Page 31 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine Issue 103
P. 31

BV103 pg28-33 centre Dream State_BV103 pg31  23/12/2019  00:00  Page 4

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              got  to  stand  up  and  pull  together,  sort  of  do?’ And when we first started writing, we  as ‘In This Hell’, ‘Solace’ and ‘Help Myself’,
              thing. It was kind of me going ‘Hey everyone,  put ourselves in a box mindset, like ‘it has to  while the opening track ‘White Lies’ is about
              listen. These are the things that I think are  be this way’, which didn’t resonate with our  surrendering to the fact you’re an addict.
              fucked up in society. This is my truth. I’ve  core  selves,  which,  as  a  musician,  you  CJ says, “I’ve always been honest. I still
              been quiet about it a long time now and I  should be exploring lots of different avenues  struggle  now  and  then,  but  I’m  in  a  good
              want you to hear me out.’ It was going from  and not being afraid to take risks and expand  place currently, and I strive to be better in
              feeling mad over that, that I couldn’t help my  your sound. It’s the only way to grow profes-  that  sense.  But  yeah,  when  I  first  wrote
              friend  over  that,  and  again,  the  pursuit  of  sionally and personally. So, at first it was re-  ‘White Lies’, that was me being ‘Damn, the
              perfection, that sort of way of thinking and  ally intense, but the second we took those  second I put this out there, that’s me, I have
              how that’s detrimental to our mind. It was  walls down, everything started free-flowing,  to be real and step up with myself, ‘cause I’m
              detrimental to my friend at the time and it an-  and over the course of five weeks in the stu-  letting the world in on my own little secrets.’
              noyed me. And it still does now; she can’t                                       When we put that out and we
              look  in  the  mirror  and  it  wrecks  me.  She                                 got  signed  and  stuff,  things
              hates herself that much. She watches too                                         started to happen and change,
              many of these fucking programmes, seeing                                         I  was  like  ‘Holy  shit.’  We  got
              these  girls  that  are  perfectly  symmetrical                                  thrown into  tours  and  shows
              and she compares herself even though she’s                                       and I realized how unfit I was.
              absolutely stunning. But anyway, it was just                                     What I was standing for and all
              making me mad. I would be on my phone a                                          these people writing to me say-
              lot and the next thing I know, I realize I’m liv-                                ing ‘I get it, I’ve been in your
              ing behind this windowless thing. We use                                         scenario,  I’m  sorry  you’re
              technology wrong. We have all this informa-                                      going through that. I can relate.
              tion to access to do all the studying we want                                    Thank you for being so honest.
              in the world. We’re using it as this artificial                                  It’s  helping  me  be  honest  in
              kind of, I don’t know… glamorizing every-                                        myself,’ and I was enlightened
              thing. It was blowing my mind, so the song,                                      by  it.  I  was  ‘I’ve  really  gotta
              that’s why it was a bit mad. We wanted it mu-                                    step  up’.  I  half-dipped,  that’s
              sically to sound mad, ‘cause I was feeling                                       why  ‘Primrose’  was  written.  I
              completely torn. It was stressing me out.”                                       want  to  always  be  real  and
                                                                                               honest. I’m not perfect – what-
                    nd this is                                                                 ever perfect is! So I’ve made a
                Ae x a c t l y                                                                 lot  of  lifestyle  changes.  I’m
              why   we   love                                                                  less damaging to myself. I self-
              Dream   State.                                                                   love more. I realize that’s the
              They’re standing                                            dio  it  all  key: to self-love. Yeah, and trying to be more
              up  against  the                                            came   to-  healthy along the way. Trying!”
              things  that  can                                           gether  re-   We  ask  more  about  CJ’s  lifestyle
              ruin   us.   The                                            ally  nicely.  changes.
              pressures   that                                            It’s   been   “I’m allergic to life!” she exclaims. “Even
              can make life so                                            worth  the  now, my skin’s really bad and I notice it in a
              taxing.   The                                               h o r r i b l e  lot of videos and stuff. Yeah, I have to be re-
              things you strive                                           b l o o d ,  ally strict on myself. Even if I drink now it’ll
              to reach that just                                          sweat  and  flare me up really bad. My body’s just started
              end  up  bringing                                           tears.”    to  reject  everything.  Yeah,  we  try  to  be
              you  down.  And                                                S h e   healthy on the road. You have to otherwise
              the  things  that                                                                           you’re    not
              ought   to   be                                                                             going  to  sur-
              done, but aren’t.                                                                           vive.  This  one
              In   ‘Made   Up                                                                             tour,  I  drank
              Smile’  CJ  sings                                                                           every  day  for
              ‘where’s  the  in-                                                                          four weeks and
              tegrity?’ and yes,                                                                          it  was  really
              CJ and Dream State have that integrity. One  says the end                                   bad. At the end
              thing she says she tries to do is not be self-  result  made                                of  it,  I  looked
              ish.                               her   smile.                                             twice  my  age
                “Yeah, just kind of being respectful to the  F i n i s h i n g                            and  just  dead
              world around us and less selfish and remem-  the   album                                    inside.  Oh  my
              bering  that,  like  nature,  everything  has  a  and  getting                              God. You’ve got
              give-and-take relationship and it’s respect-  the   final                                   to be careful on
              ing  that  and  remembering  our  place  and  p r o d u c t                                 the road. You’re
              being less selfish as humanity, as I find we  brought   a                                   fed    alcohol
              can be and horrible to each other as well as  huge rush. “I                                 everywhere you
              the world. I find it being too close to home  had   an                                      go and the next
              sometimes, it can even be in your own home.  album in my                                    thing you know
              For us, it’s been important, yeah.”  hands. I was                                           you’ve  got  a
                                                 like  ‘Wow,  I                                           problem   and
                   he path to Dream State’s debut album  created  this                                    don’t realize it.
                Tcompletion  was  quite  stressful  for  and   it’s                                       You get off tour
              the band though – but in the end, worth it. “I  going to live beyond me’. Yeah, just an ac-  and are like ‘Oh my God.’ You tell yourself
              find order follows the chaos, it’s the law,”  complishment, you know, ‘cause I can be so  ‘I’m  going  to  detox  now  for  a  week’  and
              says  CJ.  “It’s  been  emotional.  I  can  only  hard on myself and not consistent with cer-  you’re craving alcohol in the evening. You’re
              write from experience. I have to be real in my  tain things. Music is something I can always  like ‘Fuck!’”
              lyrics  and  I  always  noticed  it  was  an  out-  be consistent with. It’s my full-on passion,
              stretched hand the lyrics acted as. Writing  so… I think that those moments made me  ne period in CJ’s life that saw her
              that over the course of the album, it kinda  smile, just at the end of it all, ‘We did it!’”  Odrinking  and  smoking  a  lot  was
              just flowed out. You have your own experi-                             when she felt herself become disloyal whilst
              ences that you tend to tackle. But at first it  acktracking to the band’s ‘Recovery’  in a relationship. The song ‘Spitting Lies’ is
              started off really stressful ‘cause the EP was  BEP  released  in  2018,  it  was  an  EP  about that. “I was in a relationship. I had met
              so successful, we thought, ‘Oh my God, how  that saw CJ reveal her demons to the world.  someone  else  during  that  time  and  I  was
              are we going to raise the bar and what do we  The five-track release includes songs such  talking to them a lot. I knew I was being dis-
                                                                                                   DREAM STATE
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