing is, the people who are in the
              Into Me' was one of several songs released as   thought-provoking question, ‘Is this the world   minority are sometimes the people who get
              singles in the build-up to the album launch. With   that you left behind?’. We ask Shauna for her   overlooked and their voices aren't heard as
              the lyric, ‘Everything I do, I did all for you’, we   thoughts on the world that this generation is   loudly, and I think it is important to fly the flag for
              ask why Shauna does what she does, who it is   leaving behind.         anyone and maybe there are groups who don't
              for and what she gets from it herself.   She responds by telling Black Velvet, "It's   have their voices heard.
                 "Music, for me, is a therapy, I guess, in   difficult to tell, isn't it? Because sometimes, we   "So, I do think if everyone was a little more
              many ways," she replies. "The main reason why   get so stuck in our own ways and the way we   accepting of everyone, regardless of what their
              I do music is because I really value connection   think things should be and sometimes we   differences are, we would have a more trusting
              in my life and, I feel, music really helps connect   should embrace the change.   and beautiful world. Not that we don't have one
              people from lots of different walks of life and   "I have eight nieces and nephews who are   already, but there is definitely room for improve-
              backgrounds. I really value honesty through   aged 16 to 2, and from them, I'm able to see the   ment."
              music and the way it can speak to our souls   generations change, in a way, so I'm seeing
              and, in different ways, that language itself can,   things like social media become such a big thing   nother of the many highlights of the
              in some way, if you know what I mean.   now. For me, sometimes, I find it quite frustrat-  Arecord is ‘Pretty Face’, where she sings,
                 "It speaks to deeper levels of your con-  ing because it's becoming a world where you   ‘Hold your pretty face like that, or else I'll take it
              sciousness as well, and it helps you through   have to be constantly living online in order to do   away, yeah that's what he said about it,’ and,
              hard times, but can also intensify the good times   or achieve anything, especially if you are a cre-  given her comments about social media, we ask
              in your life as well, and that is what I hope to   ative artist. You have to juggle many plates to   if she feels that there is an increased pressure
              achieve with the music I write.     do these things and I find that quite fatiguing   for people to look and act a certain way for fear

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