Page 39 - Black Velvet Issue 96
P. 39
BV96 albums pg3_BV96 pg39 13/03/2018 20:31 Page 1
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things up in the second EP soon! musical brilliance, the sul- at life as it is and the strug-
track ‘Main Attraction’, by YYYY try ‘Why Don’t You Do gles it can be. John Lee
transitioning from male vo- Athena Kam Right’ and hard rock/funk Hooker’s ‘Mr Lucky’ is
calist Logan Alexander to soul opener ‘Give It Every- given extra oomph – the
sister Allison Alexander, WALKING PAPERS thing You Got’ manage to bass is especially strong in
who has a killer set of lungs WP2 stand out as particular the rollicking rhythm sec-
and shows off her high (LOUD & PROUD) highlights, but it’s hard to tion and the guitar licks are
notes. The band exposes a Don’t assume that the pick favourites. Etta James’ delicious. ‘Down To One
more vulnerable, tender biggest name in the band is ‘Damn Your Eyes’ is Bar’ is the tale of a night
side in ‘Rewind’ and ‘Need Walking Papers’ main man. slower-paced but full of out gone bad when tempta-
THE ROCKET DOLLS More Time’, with both As this second album power. Title track ‘Black tion overrides judgement,
DEADHEAD tracks starting with proves, the quartet - gui- Coffee’ is based on the complete with dirty guitars
(THE ROCKET DOLLS) acoustic guitar and encom- tarist/vocalist Jefferson An- Steve Marriott version of and a rockier sound. The
Brighton’s heavy rock- passing confessional lyrics gell, drummer Barrett Ike & Tina Turner’s classic Southern rock of ‘The Real
ers The Rocket Dolls pres- like ‘I used to just run and Martin, keyboardist Ben- so it’s rocked-up and the Deal’ sees Lopez laying
ent a deeply personal hide from all of my mis- jamin Anderson and Duff band really makes the himself bare, comfortable
selection of tracks on their takes’. Meanwhile, ‘Big McKagan on bass – is a most of it. The tongue-in- in his own skin, and the
second album. Singer/gui- Dipper Boy’ is one of the collaborative effort. Fusing cheek, fast-moving short-lived solos on this
tarist Nikki Smash is largely most daring tracks on the blues rock, grunge, alt-rock gospel/R&B of LaVern and the more laid back
responsible and has drawn album, with a complete and masterful lyrical story- Baker’s ‘Saved’ is pure joy. ‘Raise Some Hell’ are ter-
on both his own experi- change of feel in the middle telling, ‘WP2’ is a dark and So many great tracks with rific. ‘Angel Eyes Of Blue’ is
ences as well as reflecting of the song before return- melancholic listen in exceptional delivery; the another infectious foot-
on the state of society. Fus- ing to the original chorus. places. ‘My Luck Pushed whole album is completely stomper, while ‘Blue Moon
ing heavy rock, metal, The band has just finished Back’ is described as a addictive. Just go buy it! Rising’ provides the soulful
punk, grunge, and pop recording demos for a full- driven, opening-track dirge YYYYY and passionate blues-bal-
smart sensibilities, it kicks length album – it will be which is a bit harsh – the Clare Huckett lad. ‘Tell The Truth’ com-
off with ‘None Of This Is one to look out for judging crunching guitars and prises 11 tracks of
Right’. A straight-up rocker by the sounds of this EP. strong rhythms have a CHRIS LAUBIS high-calibre blues-rock,
with an infectious rhythm, it Despite the production and swing which lifts the track a LONELY TONITE stunning guitars, and an
deals with Nikki’s battle quality leaving the EP little out of the gloom. ‘Red (POPTOWN) expressive, authentic
with addiction to prescrip- falling a little short, there’s & White’ is a soulful ballad Chris Laubis’ latest vocal. It’s a perfect combi-
tion painkillers. The furious a lot of creative potential telling a story of struggle album is like something nation.
drum-led intro to ‘She’s here. and pain, bringing the pace from a past era. Clearly the YYYYY
Starting Something Now’ YYY right down only for it to ex- 70s meant a lot to him in Clare Huckett
contrasts with a subtler, Athena Kam plode into ‘Somebody rock terms and 12-bar
predatory air and its story Else’, all pounding drum blues gets a lot of coverage DIZZY REED
of a woman plotting re-
COLT48 rhythms and throbbing as well. By far and away ROCK ‘N’ ROLL AIN’T
venge on her abuser. The II bass plus soaring guitar the best tracks here are the EASY
darker, heavier ‘Trigger’ fol- (COLT48) solo. The heavy, swagger- covers, which are largely (GOLDEN ROBOT)
lows a similar theme. Title London-based duo ing blues of ‘This Is How It faithful renditions. The GN’R stalwart Dizzy
track ‘DeadHead’ focuses Colt48 may have only Ends’ makes it a corker of Rolling Stones’ ‘Star Star’ Reed recruited a glittering
on the struggle to function formed in June 2017, but a track, while ‘Into The has Laubis doing a pass- line-up of musicians for his
with depression and the the maturity in their music Truth’ and ‘King Hooker’ able Mick Jagger, and the first solo album from
feeling of being lost. The gives no indication of this. are more classic rockers, guitars in particular are WASP, Quiet Riot, No
guitar rhythms are particu- Although only three tracks the latter with a foot-stomp- spot on for Bowie’s ‘Hang Doubt, and more. Opener
larly strong here with a long, Colt48’s sophomore ing rhythm. Lots to like in On To Yourself’. There’s and lead single ‘This Don’t
cracking solo. ‘The Last EP tantalizes listeners with what is a very thoughtfully- The Ramones’ ‘I Can’t Give Look Like Vegas’ is a case
Thing On My Mind’ is a rousing hard rock. The EP crafted album. You Anything’, Trade Mar- in point. Featuring Ricky
beautiful but still hard-rock- starts with a low, angry gui- YYYY tin’s foot-stomping blues in Warwick, Mayuko Okai and
ing ballad, rounded out tar riff, which is sure to fire Clare Huckett ‘Evil River’ and title track Richard Fortus on guitars,
with strings and a plaintive you up – fitting considering ‘Lonely Tonite’. Sadly the plus Mike Dupke and Mike
vocal. A solid piece of work the title of the track is ‘The rest of the album doesn’t Duda from WASP on
with power and depth. Fire’. Angry, energetic, and match up. ‘Ballad Of A drums and bass respec-
YYYY aggressive, it’s got all the Rolling Stone’ is one of the tively. Reed provides a
Clare Huckett
elements to make you better originals, but it’s let strong lead vocal and his
headbang along to it. Gui- down by the backing vo- distinctive keys. A stellar
INNER CIRCLE AVENUE tarist and vocalist Adam cals which are slightly off- line-up for a stupendous,
GREETINGS FROM THE Jerome grew up around key and really hard to hard-riffing and wildly-rock-
INNER CIRCLE the post-grunge and early ignore. The same goes for ing track. The guitars, es-
(INNER CIRCLE AV- nu metal scene, and you ‘Come For My Guns’ where pecially the solos, across
ENUE) can hear these influences they are tripping over the the album are fantastic and
Pop-punk four-piece in the low tuning of the gui- BETH HART & JOE lyrics in the chorus. It’s a
Inner Circle Avenue hail tars, especially in the mid- BONAMASSA real shame because the the piano adds welcome
supplementary melodies.
from the small town of section of the track. ‘Out Of BLACK COFFEE covers are great. Other highlights are title
Blissfield, Michigan, but Habit’ is slower and more (PROVOGUE/MASCOT YYY track and closer ‘Rock ‘N’
their energy certainly is not heartfelt, featuring a pow- LABEL GROUP) Clare Huckett Roll Ain’t Easy’ with its laid-
small. In debut EP ‘Greet- erful chorus with meaning- The pairing of Beth back, bluesy rhythm;
ings From The Inner Cir- ful lyrics like ‘through the Hart’s fantastic voice and LANCE LOPEZ piano-led dramatic power
cle’, the band showcases tears, we said we have to Joe Bonamassa’s virtuoso TELL THE TRUTH ballad ‘Fragile Water’ and
their ability to write diverse carry on now’. It’s a bold guitar is phenomenal, so (PROVOGUE/MASCOT) its strong sense of loss; the
musical material, with no rock ballad with honest the arrival of their latest The latest album from sleazy ‘Dirty Bomb’; and
two tracks sounding the lyrics. ‘Never (Let You Live album together is a cause blues-rock guitar hero ‘Crestfallen’ with its darker
same. Opener ‘Goin’ It Down)’ brings the energy for celebration. And what Lance Lopez cements his tones, alt-rock angst and
Nowhere Fast’ has an old up again and you’ll be an album it is. Ten re-imag- position as a rock heavy- soaring closing guitar solo.
school pop-punk feel to it, singing along to the chorus inings of soul gems, weight. His smoky voice This is a kick-ass record of
with a head-bopping, infec- within a few plays. This duo recorded live in the studio was made for this, and his classic Sunset Strip and
tious beat that will make is definitely one to look out with the backing of an ex- guitar skills are exemplary. dirty blues-style rock. It’s
you sing along to ‘I’m going for in the future judging on cellent group of musicians. Starting with the foot- an absolute must listen.
nowhere fast’ during the their current sound, and It doesn’t get much better stomping ‘Never Came YYYYY
catchy chorus. They shake
here’s hoping for a longer than this. In an album of Easy To Me’, Lopez looks Clare Huckett