Page 8 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 107
P. 8

BV107 albums pg 08.qxp_BV107 pg 08  04/12/2022  17:39  Page 1

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                                      So, yes, 'Pawns &   KENSHIRO!           unique  Texan  rockers   have likely already forged
                                   Kings' doesn't quite rein-  DEATH GRIP EP   Nothing More when vocal-  an opinion on Nothing
                                   vent the Alter Bridge wheel   (PUNCH-IN-THE-FACE)   ist Jonny Hawkins cries   More but if nothing else,
                                   but it does confirm its posi-  Metal fans unite; this is   ‘some people's minds just   'Spirits' is more than suffi-
                                   tion as one of the best and   one gritty, rocking, head-  aren't worth changing,   cient that if you are not a
                                   longest-standing in rock   banging EP to get stuck   some people's games just   fan to make you give them
                                   today.                into. KENSHIRO! are a   aren't worth playing’ and   another listen.
                                                YYYY     Norwegian metalcore trio,   this is a very apt lyric when   YYYY
                                          Michael Coventry   self-producing this kicker of   considering the bands sixth   Michael Coventry
                                                         a debut EP, ‘Death Grip’.   studio album 'Spirits'. From
                                                         Get ready to feel the ag-  the moment 'Turn It Up
              ALTER BRIDGE                               gression and heavy, stand-  Like (Stand In  The Fire)'
              PAWNS & KINGS                              out drums and guitar solos   kicks into top gear there is
              (NAPALM)                                   amidst the melodic and   no denying that this record
                 While some artists                      striking nature of the bass   is going to be a full-on as-
              reach a crossroads in their                and vocals that provide a   sault on the senses and a
              career and decide to take a                release and means of es-  quite brilliant, sometimes
              sharp turn and try some-                   cape for the anger and   bananas, blend of heavy
              thing new, when it comes                   emotion within, or an as-  rock, nu-metal and proba-
              to global giants Alter Bridge              sertively dynamic five-track   bly some other stuff that
              and their seventh studio                   EP to sink your metalcore   you can't quite define
              album 'Pawns & Kings',   SKID ROW          teeth into, or both, at full   which all helps make Noth-  THE HUNNA
              they have elected to con-  THE GANG’S ALL HERE   volume of course!    ing More... well, Nothing   THE HUNNA
              tinue on their tried and   (EARMUSIC)         Lyrics add a depth to   More.          (LMW)
              trusted path, which will de-  This is Skid Row’s first   this infectiously tenacious   But any fears that this   Releasing their fourth
              light fans. Myles Kennedy   full album in 16 years and   EP with an inspiration to   is just more of the same is   record, the self-titled album
              and Mark Tremonti are fast   the wait has most definitely   get up and go, to cry, to   quickly dispelled with 'You   from The Hunna is a fitting
              becoming rock's latest   been worth it. If you’re   fight, to live. Lyrics like   Don’t Know What Love   transition from their strug-
              greatest double act and   looking for an album that is   ‘Stand by, we are ready to   Means', a song which not   gles in the music industry
              there is plenty to support   a rock ‘n’ roll riot from start   fight’ and ‘We go hard ‘til   only slows the pace of the   and life in general, and
              this here. It is evident from   to finish, this is it. It’s partly   the day we drop’ in ‘Trojan   album, but increases the   their previous album, ‘I’d
              opening track 'This Is War'.   thanks to producer Nick   Horse’ and ‘I refuse to be   amount of passion and   Rather Die  Than Let  You
              From Myles' soaring vo-  Raskulinecz, who is no   bound’ in ‘Death Grip’.   emotion poured into the   In’, released mid-pandemic
              cals, that have already es-  stranger to hard rock re-  Guest vocals by Charlet   songs tenfold and when   in 2020.  This 13-track
              tablished him as one of the   leases after producing al-  September on ‘Who Will   Jonny sings the chorus and   album is a true display of
              most respected and tal-  bums for the likes of   Save Us?’, provide a sub-  the song title you can liter-  the band that the fans love,
              ented frontmen in the   Halestorm, Alice In Chains   lime, fanciful and other-  ally hear the heartbreak   a trio who have been
              genre today, to Mark's epic   and Foo Fighters. Another   worldly layer to an already   being pumped into words.   through so much in recent
              and spellbinding guitar   part is due to new vocalist   intoxicatingly intense track,   It's something you would   years and a band who are
              work, supported tremen-  Erik Grönwall, previously of   so prepare for a whirlwind   come to expect from your   unapologetically  them-
              dously by the powerhouse   H.E.A.T., bringing his ex-  of journey throughout this   standard rock ballad but   selves throughout each
              drum work of Scott Phillips,   traordinary vocal talents to   debut EP. An already epic   this is no ballad and that   and every word, riff and
              this is as Alter Bridge as it   the camp. ‘We are resur-  EP, ‘Death Grip EP’ is fur-  makes it all the more spe-  drumbeat.  You will find
              gets. And the same can be   rected’, Erik sings in ‘Res-  ther enhanced with what   cial.   yourself taking a ride
              said for much of the record,   urrected’ and these songs   feels almost like a U-turn   And it's not just the   through each track, from
              but there are exceptions   have not just brought the   from the full-throttle, high-  emotions of their frontman   the calm before the storm
              which make this stand out.   band back to life, but make   octane atmosphere cre-  which are stamped through   instrumental of initial track
              'Silver Tongue' is an unde-  us listeners feel alive too.   ated in the first four tracks   'Spirits' but there are fre-  ‘The Storm’, with its hints of
              niable highlight, blasting   Songs such as the title   with a final, acoustic ver-  quent examples of the sub-  synths  and  electronic
              away with a mesmerising   track, ‘The Gang’s  All   sion of the track ‘Death   lime  musicianship  of   notes, to the ‘let’s rock the
              riff, which is then accompa-  Here’, are hip-shaking,   Grip’.  A calming and yet   guitarist Mark Vollelunga,   house down and find our
              nied by Myles' harmonies   high-octane clusters of   lyrically hard-hitting track to   bassist Daniel Oliver and   way through these strug-
              which, at times, could eas-  sparkling gold. ‘Not Dead   end with, this acoustic ver-  drummer Ben Anderson, all   gles’ of tracks like ‘Sick’,
              ily be mistaken for one of   Yet’ almost has a hint of   sion broadens your realisa-  excellent individually, but   with elements of gentle vo-
              the musical instruments of   Steel Panther to it, while   tion to the skills and talent   when they collide together,   cals, that you can rely on
              his bandmates. This is des-  further solidifying that Skid   of this awesome trio that is   like a multi-vehicle car   heading straight into high
              tined to become a firm   Row are firing on all cylin-  KENSHIRO! Be ready for a   crash, the results are just   gear with energetic guitar
              favourite in the band’s back   ders again. Dave ‘Snake’   rollercoaster ride from this   stunning. The instrumental   moments too.  An album
              catalogue. Another  high-  Sabo and Scotti Hill’s guitar   EP that will have you   sections of 'Don’t Look   that is lyrically hard-hitting
              light of the album is the in-  work scorches.  The siz-  chanting along and head-  Back' are a prime example   and a statement to ‘screw
              creased use of Tremonti's   zling solo followed by Erik’s   banging at full blast, provid-  and the ferocity of the song   you, you do you, I’ll do me’;
              underrated vocal abilities.   almost glass-shattering vo-  ing a way to really engross   leaves you exhausted at its   a statement certainly more
              In 'Sin After Sin', he offers   cals are enough to blaze   yourself within the music at   conclusion. If 'Don’t Look   than evident in a track that
              some  brilliantly  subtle   holes through flesh. ‘Time   a number of levels, from   Back' isn't enough of an in-  will by far be a fan
              backing vocals to make for   Bomb’ has a sludgy drag to   the rapid and nimble beats   spiration for you then fear   favourite, ‘Trash’.  There’s
              a quite lovely duet with   the intro before psychotic   of the drums to the alluring   not, as there is plenty more   certainly no going back, fin-
              Myles and this is some-  ‘tick tick tick’s take over.   vocals from both Geo on   to be found, 'The Other F   ishing with ‘The Calm’, a
              thing the band should seri-  The catchy ‘I’m a ticking   drums and Sahan on gui-  Word', which calls on lis-  track that starts slow and
              ously consider more of in   timebomb, tick, tick, tick,   tar, and Charlet’s guest ap-  teners to ‘call out the fake’   chill, exploding and reflect-
              the future. Likewise, in   tick, boom’ is energizing,   pearance on the track   will no doubt resonate with   ing on where the band
              'Stay', it is Mark who takes   before another captivating   ‘Who Will Save Us?’.   many and is a shining ex-  have been and where they
              a step into the spotlight   solo shines. If you want to   YYYY   ample of a song whose   may head next. This self-ti-
              with lead vocals. It's ar-  feel motivated by rock   Sammie Lynch   lyrics demand closer atten-  tled album will have you
              guable that on its own this   music again, then you def-        tion beyond the head-slam-  rocking out throughout the
              song wouldn't be seen as   initely need ‘The Gang’s All   NOTHING MORE   ming music.    indie, pop-punk and alt-
              among the band’s best   Here’ in your music collec-  SPIRITS       Which brings us nicely   rock ambience pumping
              work but, in the midst of the   tion. ‘The Gang’s All Here’   (BETTER NOISE)   to the words we started   out of your speakers at full
              record, it's an excellent   and we’re all ears.    There  is  a  very   with from 'Valhalla (Too   volume, no doubt.
              change of pace and that         YYYYY      poignant line to be discov-  Young To  See)'. This  far   YYYY
              alone gives it greater merit.   Shari Black Velvet   ered within the new work of   down the line most will   Sammie Lynch
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