Page 12 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 108
P. 12
BV108 pg10-13 The Answer Interview.qxp_BV108 pg 12 12/06/2023 20:14 Page 3
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stead, it is more of a continuation from their whether he hopes he will leave the world in a rus for the song and he sent it through as an
last record, 'Solas'. better place than he found it. instrumental under the title 'California Rust',
"I think it's a bit of both," he replies. "It def- "I suppose I've always looked upon mak- and I honestly thought it was meant to be
initely feels like, when we came back in, a lot ing music as a reward that there are songs some kind of Led Zeppelin thing and the title
of the same chemistry was there, but it was out there that will be there forever. They are was some kind of pisstake!
also different - and I think it had to be. out there in the universe and always will be", "So, I fact-checked it with him and he told
"That was one of the reasons why we he tells Black Velvet. me it was true, and then I thought it was a
stepped away from it from a while. We knew "It reminds me of Michael Lang when he great title! But I did Google it as well, to make
that if we were going to do a seventh record put on the first Woodstock, where he wanted sure it wasn't another song name for another
we just needed to break free from all the ex- to start with a green field, put in this amazing band and it wasn't, but it also confirmed what
ternal pressures from the music industry concert, bring all these amazing bands to- he'd said about there being no rust in Califor-
which we were feeling at the time. To maybe gether and, when that was all done, all that nia was true! So, it just sparked a train of
have to write a particular song in a particular would be left was a green field. I mean, if thought and it also gave me the idea for the
way or whatever. And that's not to say we've that's how you live your life, that's no bad line ‘I heal quickly’, which became the lead
ever pandered to anyone over the years, but thing. line for the chorus. It's just a song about
we kinda needed to go away and clear our "But hopefully, if we can put enough rolling with the punches and taking everything
heads and come back at it. music out there, something good will stick and that life throws at you and emerging the other
"We needed to make sure we were doing last longer than I will. I'm very proud of the side a better person for it."
it, first and foremost, for ourselves, and there music we've created since day one, but we've It could be interpreted that 'California
was a freshness to that and, in a sense, it was always had a very high bar with the quality Rust' is a good way to describe the band as
a rebirth, which I think you can hear in the control of the music we do record. We don't well, as, even after their absence, they have
record, and, rather than completely departing record a track just for a bit of a filler or rush it returned to the world every bit as brilliant as
from our roots, we are very much nurturing or anything. We get in there and we make before, maybe even better.
the soul of the band you know and we are try- sure what we're doing is something we can "I mean, I do think we are the best version
ing to take it to a different place at the same be proud of." of ourselves that we ever have been,” Cor-
time." Another of the many standout tracks on mac agrees. “And I think that is because we
the new album is 'Blood Brother'. We ask Cor- understand how to bring the best out in each
e says that working on different cre- mac if he believes their ability to reform after other and in ourselves. And I think it is an ex-
Hative projects during the past few so much time away has cemented his rela- citing time to be in The Answer."
years, in different
genres and outside urther down in
of what The Answer “We’ve got to just try our best and remember Fthe album track-
is, has helped them when it's good versus evil, you've got to do your list is a song called 'Livin'
return as more expe- On The Line', which lis-
rienced songwriters, bit for good.” Cormac Neeson teners may be able to re-
but also, with a late to, with the much
slightly clearer per- discussed cost of living
spective of what it is they were trying to tionship with his bandmates as blood broth- crisis bringing misery and hard times. Some
achieve with 'Sundowners'. ers. households may not be able to afford rock
"I think it was a nice cohesion to the whole Without any hesitation he tells us, "That concerts as much as they used to.
experience and a nice sense of focus, and it was one thing we became very aware of "I suppose, in relation to what we do, I
helped having those various other projects for when we first got back in a room together, mean, most of the shows on this tour have
outlets for various different creative urges, was how important our relationship with each sold out and, with how things are for many at
and it allowed us to really focus in with a very other is. We've been in this band since we the moment, it just makes us even more ap-
clear identity this time around." were 18. It's a big part of our identity and I preciative of the people who do come out to
Cormac tells us more about the inspira- think we'd all missed having that. It's one of see us,”Cormac says. “Music fans… as a
tions and influences which prompted the re- the central pillars in our lives." music fan myself, we do need to try and do
turn at this time. Of course, maintaining a relationship our best to support bands that are out there,
"There was no set plan when we stepped such as this isn't an easy task, and certainly because, in an age where robots can now
away from it. There was always the intention not when it comes to musicians. There are write music, we need that human experience
to pick it back up again, but there was no few bands who can lay claim to retaining an more than ever.
plan. There was no ‘let's meet up at this spot original line-up for as long as The Answer "The wider social and economic aspects
on this particular day at this particular time have, even before their break. Cormac, of it all, you know, we're all in it together, we're
and recommence.’ It was really a call from our bassist Micky Waters, guitarist Paul Mahon all feeling the weirdness of post-Covid, post-
record label, Golden Robot, in Australia, and drummer James Heatley have stuck to- Brexit, Liz Truss, the war (in Ukraine), that's
which prompted the initial discussion. gether through thick and thin. a very, very terrible thing and a shadow which
"The CEO of the label got in touch with "It is a sum of all parts", Cormac com- hangs over us all, but we’ve got to just try our
our manager and just said, ‘You know, I think ments. "I just think we struck very lucky in re- best and remember when it's good versus
The Answer are a great band and we would lation to the band dynamic just working. We're evil, you've got to do your bit for good."
really like to do a record with them,’ and our all into different things, it's not like we are His words bring us very neatly to 'All To-
manager said, ‘Well, we'll mention it to them identical human beings, and I've seen many gether', a track where Cormac cries, ‘People
and see what they say,’ and it went from good bands not stand the test of time, and not come together, all you got, all your love, all
there." because they weren't great musicians or you got in your head and in your heart.’ We
And did the reunion feel natural to him great songwriters, but it was because the ask him if there have been moments over the
and his bandmates? "Yeah, it did," he replies. band dynamic just wasn't right. particularly difficult recent months and years
"I think the first session was tough enough, al- "And there is no set formula for that, it's where people have come together which
most like getting back together with an ex-girl- the same with any band that is starting out. have stood out for him and been especially in-
friend. The little awkwardness which comes You just need to give it a go and be patient spirational to witness.
from that, but it didn't take long to break and,thankfully, it has just worked out for us.” "During Covid there were lots of beautiful
through that barrier, and, once we had done moments like that," he recalls, smiling as he
that, it was just fun; just four guys enjoying alifornia Rust', the third song on thinks back of the fond memories. "I was in-
each other’s company and making music in 'C‘Sundowners’, is truly one of the volved in a weekly Saturday evening, in-the-
an environment which feels like our exact na- most beautiful songs in the band's history. round gig, that myself and a few songwriter
ture at this stage." "You don't rust in California, that's the first friends of mine organised every Saturday at
thing,” says Cormac, when explaining the 7pm, and it was all totally free, and we devel-
n the title track Cormac sings, ‘Gonna song. “I was not aware of that and Paul came oped this lovely community where people
Ileave the world like I found her’. We ask up with the original riff and first verse and cho- were just looking forward to kicking back with