Page 22 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine Issue 103
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BV103 pg20-23 palisades interview_BV103 pg21  22/12/2019  21:15  Page 3

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              through a lot of pressure of having to change  track that the song is going in the right direction.”  go through a lot of things, we try our best to re-
              and just, writing that next big song, you know.  “Yeah, no matter what, you clash with peo-  late to people so they don’t feel so alone all the
              Writing the next big song and being able to con-  ple,” says Matt. “Every band/artist, the best thing  time and stuff like that. But yeah, that was prob-
              nect with people more…”            about making music is the end result of listening  ably one of my craziest experiences that I’ve
                Matt adds, “I just feel like there’s a lot of  to your baby when it’s done. But creating that  had in this band so far. It was touching though,
              pressure in the sense of like, this is your career,  baby, even the biggest artists, they dread having  and it makes me happy that we can help peo-
              right? So, when we do this and you see some-  to fight with someone, saying ‘No, I hate that.’  ple.”
              times another person has success doing some-  That person is like, ‘I love this. This is what I
              thing, you automatically think to yourself ‘Are we  want to share with the world,’ and you’re like,  he European tour – and U.S. tour prior
              doing it wrong?’ and that’s scary to think about.  ‘I’m not sharing that with the world.’ So that’s the  Tto that – saw Matt, Aaron, Brandon and
              How  many  years  can  you  do  something  that  hardest part, just finding the common ground.  Xavier without their usual frontman Lou. Unfor-
              maybe didn’t work right away, ‘cause at the end  But when you do find it, and everyone’s clicking,  tunately Lou had to miss the tours, but the band
              of the day you need to eat, you need to provide  there’s no better feeling of ‘Wow, we created  regrouped with Brandon taking on lead vocals.
              for yourself, your future family, if you have a fam-  this.’”          Matt, in turn, took care of the bass guitar. When
              ily, so I think the hardest thing is trying to see                     we ask how it’s been performing as a 4-piece,
              what  works  for  your  band,  ‘cause  we’re  all  alisades  hail  from  the  small  town  of  Brandon says, “It’s been a transition going from
              unique and we’re all creating awesome music. I  PIselin  in  New  Jersey  and  originally  bass to this, but I was a vocalist in my older
              think, a lot of times, a lot of artists struggle with  formed in 2011. After signing to Rise Records,  band as well, so I kind of have a little bit of ex-
              their identity, and that’s the hardest part. And  they  released  their  debut  EP  ‘I’m  Not  Dying  perience behind me on doing it, but it’s been
              then going back to the social media thing, you’re  Today’ in 2012 – and have been with them ever  great, though. Everybody’s been really respon-
              looking back at it and thinking to yourself, ‘Am I  since. ‘Erase The Pain’ follows ‘Outcasts’, ‘Mind  sive. Everybody’s loved the set and the music
              good enough for this or that?’ I personally think  Games’ and their 2017 self-titled album. The  and I guess that’s what matters the most.”
              social media has                                            band  chose   Matt adds, “We’re lucky enough to have two
              become  an  ad-                                             the   title,  vocalists  with  great  voices  in  our  band,  so...
              diction…  a  dis-  “I want Palisades to become hope... that no  ‘Erase  The  Brandon really stepped up for us and we actu-
              ease. One of the  matter what you go through in life, no matter  Pain’,  since  ally decided on our last tour to do a Linkin Park
              most   popular                                              the   songs  cover  because  we  love  Linkin  Park,  we  love
              people or person what you deal with, you can overcome any-  on    the  Chester Bennington, and we noticed the last
              that’s   followed  thing. I think, a lot of times, people go through  album focus  couple of bands have been doing covers and we
              are the Kardashi-                                           on the strug-  should just throw one in and Brandon’s done a
              ans and they had that spiral, they don’t have hope. And I know  gles they’ve  great job just stepping up and doing that song.
              to change every-  hope can sound cheesy, but I think that hope in  b  e  e  n  It’s a really hard song to do but he’s doing a
              thing about them                                            through with  great job.”
              to  fit  their  new this world is the last thing we cling to that gets  the   final  Black Velvet agrees. Brandon’s vocals were
              profile.  So  that  us through the day.” - Matthew Marshall  song, ‘Shed  spot-on for their cover of ‘One Step Closer’. We
              just   teaches                                              My   Skin’,  bet Chester would have been impressed too.
              everybody  that                                             expressing
              you’re not good enough for who you are, and  how the past doesn’t have to be your future. The  o, what is the most important thing to
              you have to fit into these ideals. Once we can  album cover of an ouroboros symbolizes the  Sthe band? Aaron says, “I think it’s just
              break that and show people that you can be  breaking of a cycle and the start of a new one –  writing the right music and making sure we con-
              yourself and you don’t have to be this image or  a sign that no matter what you’ve been through,  nect to the fans as much as we can.
              what we try to say we are, then we can all move  you can shed your skin, begin again and ‘erase  “There’s a lot of shitty things in the world
              on and grow from it.”              the pain’.  All in all, despite the pain, we all still  right now and music is not one of them. And
                                                 have hope. Hope for the future and a better to-  music  can  help  people.  And  that’s  what  we
                   rack  seven  on  the  album,  ‘Fragile  morrow.                   wanna do. We wanna help people get through
                TBones’, is the continuation of ‘Vendetta’.  Through their career, the band have won  shitty times with our music.”
              The two songs were originally just one, but were  more and more fans, not least on their most re-  Matt adds, “The best thing is sharing with
              split into two. ‘Fragile Bones’ is more related to  cent tour with Sleeping With Sirens in Europe.  the world our music. And then it becomes theirs,
              the sadness of someone wanting to change you.  As a band, they love hearing fans’ stories and  and you hear their stories. They interpret our
              The band has said ‘Always be proud of who you  say they’re a huge source of inspiration for the  lyrics the way they want to interpret them and
              are’. We ask them what they are proud of.  band in so many ways.       that’s amazing to me too. I love the fact that we
                Matt replies, “I’m most proud of everybody.  Aaron tells us the moments they’ve shared  don’t have to be so literal with everything. We
              I’m proud of you guys,” he says to his band-  with fans can go very deep. “We have this one  can create something and maybe we sang that
              mates, “as we’re brothers. Going through the  fan of ours from Pennsylvania who, he was con-  about our family, but they look at it and say, ‘I
              things we went through to get this far. ‘Vendetta’  templating suicide and he said that it wasn’t until  sang this when my dog died,’ or ‘My car didn’t
              started as one giant song where it was split up  one of our songs came on that he decided to  start and I couldn’t get to work.’ There could be
              in two ‘cause it was the same ideas of just really  take the noose off around his neck and stepped  any reason, but that’s why we do it.”
              trying  to  create  something  that  we  were  just  down from the chair and said, ‘OK, I’m going to  But the one thing the band really want to
              stoked and happy with and trying to find who we  completely look at my life in a new way and a  provide is hope.
              are at the same time, and sometimes we were  different way, and try to be better’ – and I think  “I want Palisades to become hope,” says
              battling each other through that. So I’m really  that’s super-inspiring in the fact that our music  Matt, “that no matter what you go through in life,
              proud of us being together and sticking through  was  able  to  do  that,  and  being  able  to  help  no matter what you deal with, you can overcome
              those hard times. Sometimes you’re yelling and  someone to ultimately do something absolutely  anything.  I  think,  a  lot  of  times,  people  go
              screaming at each other, you know. It gets rough  insane. No matter what I’m going through, if I  through that spiral, they don’t have hope. And I
              sometimes.”                        think it’s bad, there are so many other people  know hope can sound cheesy, but I think that
                As Matt said, sometimes you can end up  that are going through so much worse and the  hope in this world is the last thing we cling to that
              questioning yourself. While Brandon says he’s  fact that our music was able to help that person,  gets  us  through  the  day. And  I  want  to  say,
              confident  with  what  the  band  write  and  what  it inspires me to keep going ‘You know what?  through our band, we’ve had a lot of hope when
              they’re doing, Aaron agrees with Matt. “When  Our fans can inspire us and we can learn from  a lot of people had doubts and hope is what kept
              you’re writing music, it’s really easy to second  them’.”              us going. The one thing I want you to remember,
              guess  yourself.  When  you  write  something,  Brandon adds, “I’ll never forget there was  there is hope for anything that you need to get
              you’re spending hours on it and you’re like ‘OK,  somebody I met outside of a show in Hartford,  through that day. There’s hope for a tomorrow.”
              this is really good,’ and the next day you’re like,  CT. He met me outside after the show. He liter-
              ‘Oh man, is this actually really good?’ and you  ally  came  up  to  me  and  was  ‘I  was  thinking  Visit  for  more
              start to show the other bandmates and you’re  about killing myself here in a little bit’ and I was  info, play ‘Erase The Pain’, turn the volume up
              like, ‘Am I crazy? Is this bad? Is this good?’ so  like ‘You don’t need to do that,’ and I hugged him  loud, and hope. Always hope.
              when  you’re  writing  music,  you’re  second  for a good five minutes and we kind of cried to-
              guessing yourself constantly, but that’s also a  gether and stuff and he was saying how grateful  Words by Shari Black Velvet
              great thing because you want to make sure you  he was for us and our music. That was very in-  Photos By Lauren Schorr
              are in the same mindset and you are on the right  spiring to me. What we do, we help people. We
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