Page 28 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 98
P. 28

BV98 pg26-31_BV98 pg28  09/08/2018  00:52  Page 3

              BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 28
                   ince the release of their debut, self-  and  even  the  90s  melded  together  was  mand was there.
                Stitled EP in 2010, Monster Truck have  something  which  was  kind  of  missing,  at  “It was something which I wasn’t sure I
              followed something of a similar pattern; foot-  least from the scene in our country. And it  wanted to do because I had started the band
              stomping,  headbanging,  fist-pumping,  fin-  seems it was also something that was miss-  in  the  name  of  not  being  involved  in  the
              ger-clicking rock ‘n’ roll designed to offer to  ing elsewhere. The success of the band was  music industry anymore and it was meant to
              all those within earshot an immediate injec-  rather rapid in the UK than we had ever ex-  be a band from a DIY standpoint, booking
              tion of good time vibes. And this tried-and-  pected and that was the moment where I re-  our own shows and really staying away from
              tested  format  has  served  the  band  well,  ally started to feel like that, I guess. It’s not  the major record labels and the pitfalls which
              earning  them  op-                                  that  we  felt  like  true  can happen when you start being on tour
              portunities  to  play                               rockers;  we  felt  like  and letting other people dictate the business
              with some of rock’s                                 part  of  a  group  or  a  plan for the group.”
              royalty,  such  as                                  movement that all felt
              Nickelback,   Billy                                 that way, whether it be  ow, nearly ten years after their initial
              Talent,   Volbeat,                                  our fan base or other  Nformation,  the  band  are  signed  to
              Alter  Bridge,  Rob                                 bands like Rival Sons  Mascot Records with ‘True Rockers’ follow-
              Zombie  and  Black                                  or anyone waving the  ing on from 2016’s ‘Sittin’ Heavy’. “I think I
              Stone  Cherry,  as                                  flag.  We  always  felt  was the only one in the band who felt like we
              well  as  performing                                rock ‘n’ roll was very  could be hugely successful,” says the gui-
              alongside Deep Pur-                                 much  alive  and  we  tarist. “Usually that would be fuelled by half
              ple  on  their  final                               wanted  to  be  at  the  a bottle of whisky. But I always felt… I guess
              tour of Europe.                                     forefront of bringing it  I had this kinda shitty punk rock attitude in
                All  the  while,                                  to people on a record  thinking  that  I  didn’t  understand  why  we
              their star has risen                                and in a live setting.”  weren’t bigger. I guess I had this dumb view
              too, leading to big-                                  The band (Jeremy  of ‘as soon as you are good enough that it
              ger   and   bigger                                  is joined by Jon Har-  would just happen’ and I would sometimes
              headline  shows  of                                 vey,  Brandon  Bliss  listen to other bands and think ‘we should be
              their own and an in-                                and  Steve  Kiely)  ini-  as big as them and why aren’t we?’
              creasingly large fan                                tially  formed  in  2009  “Of course, I wasn’t realising you have to
              base  who  feed  off                                from out of Hamilton,  put in a decade’s worth of work to get there.
              the positive energy                                 Canada. Talking about  So, on the one hand, I did think we could do
              and  messages  the                                  their debut EP, Jeremy  it but on the other hand I didn’t think it would
              band   and   their                                  says,  “We  needed  an  happen for us because I’d been in lots of
              music  provide.  But                                album  to  sell  at  the  other bands where it just didn’t happen. You
              with  new  album                                    merch table when we  can never be sure. In my drunken moments
              ‘True Rockers’, they                                finished the show be-  I  was  sure  we  would  get  there,  but  you’d
              have shown there is                                 cause  people  really  wake up in the morning with the sobering
              more  to  Monster                                   wanted  to  be  able  to  thought that there are a million other bands
              Truck  than  just  a                                take our music home  working just as hard as you to get their ass
              good-time   party                                   with  them.  So  I  think  in that position.”
              band and they have already uncovered the  we only spent about $4,000 to do that first
              potential they have for the future. Guitarist  EP. It was more of a calling card to see if we  ell,  hard  work  and  perseverance
              Jeremy is quick to tell us their determination  really did have           W             can  definitely  make
              to put the work in to achieve their full poten-  a following and                        goals attainable. And
              tial is very much there.           people   who                                         with  ‘True  Rockers’,
                While  the  new  album  still  remains  wanted to con-                                the  band  are  really
              packed with the no-nonsense, no-frills style  sume the band                             forging  forward.  For
              of hard rock fans have come to expect from  from   a                                    starters, the album in-
              the Truck, the record opens up a new side of  r e c o r d e d                           cludes  some  very
              the  band  with  tracks  such  as  the AOR-in-  standpoint and                          thought-provoking
              fused ‘Young City Hearts’, a highlight of the  not  just  a  live                       tracks  –  one  being
              album,  and  slower  grooves  such  as  ‘The  standpoint.                               ‘Evolution’,  the  lead
              Howlin’’, plus lead single ‘Evolution’, the lat-  “Once  that                           single.  We  ask  Je-
              ter alongside ‘Devil Don’t Care’ also bringing  had  come  out                          remy for his thoughts
              some  deeper  and  more  personal  lyrics  to  and  we  had                             on  the  evolution  of
              their music, the likes of which are only set to  seen  the  de-                         the  world  and  how
              strengthen the bond between the band and  mand   was                                    life is evolving. He re-
              their fan base.                    there,  we  put                                      sponds,  “It  would
                                                 together  ‘The                                       surprise  me  to  hear
                     ith the album title being ‘True Rock-  Brown   EP’                               anyone  who  thinks
                Wers’ and the opening song on the  (which   came                                      we  are  in  a  good
              album, ‘True Rocker’ (which features none  out  in  2011),                              place right now!”
              other than Dee Snider), we ask Jeremy when  which   was                                    He  says  ‘Evolu-
              he knew himself that he was a true rocker.  more ‘We know                               tion’ is “not about us
              After a pause for thought, he tells Black Vel-  we  are  here                           thinking we are clever
              vet, “I’d have to say it was the experience of  and  we  know                           or seeing something
              being  in  this  band.  I  think  we  started  the  we need to get                      which  other  people
              group out as kind of a touchstone of a musi-  this music out,’                          don’t, it’s just a state-
              cal journey that was really rooted in our own  and then some-                           ment  on  the  fact
              self-indulgence. We didn’t start the group to  thing   crazy                            everyone  is  on  the
              be a touring act or on a record label, it was  happened  with                           same page as far as
              really just a selfish endeavour to indulge in  that EP when, out of the five songs on it, two  the shit is going to hit the fan at some point
              our own favourite things about rock music. I  of them went top five in Canada. That was  and there is going to be a major adjustment
              definitely didn’t feel like a true rocker when  something we never intended or expected.  needed by society at large. We are all kind of
              that  started,  but  once  the  band  started  to  We never even realised those songs could  witnessing a massive shift in society.”
              take off and we had to adjust our perspective  end up on the radio. And so, when that hap-  Jeremy tells us more about the things
              on what the band was and what it could be,  pened, it was when we realised we might re-  that concern him about today’s world and
              that was when I think we started to see there  ally have something on our hands and we  the  changes  he  sees.  “One  of  the  main
              was a whole legion of people out there who  need to focus on this and really start think-  things which concerns me is the general lack
              felt the same way that we did with the classic  ing about a full-length record and saving up  of empathy and concern most people have
              rock sound and the inspiration of the 70s  our money to get on tour because the de-  towards people they deem to be different to
                MONSTER TRUCK
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