Page 7 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 107
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BV107 albums pg 07.qxp_BV107 pg 07 02/12/2022 19:56 Page 1
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we’re here to stay,’ which other shadow on the the standard fare you every way. Upon first listen
will resonate with many. street,’ Tuk sings in would expect from this of this release, you’re in-
And, if you like your hard ‘Shadow On The Street’, band and, while all are vited to ‘step inside and
rock to make you think as but Tuk Smith shines way highly enjoyable, in this for- join us’ and will be seri-
well as bang your head, too bright to ever be just a mat they are lost in the ously blown away by the in-
‘Death Of Me’, ‘Heroin(e)’ shadow. While things have shuffle because most are sane talent emanating
and ‘Ghost’ will more than not always gone his way to outshone by the acoustic through your speakers.
do that. ‘Alone at night is date, his persistence and versions of their previous You’ll be up and dancing
when it hurts the most, liv- dedication to rock ‘n’ roll work. 'Quicksand' is the around, fiercely head-bop-
ing with your ghost,’ Eva will pay off in the end, and strongest of the quartet ping along, picking up on
cries in the latter, but you’ll this release shows it is and stands up best to its lyrics like ‘Welcome to the
EVA UNDER FIRE never be alone again when more than deserved. competition here, and, lis- freakshow, welcome home’
LOVE, DRUGS & MISERY you welcome Eva Under YYYYY tened to alone, it is all the and ‘I leave you behind, far
(BETTER NOISE) Fire into your lives, a band Shari Black Velvet more impressive, and an- out of my mind’ that you’ll
It’s been a long time and record that truly make other highlight of 'Other be singing along to at the
coming for Detroit-bred everything better just by Worlds'. The remaining half top of your lungs in no time.
quintet Eva Under Fire, but being there. of the album is made up of The EP kicks off with an
their majestic debut album YYYYY reimagined songs from explosive track titled ‘Wel-
‘Love, Drugs & Misery’ is Michael Coventry their last album, last year’s come To The Freakshow’,
poised to not only catapult 'Death By Rock And Roll'. where rocking out is an es-
them to the grand stages It's a little strange they sential requirement from
they were born to play, but have elected to open and the start. This initial track is
register them on your new close the record with 'Got filled with hard-hitting bass
favourite band list. The So High', starting with a and rhythmic drumbeats,
search for more inspira- remix version and conclud- with ‘let’s air guitar this part’
tional and talented women ing with the album version, moments you’ll undoubt-
in rock is one as old as THE PRETTY RECKLESS neither of which add that edly give in to.
time, but powerhouse vo- OTHER WORLDS much to 'Other Worlds'. But The beauty of lead
calist and frontwoman Eva (CENTURY MEDIA) the acoustic version of singer Chloe’s songwriting
Marie has arrived on the It's been over a decade 'Death By Rock And Roll' skills and vocals alongside
scene to help readdress since former Gossip Girl certainly does. Delivered in the talent of the entire
the balance, and despite TUK SMITH & THE REST- Taylor Momsen spear- this way it is even more band, are the deep-rooted
what the band name may LESS HEARTS headed The Pretty Reck- beautifully morbid, while messages within each
suggest, she is the one BALLAD OF A MISSPENT less into our lives and, with the stripped-back versions track. Lyrics like ‘no matter
spitting fire. This happens YOUTH it, brought many questions of '25' and 'Only Love Can what comes next, feel free
immediately when you (MRG) as to whether she, and the Save Me Now' are also to be yourself my friend’,
push play as ‘Blow’ blasts Make sure you slide band as a whole, had the breathtakingly stunning prove LaVire have mas-
into your eardrums. into your monster platform substance to meet the new takes on these estab- tered the ability to connect
Backed with some neat vo- boots before spinning Tuk style. Clearly, they were lished classics from their on several levels and
cals from Ice Nine Kills star Smith & The Restless being asked by those who back catalogue. Ultimately, beautifully express deep-
Spencer Charnas, the Hearts’ ‘Ballad Of A Mis- have never seen them live, this is not an essential lis- rooted messages within
song is almost a statement spent Youth’ – you’re going as anyone who has will al- ten, but there is some ex- each track. The essence
of intent. ‘Baby, I’m about to need them to stomp ready know their levels of cellent stuff to be found, and hints to not give up,
to blow, ticking like a time along to it. The title track is substance more than sur- which fans will lap up and leave the bad behind you,
bomb, ready to explode’; an instant groover, with a pass their remarkable critics should consider take down your walls and
it’s not so much an opening beat that pounds pave- style. But any doubt still out carefully. be yourself really shine
song, but a warning of what ments… It’s pure rock ‘n’ there will be quashed by YYY through, alongside the
is to come. ‘Unstoppable’ roll. There’s a sparkle to 'Other Worlds', where Tay- Michael Coventry emotional pain and an-
follows and brings this to Tuk’s vocals and a guitar lor's vocal gifts grab the guish felt in tracks like ‘The
light. Still heavy and hard- solo that flies up and away spotlight by the throat and Wall’ and ‘Timewaster’,
hitting, but with a slower like a wild bird in the sky. run with it. Before judging with the drawing in of the
pace and one which offers ‘Ain’t For The Faint’ this record it is important to slow tones of the guitar
the first glimpse of Eva’s kicks off with razor-sharp establish exactly what it is. opening of ‘We Play God’.
true ability, while Corey riffs. ‘It’s been a restless It's not a new album, not in Faster, heavier moments
Newsom’s drumming tal- road,’ sings Tuk, as he the traditional sense any- throughout the EP will re-
ents are also on full display. reminisces about life in way. A better way to de- verberate through you in a
It’s great that this is turned music. If anyone misses scribe it would be an EP colourfully melodic and ex-
up to 11 as it adds so much Thin Lizzy, you’ll want to with some cool bonus citing way, all whilst con-
to so many songs on the check out ‘Girls On The tracks or, alternatively, as veying deep and emotional
record. If ‘Unstoppable’ is a East Side Of Town’. Phil an acoustic album. How- messages in soothing yet
glimpse, we are then Lynott would no doubt be a ever, what prevents it from LAVIRE intoxicating moments that
treated to the full extent of fan of Tuk Smith & The being labelled as a pure NO TRUTH TO TELL, PT. will leave you in a mythical
Eva’s abilities with a spine- Restless Hearts if he was acoustic album is the pres- 1 EP and ethereally dreamy
tingling rendition of U2 still alive. Speaking of ence of 'Loud Love', one of (LAVIRE) state at times and yet al-
classic ‘With or Without which, ‘Everybody Loves five original songs to be Music is an outlet for ways ready to engage that
You’, which has just You When You’re Dead’ is found and one which can- artists, both lyrically and in- full-on, head-bopping,
enough of their own stamp a wistful, piano-powered not be called an acoustic strumentally, a way to con- rock-out mode. Make sure
to make it their own, while ballad. In this day and age, song in any shape or nect and immerse the you’re ready for a whirlwind
retaining enough of the everyone posts their trib- sense. This is a banger, the listener in what can feel like of an auditory experience
original for it to be respect- utes when a well-known type of which has made a journey and otherworldly and ultimately the ‘wow!’
ful to the originators. figure passes away – this is The Pretty Reckless such a experience through the moment of what a debut
The best is yet to come a song inspired by that. firm favourite among rock means of lyrics, riffs, tones EP to come out with from
with ‘The Strong’. An abso- ‘Say Goodbye’ has a bit fans in the last 10-plus and beats throughout a LaVire. Part 2 is due for re-
lute gem, written to inspire more of an established years and, if the stripped- song and expanded on in lease in early 2023. You
and honour those with their rock refrain, even down to back stuff is not your bag, an EP. This four-piece most definitely will not want
own struggles and a song the ‘sha-na-na-na-na-na’ at this song very much de- heavy rock band from Lin- to miss out on either re-
which almost everyone will the end. This is one for the serves your attention. The coln, UK, have mastered lease.
identify with. It bears the stadiums. The 8-track re- remaining four original this link to you, the audi- YYYYY
lyric ‘We used to run from lease leaves you wanting songs are more stripped- ence, with their debut EP Sammie Lynch
all of our shadows and now more. ‘I don’t wanna be an- back tracks compared to ‘No Truth To Tell, Pt. 1’ in