Page 8 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 108
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BV108 pg 04-09 Eva Under Fire.qxp_BV108 pg08  19/06/2023  17:19  Page 5

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              sucks! I’ll  just try to be my best self all the time.”   ing together is what I love about music and what   that at some point she would love to do some-
                                                  I love about the rock shows specifically. Live   thing as a nonprofit organisation. “So, I start as
                     hen it comes to being the best version   concerts are where I see people from all walks   an individual psychotherapist, then, hopefully,
                 Wof the band, the members combine   of life; we are under one roof and we are cele-  once music is paying my bills I would love to
              their collective love of rock, metal, punk and pop   brating one thing, and a lot of times that’s to-  open something, see a need somewhere and be
              to create diversity in Eva Under Fire’s sound.   getherness. I believe in humanity. I think a lot of   able to utilise that with a company, or cause,
              Sometimes it’s haunting and delicate, some-  people have lost that because of things that are   somehow. There is a terrifying mental health
              times it’s fierce and filled with attitude. They’ve   happening in the world. Those that are in power   problem, especially where we are from in the
              added this combination to the songs they have   acting on their own behalf really present a neg-  United States, that not enough people are talk-
              covered over the past few years too. Check out   ative light about humanity. I think that real hu-  ing about and certainly not enough people are
              the band’s excellent renditions of U2’s ‘With Or   manity is in conversations like these. Getting to   doing anything about, which is why I love what
              Without You’, Journey’s ‘Separate Ways (Worlds   know other people and talking to people on the   Sweet Relief is doing. Musicians are such a
              Apart)’ and their most recent, a delivery of Black   street. Paying attention to - how can we be help-  community of people that bring so much to so
              Sabbath’s classic ‘War Pigs’. The latter cover   ful? How can we be kind? I think that’s probably   many, yet they do not have a lot of access to re-
              was shared and given a seal of approval from   the most important.”     sources when it comes to mental health. It’s so
              one of Sabbath’s founding                                                          expensive. Eventually, I would
              members, Geezer Butler, via his   “I think that real humanity is in conversations like   like to see that side evolve into
              personal  Twitter account. It may                                                  being another dream of mine,
              be over 50 years old, but the  these. Getting to know other people and talking to   to serve that need somewhere
              lyrics included within ‘War Pigs’   people on the street. Paying attention to ­ how can   along the line.”
              are still very relevant today.
                 “I felt the same way,” Eva  we be helpful? How can we be kind? I think that’s         oming across a quote
              says. “If I can relate to a song,   probably the most important.” ­ Eva Marie         Conline that read, ‘I am
              that’s the ticket for me. It’s wild                                                not a product of my circum-
              because it was written all those                                                   stances; I am a product of my
              years ago. It was generations ago that that song                       decisions’, reminded us of how Eva’s life could
              came out and yet I still find that it’s relevant.     lot of people will be coming together and   have so easily taken a different path. Black Vel-
              Originally we had covered it during the pan-  Agetting to know Eva Under Fire’s music   vet asks how Eva feels about what she has
              demic, so we intended for it to be released at   after seeing the band’s first European tour,   achieved because of the decisions she has
              that time. The powers that be all have their opin-  opening for Skillet. This tour is also the band’s   made.
              ions about when we should release what, so it   first with drummer Dave Miller II, who has taken   Eva ponders before answering. “I can say
              didn’t end up happening that way. But now, I’m   over the drum kit, after Newsom left the band   I’m proud of myself. I think that’s helpful,” she
              so grateful that we can use it and pay tribute, be-  earlier this year to pursue other ventures away   responds. “A lot of people see concepts like
              cause they are still lyrics that people will feel.”   from music.      pride or selfishness in a very negative tone, but
                 With the war in the Ukraine still ongoing fol-  Eva gushes about the opening night of the   I think there is room for that, there should be
              lowing Russia’s invasion, this song is very apt.   tour, which started here in England. “We showed   room for that in our lives. What we’ve chosen to
              ‘Politicians hide themselves away / They only   up in Manchester; there was a crazy amount of   do, despite what we may have learned, or where
              started the war / Why should they go out to   people. It was my birthday and they sang ‘Happy   we’ve come from. So, I can say I’m proud of my-
              fight? / They leave that role to the poor’. We   Birthday’! I tried so hard not to cry. I was like,   self and I do take some time to be selfish. Cer-
              rarely see world leaders lead in a way that the   ‘You’re going to screw up all of the makeup that   tain moments I’m just, ‘I need a breather, I need
              Ukrainian president has. Volodymyr Zelenskyy   just took you an hour and a half to do!’ I was def-  a little self care, I need a nap,’” she laughs. “It’s
              has put the needs of his country and its resi-  initely teary, but it was really cool.”   the simple things,” Eva continues, “I talk a lot
              dents first. He has motivated and inspired not   Eva tells us that the band had already been   about my feelings because, in my lyrics, that’s
              only the Ukrainians in their resilience, but the   informed that rock music fans in the UK and Eu-  my therapy, I feel that’s where I can share a lot
              whole world.                        rope are different to those in the United States.    of the heavy tones that people gravitate to and
                 We ask Eva her thoughts on how much of   “We grew up in a different world. Back   might relate to. But, in my everyday life it’s the
              an impact the people we choose to be led by   home, where we are from, in Detroit, we played   simple things, the little things that help me get
              have on how we react and cope in certain situ-  in all these little bars. It’s not an experimental   by. So I’m happy that I learned that too, from my
              ations. “I think politicians are all stressful!” Eva   sort of place; people are bandwagon fans where   parents and where I’m from.”
              replies. “As a matter of fact, the cinematogra-  we’re from. You have to be somebody before
              pher who is here today, he’s from the UK, we   they come to the shows. If not, then it’s just fam-  our years ago, on the band’s social
              were chatting and he’s given us a couple of po-  ily and the girlfriends of the other bands; that’s   Fmedia page, Eva wrote, ‘Pain is worth
              litical themes that they have here. We shared   the only people that are going to be standing -   enduring if I better myself because of it. Grief
              the same thing that’s happening in the US. I   there’s like fifteen people in this little tiny bar and   can’t take me down if I put it down on paper first.
              think it happens all over the place, where those   that’s how we grew up playing rock music.   Maybe I’ll use my brokenness so someone else
              that are in power stay in power, and do for other   Everybody says, ‘You guys are so fun to watch,’   can feel more whole. Sometimes healing leaves
              people in power. It’s just this nasty cycle that   and we’re like, ‘Yeah, we had to compete with   a mark, but that doesn’t mean we can’t move
              continues to feed itself and so the rest of us are   whatever was on the sports television in the   forward.’
              just sort of left gaping at it, and trying to wrap   back of the bar and the pool tables’. We had to   Look how far Eva and Eva Under Fire have
              our brain around it. I think that it does bring a lot   be the entertainment; we’d jump around and   come since then. How many people their music
              of people together, no matter where we go. I   have fun, put loud colours on and sparkle guitars   has helped. How many smiles they have put on
              don’t know that there’s a ton of influence in my   because we want to be flashy, like, ‘Here we   the faces of those standing in front of them at a
              daily life. I try to walk around outside and see   are!’ But here, we don’t need to work so hard,   show. That figure will continue to rise, because
              the trees and not watch the news. There’s a lot   people are already paying attention. You guys   Eva Under Fire are only just getting started!
              of fear and there’s a lot of crazy things that peo-  are great at that here. I don’t need to do any-
              ple do all the time and I just don’t choose to par-  thing for you guys. I think I said that during the   Visit  and
              take in that negativity. I think that a lot of people   performance last night, ‘I don’t have to tell you for
              could do with a lot more hugs than anything   nothing, sing it again!’” Eva laughs. “Rock fans   more info on Eva Under Fire.
              else!” Eva smiles. “It’s scary to know that   are different here and we saw it. We were like,
              Ukraine, the things that are happening over   ‘This is awesome!’”         If you, or someone you know is struggling
              there, that's the real world. I guess I’m not sug-                     with mental health issues or substance abuse,
              gesting that we should ignore it, but I’m definitely   s the doors for more touring opportuni-  please seek help. There is hope in recovery.
              suggesting that we should hug each other   Aties open for the band, Eva reveals that   Useful sites:
              through it.”                        she still hopes to continue and evolve her role
                 Eva Under Fire has their own song called   as a psychotherapist.
              ‘War’, from the EP of the same name. The track   “Honestly, I would love to continue on. I
              includes the lyrics, ‘Fight for what you stand for’.   worked really hard for that degree so I want to   Words By Penny and Sam Gower
              As a band, or personally, what values are most   keep going as much as I can. I have big dreams
              important to them? we ask.          for that, too.” she admits.                        Band Photos by Jeremy Saffer
                                                                                                  Eva Marie Live Photo by Sam Gower
                 “I really think that the whole concept of com-  Eva expands on those dreams, revealing   Band Live Photo By Harris Tomlinson-Spence
                EVA UNDER FIRE
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