Page 30 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine Issue 109
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BV109 pg 28-31 Rews.qxp_BV109 pg 30 08/12/2023 22:07 Page 3
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of being excluded or penalised if they don't. boasts a highly entertaining video, which con- of time thinking about music and why I love
Shauna responds, "Yeah, it's an interesting firms our interviewee can clearly make a mean music, and it let me get back to the root of why
one, because now, online, there are so many al- fairy cake. Shauna sings, ‘Don't think I told ya. I love making music. I just need to make sure I
gorithms which pitch certain looks to certain I'm not your soldier, I'll write my programme.’ do more of the things I enjoy doing, rather than
people. So, in my feed, what I see mostly is, On the subject of her own programme, she letting myself get bogged down with things like
well, a variety of things, actually! I see a lot of tells us, “I really value equality in the world. Any- social media, which I don't enjoy as much."
women playing musical instruments, who come time I see someone who has been left out or has And is this something she would suggest to
in all shapes and sizes and looks, so, I guess, not been given a chance, for any reason, I really someone experiencing that same thing, that
my algorithm is women who play music, which try to fight for those people. I think it's important sometimes less can be more. She replies,
is interesting. to be a voice for someone who feels left out. I "Yeah, that's it. Because people will often tell
"But, on other feeds, for example, my sister think it comes from people being bullied at you that you need to live, eat, sleep and breathe
is a beautician, so she sees lots of things like school and, I guess, I experienced some of that music in the industry and it is a lifestyle. You do
that come up for her, because of what she is try- when I was younger, to be honest. So, it's good have to put a lot of your heart and soul into it,
ing to promote, and so, depending on what is to speak up for those people if you can. and money as well, but the balance is very im-
targeted at you, will make you think that is how "I also fight for rock music generally, as a portant.
the world is, in a way. And, I think, maybe that is genre, because I think it is dying a little in a way, "You do need to work really hard and be pre-
where people start to compare themselves to and I'm like, ‘COME ON! We need more rock pared to burn the candle at both ends, but you
others, and what is going on also need to make sure you don't
around the world, and what peo- let that candle go out and allow it
ple look like, and I think that does “Anytime I see someone who has been left out or has a rest when needed, and allow
create an expectation of people not been given a chance, for any reason, I really try to yourself to focus on the things you
thinking they need to look and enjoy, and stay healthy, try and do
dress a certain way. fight for those people. I think it's important to be a voice some kind of exercise, because
"I think there is a little bit of for someone who feels left out.” - Shauna Tohill that is so good for your mind.
an uprising against that now, in "I find, if you go for a walk
some capacity, because I feel when you get up in the morning,
there are more people now valuing authenticity music’. I don't think it's dying, really. I just don't and not drink as much, and eat good food, you'll
and being more human. Like the hashtag #no- think it's as popular in some respects, and peo- feel a lot more positive about everything, so
makeupday, where people are being a little ple have to dig a bit more to find it, and there is that's the advice I would give: balance it with
more themselves, and I think that is brilliant that some really good support for rock but I love see- things which aren't music."
people are putting that kind of stuff out there. ing people rocking out, especially women and But is this something which gets harder with
"I don't think it is an easy world, but, I think, young people." age?
even without social media, you would still have That said, we ask Shauna if there are any "It's a good question, actually", she tells us.
those who think people should look a certain examples in the world of people who have "You can always make time for the things you
way. And that is the same in rock music, that a fought or are fighting for something which she love. You just need to make it happen. It's diffi-
man or woman in rock music should like this be- has found particularly inspirational. “Gosh, there cult, because, as you get more responsibilities,
cause that is the example people expect. It's an are lots of people," is her immediate response. you have to meet certain bills, you get a mort-
interesting one, because sometimes you do "You know, Greta (Thunberg), I find her gage, children, so many other things which can
have to look a certain way if you want to push amazing. When I first came across her, I just take up your time, and yes, those things are re-
forward in a certain field or genre, but it's just thought she's so young, but she has so many ally important. But also, it's important to take a
about making sure you are doing it because it's well-formulated things, which I thought was wee bit of time for yourself. Even if it's an hour a
what you want to do and that you are always amazing. I know there is a little controversy week to do some painting, then definitely make
being yourself. about some of the things she has said in the that happen. Or an hour to go for a walk. Every-
"I believe that if you are confident in that past, and I probably need to educate myself bet- one can make that time somewhere, and yes, it
thing, people will accept you and if they don't, ter on that, but, in the initial stages, I loved and does get harder as you get older, but I would al-
then they are probably not the people you was excited about how passionate she was, and ways encourage people to make that space for
should be spending your time worrying about, in that she wasn't afraid to say how it is and spread themselves, because it really is so important."
my opinion." the word about the environment. And, I think that
Having touched upon the expectations of is pretty brave, especially for a young woman. nother of the album's singles, 'Lock Your
people in rock music to look or act in a certain It's amazing. So, she would be one person who AHorns', sees Shauna sing, ‘I'm not giv-
way, we ask her if this issomething she has ex- stands out. ing up til the end’, and, with these words brought
perienced personally. Our frontwoman tells us, "There are plenty out there, but she is the to Shauna's attention, we ask if she could con-
"There are definitely comments that people do one which immediately sprung to my mind." clude by telling us more about what her long-
say, and have said in the past, but I always do term goals are for Rews.
my best to not let any of it get to me. It used to peaking of passion, this brings us nicely "I would love to just dominate the world with
get to me a lot more, but then, I was just, ‘I need Sto 'Misery', a song which boasts a par- Rews," she says, with a big laugh. "No, I think,
to accept me for me and that's the way it's going ticularly thought-provoking line, ‘My dreams ultimately, success for me is just knowing people
to be’. have let me down’, and, during her recent live actually love the music and I can inspire people,
"But I do think there is an expectation that shows, she told her audiences, when introduc- and I feel like a lot of those goals are being met
women in rock should dress in a certain way, I ing this song, that it is about falling out of love with this latest album. Ideally, I would like to get
guess that I would feel comfortable dressing. I with your passion and the difficulties in continu- a nice team together and do some more touring.
remember once, before a photo shoot I did, ing with it. I would love to be able to go to the States and
someone said to me, ‘Shauna, you're a pretty She explains, "I was just burnt out. It was Australia, as well as the UK, and just for the
girl, you should be acting like one,’ which is why during the pandemic and I was doing a lot of so- songs to continue to reach people.
I wrote 'Pretty Face'. I don't even know what cial media stuff and it was just me and the "I would also like to write songs for other
they meant when they said that to me. I still screen. My other half was in the house as well, people. That would be a really cool thing to do
don't, because I don't know what way anyone but I just constantly felt like, ‘I NEED TO BE and is something I am going to focus more on
else would expect me to dress. DOING MORE SOCIAL MEDIA!' It was just me as well, but yeah, those are the main points at
"There will always be people who make constantly fighting against what was going on the moment. Just for more people to hear it and
judgements, who think you should dress like and trying to understand where I existed in with be inspired by it.
this, or act like that. Is it getting better? Maybe it the whole thing. "I don't necessarily want to be a particularly
is, but I always try to challenge people who say "Because I was working the whole time and famous person. I don't really want to be stopped
things like that and try and make them think I wasn't spending much time outside of music, in the street all the time, I just want it to be suc-
about it from another angle and push that ac- the joy fell away, because I was working too cessful enough!"
ceptance thing. That this is who I am, this is how hard, basically, and I became burnt out. So
I'll be dressing or whatever it is, and pushing for- yeah, I just needed some time away to do some- ut don't be fooled by these somewhat
ward in that way." thing else for a bit, so I wound up studying for a Bmodest ambitions, Shauna is making
degree in physiotherapy, so I'm now a physio- something very, very special with her alter ego
nother standout song of the new album therapist! and the third album is a triumph for a project
Ais 'Not Your Soldier', which, by the way, "During that time, it let me spend a little bit which is showing no signs of slowing down - so