Page 17 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 107
P. 17

BV107 Classless Act Interview pg14-17.qxp_BV107 pg 17  02/12/2022  17:07  Page 4

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               pretty basic because how can you describe it?   Maybe? I don’t know. Could be? It’s a constant   even if you hate it. I just want to make some
               It’s been a playground. Especially the stage it-  trial and tribulation and it’s a test of time and   kind of presence. I used to think life had to be
               self, it’s been an actual, roll around, play-  purpose and self and everything.    like a movie. It has to be epic, it has to be
               ground. It’s been other-worldly.      “But, as for what life can be after death, I   amazing, but nowadays I just want people to
                  “It’s been such a confidence-booster, I feel   think that, even though that’s a pretty dark line,   remember us and that we made you think a lit-
               like everyone in the band now feels like we are   it still implies that there can be something after   tle differently or feel a little differently. And that’s
               valid workers in America. We’re musicians and   our deepest, darkest end. It’s not so much   all I’d ask for.”
               we try to make a living doing this and it is hard   what is after death, it’s maybe there could be   And anyone who has checked out Derek
               to be an artist and be serious, so it has been   something after death and let’s keep that mind-  and Classless Act already, either live or on
               very cool to feel this validation.”   set and don’t throw that away automatically.   record, is likely to have felt this impact and it’s
                                                     “I’m not hating on atheists or anything, just   one they seem destined to continue making. It
                     he final song on the record, ‘Thoughts   maybe life is beautiful and maybe we are all   remains to be seen if they will become the next
                  TFrom A Dying Man’, is a song which   beautiful stardust and amazing things and   big thing which so many have predicted, but
               boasts some of the album’s more darker lyrics   magic. Maybe magic is real!    they certainly have all the tools required to do
               such as ‘Isn't life just a painful way to prepare   “That line was also created out of desper-  so and their story looks set to be a fascinating
               us to live after death? These are the things I'd   ation because we are sometimes suffering so   one. In a world where sometimes ‘less’ is more,
               like to think of with my last breath.’   much in life that there must be a light at the end   this classless bunch are already bringing a
                  We ask if this is what his considers life to   of this tunnel, which is the next tunnel.”   touch of class to the world at large. Magic!
               be and whether he has any thoughts on what   While the song mentions there’s no legacy
               life after death may be. “Man, that’s the real   to leave, we end by asking what Derek hopes   Visit for more info
               question, isn’t it?”, is his initial reaction.   will be his and Classless Act’s legacy that they   and pick up ‘Welcome To The Show’, out now.
                  He continues, “Yes, in a way, if I can spec-  will leave behind.
               ulate on what it is but I’m only inquisiting.   “Personally, I would like to just make an im-  Words By Michael Coventry
               Maybe life is that way, who knows what or why   pact. Just to make someone feel something or
               we’re here and what the purpose is. It’s just   react to what we’re doing. Don’t just shove it   Photos By Travis Shinn
               one question isn’t it. Is it? Isn’t it? Could it be?   under the rug, listen to it and feel something,

                                                                                                CLASSLESS ACT
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