Page 6 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 107
P. 6
BV107 pg 06.qxp_BV107 pg 06 04/12/2022 18:06 Page 1
BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 6
YYYYY Excellent YYYY Very Good YYY Good
YY Listenable, Just Y Poor
Classless Act’s more ten- soon enticed As Lions chedelic haze of ‘Linear Couple More Years', admit-
der side, although it's worth bassist Conor O’Keefe and Slopes’ (1 of 2 tracks fea- tedly a little cheesy, but on
noting that the album drummer Dave Fee to add turing Wreckless Eric), the the good side, rather than
closes with two softer num- to the songs, and the four- heartfelt ballad ‘Fade Out the overbearing, eye-
bers, 'Circles' and piece sound fab from start In Blue’, and the wistful, rolling, cringey side, and it
'Thoughts From A Dying to finish. Dave’s hard beats gentle ‘Arcades’, reflecting is undeniable that Star Cir-
Man'. It's a genius move, make ‘Way Down’ one you on a run-down seaside cus have much to share
as their placement offers won’t want to miss, while town once the highs of and enjoy, and are very
them an opportunity to title track ‘Hands That Built summer have passed. It’s much ones to keep an eye
shine brighter rather than The World’ has some quite a wonderful album, both on. Just maybe start with
be swept up in the rip-roar sober subject matter, with nostalgic and thoroughly track two when you listen
CLASSLESS ACT found earlier and the lyrics such as ‘We’re the modern in sound and sen- for the first time!
WELCOME TO THE thought-provoking nature face of suicide now’. The timent. One to have on re- YYYY
SHOW of the record's concluding guys have written some peat. Michael Coventry
(BETTER NOISE) song demonstrates the truthful and timely songs. YYYYY
The term 'the next big class which lies beneath ‘Before They Burn Us All’ is Clare Huckett
thing' has been coined time the surface. The album particularly rousing with the
and time again, only for the suggests this could be the band asking ‘Will you stand
act in question to fail to live 'Storm Before The Calm', for something or just stamp
up to the hype. But L.A.- but the reality is there is no your feet?’ while the album
rocking newcomers Class- immediate end in sight to closer ‘Get Up’ has frantic
less Act have more than this hurricane and, while and feverish verses before
the tools to actually live up only time will tell if Class- they urge ‘Get up, stand
to such billing. 'Welcome less Act become the next up’. This album will defi-
To The Show' is not just a big thing, they have all the nitely get you standing up
barn burner of a record, but potential, so do yourself a and we wouldn’t be sur-
it makes a stamp of intro- favour and give yourself prised if you stamp your SLYDER SMITH & THE
ducing you to the character the right to say you were feet wanting more from OBLIVION KIDS
of this five-piece and it's there at the start. Jordan Red. STAR CIRCUS CHARM OFFENSIVE
that character which will YYYYY YYYYY SEPARATE SIDES (RAY/CARGO)
help them stand out from Michael Coventry Shari Black Velvet (DIAMOND FORMATION Lead guitarist for Last
the rest. Putting all their MUSIC) Great Dreamers Slyder
chips in from the get-go London’s Star Circus Smith does a great job on
could be seen as a brave introduce themselves with vocals here as well, intro-
move, with star cameos their debut album ‘Sepa- ducing his new power trio
from Vince Neil on the self- rate Sides’. Opening song with quite an eclectic
titled opening track, and ‘Save Your Life' begins with album, big on the melodies
Justin Hawkins on the fol- a brooding, grand intro, al- and with the expected fan-
lowing 'This Is For You' though, unfortunately, the tastic guitars. The
making you wonder how opener lacks character. Spaghetti Western-style in-
the band will fare without But, please give them an- strumental ‘El Encantador’
the presence of the indus- other chance, because it switches smoothly into the
try’s finest, but any doubt is doesn't take long for them classic swinging rock ‘n’ roll
immediately crushed with JORDAN RED MARC VALENTINE to hit their mark. 'Some- of ‘Calico Queen’, the hint
'Time To Bleed', one of the HANDS THAT BUILT THE FUTURE OBSCURE thing' roars into your of country in the guitars
album's best cuts, which WORLD (ARCANE WIRES) speakers and is packed full tying nicely back into the
showcases the guitar tal- (JORDAN RED) Last Great Dreamers of the melody that will Western intro. The blues-
ents of Dane Pieper and If anything good has frontman Marc Valentine’s quickly become a staple of funk of ‘I’m Done’ feels
Griffin Tucker to the full. come out of lockdown, it debut solo album is full of the music on this record, quite stripped back and de-
But things get truly interest- would be Jordan Red. This semi-autobiographical an- with the wonderfully ceptively simple, while
ing with 'All That We Are' inspiring outfit, made up of ecdotes of youthful misad- smooth vocals of Dave catching the attention with
and 'Made In Hell' seeing homegrown boys Daniel ventures in a familiar glam Winkler shining their bright- its opening wah-wah guitar
frontman Derek Day truly Leigh and Dan Baker, have / power-pop style. Many of est. And they continue to and holding it with the
excel, as the somewhat created an exciting and the 12 tracks are compact do so throughout 'Separate groove. There are a couple
quirky character of the motivating debut album. stories wherein the lyrics Sides', as do his and Jon of LGD tracks in here –
band comes to the fore- Opening track ‘Awake’ will are sometimes in gloomy Crampton's guitar abilities, ‘Oblivion Kids’ is a full-on
front and, while there are definitely awaken you to contrast to the upbeat feel. which walk the fine line of rocker, while ‘Crash Land-
some My Chemical Ro- this incredible act. Full of Opener ‘Last Train Tonight’ melodic pop rock and clas- ing In Teenage Heaven’
mance vibes to be found, electricity and impassioned has great pace, a rollicking sic hard rock quite magnif- gets reworked into a 70s
the truth is, it's impossible belief, the supremacy of rhythm, and terrific cho- icently, and to such a Bowie vibe which works re-
to compare this to anything the duo has the potential to ruses, while the lyrics re- degree that fans on both ally well. The cover of ‘Nev-
else. And that in itself is a blaze through your veins. count a tale of difficult sides of the fence will enjoy erEnding Story’ from the
triumph. 'Haunting Love' is ‘Spilling My Blood’ has a situations encountered just their work. So good is film of the same name is a
another leading contender heaviness that will tug at trying to get home after a 'Something', it begs the surprise addition and sur-
for the album's finest song; you, while ‘Beautiful Mon- night out. ‘Mornington Av- question as to why it wasn't prisingly good, while ‘Plea-
it’s an absolute joy and one sters’ steadily rises into a enue’, featuring Matt Dan- chosen to be the album's sure Victim’ is a terrific,
which should be placed im- majestic beast. Vocalist gerfield (The Boys), is a opening song, especially fast-paced, classic sleazy
mediately on your heavy Daniel Leigh is not new to reflection on Valentine’s when the brilliantly catchy rocker with a punk edge
rotation list and, although the game, he’s fronted early days in Camden, 'Just Like In A Movie', the and phenomenal, soaring,
'Give It To Me' is a little less British rock band New De- throwing together strong utterly superb 'Love Is The wailing guitars. ‘Charm Of-
classy, it's another fantastic vice for years and his expe- riffs, a hint of punk, and Enemy' and 'Wall Around fensive’ is a hugely engag-
slab of hard rock which will rience shows. His even a brief burst of ska, Your Heart' follow, offering ing listen and pretty damn
be lapped up. At the other bandmate Dan Baker, on into a brilliantly engaging more hearty slabs of this good debut.
end of the scale, 'Storm guitar, is equally as profi- song. For a change of tone melodic and pop rocky YYYYY
Before The Calm' shows cient. The two musicians there’s the discordant, psy- goodness. Throw in 'A Clare Huckett