Page 29 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 98
P. 29

BV98 pg26-31_BV98 pg29  09/08/2018  00:55  Page 4

                                                                                            BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 29
              them, whether it be a racial thing or any kind  nothing which has ever scared me or risen  ally strong stance on it other than I don’t get
              of prejudice where people fail to see the sim-  to the level where we’ve had to stop in the  it, I just don’t get it! I don’t understand why
              ilarities we all have among the human race  middle of a show to address it.”  people  would  want  to  have  a  gun  in  the
              and even animals. It’s just this really general  He tells Black Velvet, “We’ve all heard  house and at the same time it starts to be-
              understanding I think everyone should have.  the  stories  of  incidents  happening  in  the  come  a  compounding  problem  where  you
              We are all living things on the planet and we  crowd,  whether  it  be  sexual  assault,  vio-  are so concerned with society or whatever
              all should have some level of empathy and  lence, or people getting crushed or trampled,  and you know everyone else has a gun so it
              compassion for each other,                                so  on  one  makes you think you need one too. It’s a re-
              and  I  really  think  that  has                          side   it   is  ally complex problem, which is a major prob-
              gone missing.                                             something  I  lem in the United States, which I would be
                “What  concerns  me  is                                 would  like  to  reluctant to comment on other than I think it
              when one of the other prob-                               be  aware  of,  is brutal, but I do think it needs to be ad-
              lems we have becomes more                                 but  on  the  dressed with maybe stricter gun laws.
              an issue, the lack of empathy                             other   side    “We are now starting to see 3D printer
              and compassion will be what                               you hope you  guns so we’re on the verge of people being
              causes  the  bigger  collapse                             have  either  a  able  to  assemble  their  own  weapons  so
              rather than the actual prob-                              fan base will-  again maybe it’s a societal problem which
              lem  itself;  whether  it  be  a                          ing  to  help  we need to address from a different stand-
              war, a virus, a technological                             each other or  point as we might be ten years away from
              failure or anything else you                              at   least   a  there being no gun control where everyone
              can come up with. If we are                               proper  infra-  with a proper 3D printer can just make one.
              all not here to help and sup-                             structure  of  What do you do? There are definitely people
              port each other we are really                             security  and  more  smarter  and  dedicated  than  me  to
              going to have a problem.”                                 venue   per-  come up with a solution to that one!”
                Mentioning  people  not                                 sonnel   to
              accepting  each  other  be-                               stop  such  an  Of course, it’s not just the world which is
              cause they see them as dif-                               incident from  evolving, but Monster Truck are evolving as
              ferent to themselves, we ask                              happening,   well, and, as we’ve already mentioned, the
              Jeremy   about   Monster                                  e s p e c i a l l y  new album brings with it some subtle but
              Truck’s  drive  to  being  a                              now  we  have  very  noticeable  changes,  the  mention  of
              good-time  band  through                                  learned   so  ‘Young City Hearts’ being something of an
              their  music  and  their  live                            much    and  evolution for the band, being met with an im-
              shows and if his thoughts on                              seen so much  mediate “definitely” from Jeremy.
              people  being  more  tolerant                             from   other    He  tells  us,  “It  was  something  we  de-
              of  each  other  is  something                            bands  where  cided to do towards the end of the recording
              they try to promote through their music.   stuff  like  that  can  happen.  We’re  always  process where we wanted to work with a dif-
                Jeremy  replies,  “I  think  that  one  my  going to be aware, but at the end of the day  ferent producer for a handful of songs to re-
              favourite things about our fan base is it’s so  we also kind of lose ourselves in the moment  ally push us out of our comfort zone. The
              diverse.  Not  just  in  ethnicity,  but  in  age  of  the  music  so  we  can  provide  a  show  bulk of the record was completed with Dan
              groups. I think we do have a somewhat male-  where people feel they’ve had their monies  Weller and I think if you listen to the album
              dominated audience, but that’s not to say we  worth.”                                      you can tell which
              don’t have a strong following of female fans                                               songs we did with
              who all love hard rock and metal music who  he   song                                      Dan  and  which
              come to support the group. It’s always nice  T‘Evolution’                                  songs  we  later
              to see the diversity in the crowd and it is  sees  lead  vocalist                          did  with  Gavin
              something that we do feel strongly about,  Jon  Harvey  sing,                              (Brown).   The
              but at the same time we’ve never been ac-  ‘Hey  man,  gun  in                             songs  which  are
              tively vocal about it.             your  hand,  better                                     more on the side
                “The main message of the band is com-  drop it now, I’m not                              of  pushing  what
              ing together, having fun, finding a way to es-  asking  again,  I’ve                       we  have  done  in
              cape whatever is dragging you down in life  seen the world and                             the  past  is  the
              and sometimes you can bog down too much  I’ve  seen  how  it                               stuff which we did
              in that original message by being too politi-  ends’.  With  gun                           with  Gavin,  and
              cal or too much of an activist and taking the  crime and violence                          that was an inten-
              focus off the fact that we are all just here to  and gun control in                        tional move to try
              have  fun  and  not  think  about  the  world’s  America  such  a                          and do something
              problems or the potential end of the world.  massive   talking                             different.”
              It’s really about coming out and spending  point  in  the  world                              The  band  de-
              two or three hours at a rock concert, living  today, Jeremy tells                          cided  to  try  and
              in the moment, and having fun.”    us, “We had an inci-                                    diversify   the
                                                 dent in Toronto re-                                     album a little, with
                    oncerts are definitely one of the best  cently where three                           Jeremy saying, “I
                Cways to have fun, although once in a  people  were  killed                              think, being con-
              while  you  come  across  someone  that  is  and  I  think  nine                           structive, with the
              causing a problem at a show. Jeremy tells us  more  were  injured                          last two albums, I
              about  the  band’s  own  shows,  while  dis-  by  gun  violence                            don’t  think  we
              cussing the growing concern felt throughout  and  that  is  less                           tried to be adven-
              live  music,  in  particular  live  rock  music,  than an hour away                        turous   enough
              where people take their idea of fun too far.   from us in Hamilton                         with  those  al-
                “It’s a delicate balance. At the end of the  and we are not im-                          bums.  And  there
              day, if we ever see anything happening in the  mune to it here either. We have stricter gun  are people who are fine with that, but there
              crowd which is violent or sexist or anything  control in Canada, but, at the end of the day,  are some people who need the general vibe
              that strikes a nerve with us we would be will-  if you want to own 12 rifles you can own 12  of the album to change up a little more than
              ing to stop the show to address it, but luckily  rifles as long as you go through the neces-  we had done. One of the best things I can
              our fan base is pretty fantastic and we’ve  sary process, but I think it’s harder to get il-  say about it is we learned a lot about where
              never had to do that. There has been a cou-  legal weapons.            we are able to go and what we are able to do
              ple of moments where we’ve had to tell peo-  “It’s something which has always con-  and it’s something which I think we will take
              ple  to  take  their  foot  off  the  gas  when  it  fused us a little bit, the side of the public who  a lot of the knowledge from about experi-
              comes to shoving people in the mosh pit or  are  gun  lovers  or  enthusiasts,  but  I  don’t  menting and take it to the next album.
              becoming  a  little  overly  aggressive,  but  know enough about the subject to have a re-  “I don’t think there is a better way of ap-
                                                                                              MONSTER TRUCK
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