Page 26 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine Issue 103
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Chris says, “It doesn’t mean anything nega- time of people in relationships where so many n ‘Catharsis’ Chris sings ‘darkest disguise
tive towards the actual VIP People, it’s just that of the women are doing the emotional labouring Ileave it at the door’. ‘Catharsis’ is a song
you’re getting criticism because you’re trying to for both parties and that is another aspect in about how music can heal and you can go to a
do stuff for your fans, but also dealing with other which men unjustly release their feelings and gig and be who you want to be, leaving your
stuff and then having people shit on you for even they don’t seek professional help. They just put troubles outside. Chris has had many moments
being out there in the first place, it makes things it all on the people around them, and it’s easy when he can see and feel fans taking their own
even way worse in your head because then for them to do that, but that’s not the right venue disguise off to be the real them at their show.
you’re struggling with ‘How do I act? People are or right situation to be doing that stuff. I think it’s “To me, it’s not necessarily just a visual; it’s
unhappy with me….’ It’s just chaos in your head. more a complicated process of getting men to an energy,” he says. “You can absolutely feel,
It’s hard to deal with sometimes, so I don’t blame go to therapy.” especially in a crowd at a show, that’s in my ex-
some people who decide not to do it.” It is hard for certain men to agree that they perience of life, where exchanges of energy and
We ask Chris if he thinks a lot of people in need therapy. It can be hard to get men, or cer- just the presence of energies are so prevalent. I
everyday life have a disguise. tain people in general, to sort out any negative recognize as a listener, as an artist, as a person
“Yeah, sometimes for better or worse,” he issues that they have. We ask Chris how to get who goes to shows, and as a person who plays
replies. “I do feel that most people hide aspects, men to want to go to therapy when they need it. shows, it’s the most powerful place I’ve ever
to some degree, of who they really are. People “It’s a sad reality where it takes a lot of peo- been in in my life; to be in that room with a band
are afraid to truly show who they are. They’re ple leading by example, to get people to do and feel an energy and those lights and that
afraid to admit something that they know they’re things,” he replies. “Off topic but similar, there’s beat. It’s so moving and so comforting, to my
going to deal with a lot of soul at least, and I know that
criticism for; they’re afraid “Sometimes I would just bottle myself up and close myself that’s how it is for a lot of
to express their interest. It’s other people as well.”
constant all the time. Peo- off to people. Other times I had massive anger issues. That’s an Going back to the band’s
ple are being criticized by ongoing problem I’m trying to fix.” - Chris Motionless meet and greets, while Chris
our vicious world and that mentioned how certain fans
makes people really appre- had spouted negative com-
hensive about wanting to reveal the version of this documentary that just came out called The ments, there are many, many fans who have
themselves that makes them feel whole, so they Game Changers, about veganism. The first doc- had very positive encounters with the band.
have to go out every day and act more in line umentary, I don’t know if you saw it, that shows Chris, in particular, is very soft-spoken when you
with normality.” men, masculine men, workout athletes, guys meet him. Fans have relayed how the band
that other men look at kind of like superior be- have been lovely and friendly, and meeting them
s Chris said, time away from the road ings, especially athletes for whatever reason, was the best moment of their life. One fan even
Ahelped the band to all heal. And to help celebrities, and you have these people explain- made a video about her meetings with the band,
with certain issues, Chris incorporated therapy ing how veganism is a good thing and suddenly and talked about her own anxiety issues before
into his own life during the process of making it changes the opinion of other men, like ‘Oh, if one meet and greet, but Chris made her feel at
the new record. He found it beneficial to talk to Arnold Schwarzenegger can eat plant-based ease, asking her if she was OK.
someone about how he was feeling and what he then so can I.’ So I think that leading by exam- Chris says, “You can tell when a fan is ex-
was going through. He says, “It was during the ple, by more people talking about mental health periencing certain emotions, good and bad. I
process of recording and making the record, at the, I don’t consider to be, but what other peo- feel like I remember the exact incidence you’re
which, as anyone who knows me will tell you, ple would consider to be ‘top of the food chain’, speaking of, and you could clearly tell there was
my stress levels are at the highest they can ever and at the top of the food chain talking about this a lot of tense anxiety. It’s just an energy sense
be during that period of time. It’s such a fun ex- stuff, leading by example, then that’s going to that you can get from people. Some people you
perience and I love it. I love playing out and tour- start a movement. But, on a more reality-based feel strong energy from and others you don’t,
ing more than I like the studio aspect of it, but I scale of answering your question and expecting and she definitely had it, and I could tell, so why
still really enjoy every aspect of this band. But, people to just start talking about this in mass wouldn’t you try to say ‘Hey, are you OK?’ Not
for whatever reason, the most stressful for me quantities, I think it’s going to just be more and that we had too much time to really sit down and
is being in the studio, probably due to being a more focus on it in terms of people who are chat at a VIP, but simply having someone say
perfectionist, and really, the pressure that you going through these things not being afraid to ‘Hi. Are you OK?’ and give them a hug can
feel from making a record. It has to be amazing. express it, and hopefully persuade others to ac- change someone’s day around, which can
You want to be better. So, with all that stress, I cept that they have an issue and they need to change the next day, and the next day, and the
felt like, taking everything else that was going on sort it as well.” next day.”
in my life and coupling it with the stress of mak-
ing the record, it was definitely something I ne of the reasons Chris went to therapy ith 2020 rearing its head, and the def-
needed to do and it felt great to have that outlet Owas because he didn’t consider any of Winition of 2020 being ‘perfect vision’,
and extension of an outlet that music, which his friends to be close enough to talk to deeply we end by asking Chris if there’s anything he
usually is that outlet, when that becomes really on that sort of a level. When asked what his wishes he’d seen sooner.
stressful, you kind of don’t have that outlet any- bandmates, guitarists Ricky Olson and Ryan “Oh man, well, that’s the most loaded ques-
more. So seeking therapy for stuff going on in Sitkowski, drummer Vinny Mauro, and now, new tion of all of them so far!” he laughs. Deciding to
my life was great to be able to just go and have bassist Justin Morrow, thought of his open and keep it on a mental health topic though, he says,
that time every week where you can focus on honest lyrics on ‘Disguise’, Chris says, “I think “I wish I had focused on more aspects of my
things that are bothering you and things that you everyone was pretty acknowledging that there physical and mental health throughout my life,
want to better about yourself and help you see were issues there that I was facing. Sometimes instead of being like a typical person that puts it
things in a different way. It definitely was a really I would just bottle myself up and close myself off off… I wish that I had focused on things as they
great tool during the process.” to people. Other times I had massive anger is- were happening instead of putting them off until
We ask if he think guys have a hard time sues. That’s an ongoing problem I’m trying to fix. they became irreversible or something that re-
talking about their feelings and letting it all out, Very intense anger issues that I struggle with quires a lot more attention and time and money
becoming vulnerable. that people were able to see as well, so I think and suffering to make better.”
“In the actual process of letting them out, I they were aware of it. They just never had verbal And, with that, we wish Chris the best – and
don’t think so, because you hear... up until the confirmation from me saying ‘Hey, I have issues also wish more people did the same as him –
point of getting to the place where they feel com- that I’m going through,’ and the same goes for getting help when they need it, finding someone
fortable to, I think that’s the struggle, because me to them. Other people you recognize are to talk to, not bottling everything up, and realiz-
there’s all this toxic masculinity in the world that dealing with their own things. We’re the kind of ing that, above all else, you’re worth it.
says guys can’t have emotions at that level or people that just leave each other alone. We
really any depth of emotions that aren’t just typ- don’t feel comfortable to get involved in each Visit for more
ical masculine traits and that definitely hinders other’s lives for whatever reason. It’s just how info and pick up ‘Disguise’, out now on Roadrun-
men from having, I guess, this feeling of free- we work. And no-one ever really said anything. ner Records.
dom to express those emotions. I think if you It’s moreso we just want everyone to feel better,
were getting to the point of getting to therapy, so we’re encouraging of that, but don’t try to get Words By Shari Black Velvet
then I imagine it’s quite easy. It’s just bottled up too involved.”
and you’ve made it to that point to get to where
you can express it. Or sadly, I hear stories all the Band Photos By Travis Shinn