Page 6 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 108
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BV108 pg 04-09 Eva Under Fire.qxp_BV108 pg06  17/06/2023  16:53  Page 3

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                        hen not on rockstar duties, the band's dynamic frontwoman and lyricist,
                 WAmanda ‘Eva Marie’ Lyberg, is not only an advocate for mental health and
              self­care, she is also a psychotherapist by trade. With May being the month in which
              a spotlight is shone on Mental Health Awareness, there could not be a better time
              for Black Velvet to meet up with Eva Marie.

                     y name is Eva or Amanda or what-  their first album together - ‘Anchors’. By the end   is any less pressure, no," Eva responds. "You
                 ‘Mever. Eva is a musician. Amanda is a   of 2018, two EP’s had been added to their cata-  still feel terrible, but there is a moment of accept-
              therapist. And I'm both.’ This was the introduc-  logue: ‘War’ and ‘Heavy On The Heart’. The line-  ance. Anyone who's ever loved an addict would
              tion Eva gave in her first mental health blog writ-  up had been adjusted by this point too, with   know that there is this endless cycle that gets
              ten for Sweet Relief Musicians Fund - a   Llewellyn being replaced by current bassist, Ed   stuck on repeat, and it is, until they have had
              nonprofit charity which provides emergency fi-  Gawlik.                enough. You can only do what you can do, and
              nancial assistance and other support to career   Eva Under Fire’s fanbase was growing and   the way that you support them is important, but
              musicians and music industry professionals.   they were emerging from the underground rock-  the way that you have your own space is impor-
                 Talking to Black Velvet about adopting ‘Eva’   scene.  A deal with Better Noise Music was   tant too. That’s just survival, emotionally it’s sur-
              as her persona, the singer reveals that she feels   signed, as work began on what would become   vival. It’s no less pressure but it’s definitely like
              it is like a crown that the audience has given to   ‘Love, Drugs & Misery’. Originally scheduled to   a sobering moment and a breath of fresh air, to
              her. “Eva started off as a song reference that ac-  be released in March 2020, the worldwide pan-  be like, ‘Okay this is where we’re at. This is
              tually Chris (Eva Under Fire guitarist) came up   demic put a halt to that. Fortunately, the record   where I’m at and I don’t need to do this any-
              with. Then everybody started asking me, ‘Who’s   label came up with other plans: adding Eva   more’.”
              Eva?’ ‘How's Eva? Are you Eva?’ So eventually   Under Fire’s music to movie soundtracks. This   Setting boundaries is extremely important.
              the short answer was just, ‘Yes, I am’.” she   move proved successful for the band.    If boundaries are not set, it could lead to code-
              laughs. “I feel like I was named that, I was   The critically acclaimed horror, ‘The Retal-  pendent behaviour; which can have negative ef-
              crowned that. I wear that as a badge. It’s a really   iators’, produced by Better Noise Films, was the   fects on both the codependent person in the
              cool way of people recognising that this is, it’s   perfect backdrop for Eva Under Fire’s high-oc-  relationship and the person struggling with sub-
              meant to be inspiring and empowering, but also   tane anthem ‘Blow’, featuring Ice Nine Kills front-  stance abuse. But when you are seeing a loved
              relatable. So when people say, ‘To us, you are   man Spencer Charnas. Both Eva and Charnas   one suffer, it must be hard to stay strong and not
              Eva’, I say ‘Beautiful’, I’ll take that all day long!”     appear in the movie, alongside some of the   fall back into doing those things for them again.
                                                  biggest names in rock. with cameos from mem-  “Totally. Yeah, it’s really hard.” Eva agrees. “Be-
                    espite being raised on rock music,   bers of Motley Crue, Papa Roach, Five Finger   cause, of course, you still feel like you need to
                 Dthanks to her parents love of the genre,   Death Punch, Escape The Fate and more. Its   do these things. Every moment that you feel like
              Eva has been known to describe herself as a   rock star casting and soundtrack drew in the   that, it’s like, ‘Wait a minute, look in the mirror,
              nerdy 90s pop kid. It wasn’t until discovering a   rock/metal crowd, and ‘Blow’ soon climbed up   back up a minute,’ you know, because…” Eva
              love for nu-metal, and feeling the unique energy   the radio airways rankings stateside. It also in-  pauses before continuing, “that saying about
              that can only be felt at a rock concert, that Eva   troduced the band to new listeners on streaming   misery loves company, it’s like they will bring you
              found her home. However, after joining her first   services worldwide.   down if you allow them too, and with them. You
              band at high school, the aspiring rocker almost                        will destroy yourself trying to help this person
              didn’t perform with them when they entered a   rior to 'Blow' propelling the band further   stay up off the floor. If they are determined to be
              ‘Battle of the Bands’ competition.  At that point   Ptowards the mainstream, it was the   there, they’re determined to be there and there
              she did not feel ‘cool’ enough to be part of the   song ‘Heroin(e)’ - used in the movie ‘Sno Babies’   is nothing you can do about it.” Referring to the
              rock music scene and worried about what peo-  - that really started that ball rolling. 'Sno Babies'   talk she had with her father, Eva says, “It’s a
              ple would think of her. Eva was persuaded by   is a harrowing tale of two teens who hide their   heartbreaking moment, but it was definitely
              her friends to go through with the competition,   heroin addiction from their middle-class parents.   needed. I feel like I was able to demand truth
              and the band she was fronting won.   The movie was a call to action, to remind people   and sanity because of that. You know, I started
                 “I grew up a super shy kid, which is very   that the drug epidemic is still prevalent, and not   telling people, ‘I’m not keeping your secrets any-
              strange now, looking at that,” Eva reveals; “I did-  only amongst those in the lower classes.   more. I’m not going to be the only one doing this
              n’t have a lot of self confidence as a young per-  The official music video for 'Heroin(e)' is a   anymore. This is what I need. So, if you’re going
              son.”                               YouTube fundraiser. Thanks to viewers' gener-  to bring it to my door, be prepared for me to start
                 Fast-forward a few years later, and the   ous donations, over US$15,200 has been raised   squawking to whoever else needs to hear this
              super shy youngster has blossomed into a   to help support people in recovery, via the non-  and help me. This is your stuff, but if you bring it
              young woman who can walk in front of any au-  profit Global Recovery Initiatives Foundation.    here, I get to have a say about that, and how I
              dience and command attention. Singing feisty   Eva has often shared her own story - in in-  react and how I respond. If you don’t like the
              songs such as ‘Coming For Blood’ - a kick-ass   terviews and through song lyrics - of growing up   way I respond then don’t bring it here.’”
              motivational, all guns blazing track - about con-  with both parents being addicted to heroin.
              stantly getting knocked down, bruised and bro-  Thankfully, Eva’s mother has been able to find   n England, over 3,000 people die every
              ken, but always getting back up again. Eva tells   the road to sobriety, but sadly, her father lost his   Iyear due to drug misuse. Earlier this year,
              Black Velvet that there has always been that fire   life as a result of his addiction.    the UK government announced that the Depart-
              inside her; that fire which allows her to keep   ‘Heroin(e)’ was written by Eva, from her first-  ment of Health and Social Care (DHSC) is pro-
              going and do the best she can, regardless of   hand experience of what it’s like having those   viding an additional £154.3 million in grants over
              what life may throw at her. “It was hidden for a   closest to you suffer from substance abuse and   the next two years to increase and improve the
              while,” the singer admits. “Throughout the years   addiction. Bearing her soul, the lyrics express   services available. This is in addition to the gov-
              I surrounded myself with a lot of people who   how you cannot save people from themselves,   ernment's current drug strategy: ‘From harm to
              would help me with that. So now, it’s much bet-  only they can do that. Recalling the time when   hope: A 10-year drugs plan to cut crime and
              ter. That fire was always there, even then. I was   that realisation came, Eva opens up to Black   save lives’. In which the government proposed
              still actively doing a ton of things as a kid, never   Velvet. “I do remember that moment. I was sit-  that they will be: ‘Investing almost £900 million
              really getting into trouble but, you know, trying   ting at the table talking to my father. I said, ‘You   of additional funding over three years to deliver
              to always push my limits. If I was in swimming, I   know this is your thing. This is your walk. I’ll love   54,500 more treatment places, prevent nearly
              had to be the best swimmer; if it was the grade,   you until the end, but I can’t…I can’t give you   1,000 deaths, and close over 2,000 more county
              I wanted the best grade. There has always been   money; I can’t drop you off anywhere.’ He knew   lines.’
              something that I have pushed for.”     at that moment too and accepted it. We had a   It’s a positive step in helping to save more
                                                  lot of great conversations after that, where he   lives. Statistics show that around three million
                    va Under Fire formed in Michigan in   WAS trying. I think that it is important to also tell   people in England and Wales report using drugs
                 E2015, completed by Rob Lyberg (Gui-  that individual how you’re feeling, and what   each year. The number of people in treatment
              tar), Jeff Llewellyn (Bass), Chris Slapnik (Guitar)   you’re going to do and not do anymore.”    for substance misuse (in particular opioid and
              and Corey Newsom (Drums). Already seasoned   Did you feel less pressure on yourself when   alcohol) has had a higher increase for adults
              musicians, it didn’t take long for them to unleash   you came to that realisation? “I don’t think there   aged between 30-54 years old, with 70% of peo-

                EVA UNDER FIRE
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