Page 13 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 107
P. 13
BV107 pg10-13 The Struts Interview.qxp_BV107 pg 13 11/12/2022 21:34 Page 4
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away from you for two years. But I really feel for us take for granted – but not everyone has ac- change a lot of things, but I feel we’re the es-
those artists. I think a lot of people have over- cess to them. capism from the noise which is in the world.
come it and found other ways to be creative in “It’s very easy to forget that, isn’t it?” says When you come to a Struts show you can kind
that time too, however, I think, for us, because Addo. “Yeah, I think we definitely do take that for of, you live in the moment, for an hour and 40
we were in danger of burnout territory, so I think granted. Anything that we can do to help, and minutes. That’s what we try and do, really.”
for us, as Ads said, reflecting, it actually worked it’s great that Unicef’s around and all these other
out really charities that Struts show is not just a pleasure for the
well for us.” are in the UK. Aaudience, but it’s one for the band too.
I n Unicef’s all Gethin tells us, “We haven’t toured the UK
‘Strange over, isn’t it, I in what, three years? We were doing the setlists
Days’ Luke think? But defi- the other day, well, last night, and the new
sings nitely, we’re so songs, these fans have never heard these
‘smilin’ at lucky. And songs, even though we’ve played them for the
the stranger that’s another last few tours in America, but I had a moment
on the Un- thing, lock- when I was watching Honor, she was loving life,
derground, down reminds in the front. Last time she came to our show she
every little us of that as was a lot younger, wasn’t she?
thing that well. We are “Yeah,” replies Addo.
you do very fortunate “Just seeing her living in the moment, that
goes a to be where we was awesome.”
long, long are.” “We have our Facebook fan group called
way.’ One e ask Strutters,” says Jed. “I think that was started by
of the good Wi f some of our British fans back in the day, so, I
things that there is any- think, seeing some of those familiar faces that
came out of thing they wish have been there, and kind of known of our band
lockdown they could since we signed in the USA and began that
was that change in the chapter five/six years ago, I think, to reconnect
people world. with them on the road has been really fun.”
started J e d “Shout out to Martyn Alcott,” says Addo.
smiling at replies, “We’ve
each other always been a n ‘Another Hit Of Showmanship’ Luke
more, like if band that have Isings ‘All I need is another hit of showman-
you went celebrated ship’. We end by asking if the band feel like they
out for a bringing peo- need to always get on stage and put on a show.
walk, and a ple together “Yeah, for me, it’s my favourite thing to do,”
random from all walks says Addo. “During lockdown again, I remember
stranger of life, all differ- thinking, ‘What if I never tour again?’ and I was
passed ent opinions, looking at my guitars and was like, ‘What would
you, you’d and providing a I do? Because there’s no point having all these
smile at safe outlet for guitars if I can’t get on stage and play them. I
them and they’d smile back. It almost made peo- people to really be into the music. So, I think might as well sell them or something!’ Yeah,
ple become more compassionate towards their there’s stuff. I mean, look, candidly, we all live in that’s my favourite thing. I like recording, I like
fellow humans. the USA now, and I think there are plenty of writing music, but being on stage, for me, that’s
Addo agrees, “Yeah, it kind of brought peo- things, especially as Brits, that we strongly dis- where I’m happiest. And being on tour really, I
ple together in a way – not physically, obviously!” agree with, but I think it’s our job, as far as the think. Yeah, I love it, so… I think that’s what Luke
he laughs.“In fact, it was just at the would say too.”
festival we did in Madrid that we did While Luke,
the other day, we saw thousands and who wrote the
thousands of people together watch- lyric, isn’t here,
ing the band, I was like, I remember a Jed speaks up for
point when I was doing pub quizzes him. “Knowing
with my friends over Zoom, having a Luke perform and
beer at home, and I was like, ‘When is knowing that he
it ever going to be normal again?’ was giving the
Yeah, I’d take my dog for a walk, so- same perform-
cially distancing, saying hello to every- ance in pubs to 40
one, I think it definitely did. It does go people before we
a long way. Going on the Tube, every- started out as he
one doesn’t want to look at each other. does in stadiums
It brought everyone together a bit.” w i t h
Jed laughs, “To be fair, maybe 70,000/80,000
that’s unique to London and big cities, people, I think
because going round Derby for the that’s very much
last couple of days, everyone’s lovely in his DNA. And I
in the Midlands.” think that’s in-
“That’s the first time Jed’s ever spired all of us. I
said that,” Addo exclaims, amazed at think we all love it,
his bandmate’s positive words for but, to speak for
Derby. Luke while he’s
“That’s an exclusive right there!” not here, I think he
laughs Gethin. band is concerned, to focus on what we can would agree with that lyric.”
control, which is providing people with an outlet
n the topic of things we’ve all taken for and a good time to celebrate what brings them We’re glad that The Struts need to get on
Ogranted, pre-Covid or otherwise, the joy, and share that common goal at our con- stage and put on a show – because we need to
band performed at Soccer Aid, which raised certs. I think, not to deflect your question, but I see them play again and again.
over £13 million for Unicef. Unicef is a humani- think it’s about focusing on what we can control Visit for more info.
tarian aid organisation that provides children and what positive things we can do versus harp-
with clean water, life-saving food and vaccines, ing on about what we’d like to change, because, Words by Shari Black Velvet
education and protection from violence. Things sure, there are plenty of things.” Live Photos By Shari Black Velvet
like clean water and food are things that a lot of “Loads of things,” adds Addo. “We’d love to Band Photo By Greg H.