Page 15 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 107
P. 15

BV107 pg14-17 Classless Act Interview.qxp_BV107 pg 15  17/12/2022  17:41  Page 2

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                    ormed only three years ago, the L.A.-based Classless Act are one of the most impressive bands
                 F we’ve heard in a long while. The five-piece consisting of Derek Day (vocals), Dane Pieper (guitar),
              Griffin Ticker (guitar), Franco Gravante (bass) and Chuck McKissock (drums) already show they don’t
              just have what it takes to ‘make it’ on paper, but, armed with their debut album ‘Welcome To The Show’,
              they are also proving they have what it takes where it matters the most: on record and on stage. And, de-
              spite what their name suggests, this quintet has plenty of class (and magic) to share.
                   oining us from his home in L.A. is front-  We ask the frontman whether he considers   goes wrong technically, they fix it like that,” he
                 Jman Derek Day and, from the minute he   this to be the band’s time and how difficult he   says, clicking his fingers, “but they have the
              sits down with Black Velvet, his character is   has found waiting for the opportunity to come,   coolest phase and they are really polite.
              clear to see. Grinning from ear to ear and obvi-  especially given the turbulence the world has   “So, what I learned, even more so, is just be
              ously loving life right now, he is a ball of excite-  endured since the group’s formation.    nice, be kind, be patient and then, that way,
              ment, eager to talk about and share the word of   “Yes, absolutely”, he responds. “It is our   whatever problems arise, you’ll work through it.
              the work he and his somewhat unlikely band-  time. A lot of the songs on the album point to   It seems all these bands are that way. Motley
              mates have created.                 that actually. We’re here to make a statement.   Crue has been a band for what, 41 years and
                 It’s somewhat unlikely because, in contrast   We’re here to say something. We have things to   they have learned to be respectful to each other,
              to so many established bands of today, the five   say. We’re not just a party band and it was super   to the people they work with.
              faces who collectively form Classless Act have   hard waiting.            “I’d already learned this a few tours ago, but
              not come together through any kind of lifelong   “We were sitting on half of the album for   you don’t expect to see it in something of this
              friendships; in fact their relationships are still   about a year and we wrote the other half during   calibre, so I’m learning it again in a new light. It’s
              somewhat new. In what is becoming a sign of   the pandemic and man, yeah, I’ve been per-  just like, be respectful, be kind and that’s it!”
              the times, much like how so many personal re-  forming in L.A. for a long time and not really get-  We ask Derek if he thinks these are quali-
              lationships are born in this generation, Derek   ting anywhere. I’ve been in many bands, all the   ties which the world, beyond rock music, is more
              met guitarists Griffin Tucker and Dane Pieper,   band is the same, they’ve been performing for   in need of at the moment. “Absolutely, ab-
              bassist Franco Gravante and drummer Chuck   many years and just couldn’t get out, but now   solutely”, he responds.
              McKissock via social media.         we’ve found each other. We’ve found the perfect   “And I live in L.A. and that’s a whole world
                  But so much else about Classless Act is   five to create the mega-zorb to defeat the space   in itself, and you don’t see much of it there, so
              unique, then why not how they came to be in the   aliens! We’re finally here and it’s our time!”    yeah, absolutely. I think the minute you start
              first place? As we comment in the review of their                      treating people with respect and kindness, you
              debut album elsewhere in this edition, it’s hard   t's brilliantly timed that Derek mentions   see that problems start to get fixed and things
              to be unique in rock music in 2022. Hell, it’s hard   IClassless Act not being just a party band   start to shift in the right way.”
              to be unique in anything in 2022, but Classless   and being one with something to say. It’s some-
              Act have managed it. While you can hear hints   thing which could easily be overlooked when   ith a song on the album called ‘This Is
              and inspirations from many of your favourite   you first listen to ‘Welcome To The Show’. On   WFor You’, (featuring Justin Hawkins of
              bands in their music, it still doesn’t quite sound   the surface their music screams good-time party   The Darkness) we ask Derek to tell us who their
              like anything else and that in itself is quite an   band, here purely to entertain, but, when you dig   record is for.
              achievement.                        a little deeper and analyse their words a little   It’s a question which requires the singer to
                 And, not only does the band have this going   closer, you realise there is so much more to their   take a pause. “This album is, like, for the entire
              for them, but they have other significant things   songs. It’s a significant key to what makes them   world, I think! We’ve all recorded songs for our-
              in their favour already. Debut album ‘Welcome   so good and lifts their tracks to a higher plat-  selves and we’ve put songs in there that are for
              To The Show’ is quite brilliant and they’ve had   form.                ourselves, but the whole album itself, I want to
              one of the biggest stages on offer this year to   Derek tells us what you’re likely to find if you   go beyond that, I want to say this is for the Milky
              showcase it, opening on the U.S. Def Leppard   delve into the songs. “Personally, I get very po-  Way Galaxy! And, in particular, Sagittarius A, the
              and Motley Crue stadium tour and, on top of   litical - which is weird, because I never thought   black hole in the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy.
              that, their debut album has a few impressive   I would be like that. I don’t try to, it just writes   That particular black hole!”
              guest stars in the shape of Vince Neil and Justin   out that way. I love bands like Rage Against The   While he is clearly having fun with the ques-
              Hawkins (from Motley Crue and The Darkness   Machine and stuff like that, so that kind of thing   tion, it’s also undeniable that there is an air of
              just in case you’d not heard of them). What   does have a way of sneaking in there. But we   seriousness about his answer which underlines
              more could they ask for?            also like writing about our deepest, darkest   their ambition to conquer the galaxy, but still with
                 Time to find out.                hours. Songs like ‘Circles’ and ‘Haunting Love’   a smile on their face and remaining humble as
                                                  are songs about our lives and our torment and   they do so.
                    nd what better place to start than with   how we, for example, go through a breakup; we   “We just want it to be the biggest thing in the
                 Athe album’s opening track, the self-titled   literally write that down. ‘Walking Contradiction’   world. It’s our biggest accomplishment and we
              ‘Classless Act’, which features the intriguing   is a song about a specific relationship. ‘Made In   are just so proud of it and it’s the coolest sound-
              opening lyric, ‘Classless? Are you calling me   Hell’ is a personal, family song; it’s about some-  ing thing we’ve ever made!” He continues, but
              classless? Well, it's about time’, and so we   thing that was going on in my family.”   with a slight shift of seriousness in his voice,
              begin by asking Derek for his thoughts on   “We get super duper personal and we actu-  “But, in the album, there are little titbits for our-
              whether they are indeed class or classless and   ally recorded 60 demos and the ones we picked   selves, I wrote a song for a family member in
              how they hope they are seen by their peers and   for the album were the most truest and honest   there, but, overall, it’s for everyone.”
              fans, both now and in the future.   subjects. No matter what it is, we write about life   Classless Act, the band, is for themselves,
                 He immediately labels it as an interesting   in all forms; politically, socially, introspectively,   but also for everyone else as well.
              one before telling us, “I think in order to work in   but no matter what it is, we try to get across hon-  “The band is for…I’d like to say for us, but
              this industry you’ve got to have some class and   esty. We want to be 100% honest and, when we   at the same time I want to say we are for the
              be somewhat polite and cool, but I think our na-  write something where we’re pretending, we’ll   people,” says Derek. “I feel like Classless Act
              ture in the band and in this song, what we are   know, we’ll smell it and we’ll throw that away!”   happened out of necessity. That was how the
              trying to represent is that you can’t stop certain                     band formed.
              aspects of human nature.                 he song ‘Classless Act’ is one of the   “I was doing my own thing and was in three
                 “That song is inspired by a certain politician   Ttracks to boast one of the aforemen-  different bands and then I joined this one.
              who, at the time, was being called a classless   tioned star cameos, as this is the song which   Franko was actually on tour with a band when
              act. And I found that funny that one of the higher,   features Vince Neil as a special guest. Derek   he joined this one and everyone was doing their
              most respected, classes of people in charge of   tells us what he’s learned from musicians such   own thing. Griffin was in Dallas making a living
              running the world is being called that and a lot   as Vince.           performing in four different bands, but then this
              of sportsmen are called classless acts when   “One thing we learned was how profes-  happened. And it had to happen because we
              they celebrate and stuff, but everyone is a class-  sional people are at the highest level. I mean,   just felt there was something there. It’s not like
              less act at times. And so we do want the world   they are so professional and so polite. All the   we are saying we are the answer to anything,
              to think we can be classless; we’re like ‘uurrrgh’   bands, their crew and everyone, works so hard   but I think we were all feeling that something
              and ‘blurrghh’, but only because of nature.”   and, when there is a mistake or when something   was missing.
                                                                                               CLASSLESS ACT
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