Page 34 - Black Velvet Issue 96
P. 34

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              BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 34

                   here are many positive aspects of on-  Brad says. “I think we’ve all faced our chal-  to do it. I think that if you have a place to es-
                Tline  communication  though;  one  lenges  and  it  definitely  comes  out  in  the  cape and collect your thoughts and really get
              being that you are able to be involved in dis-  music; these are real things that we have  healthy, that’s the biggest thing.”
              cussions with people all over the world. You  gone through. To be honest, to put it down
              can  get  to  know  people  who  have  shared  on paper and write a song about it, it’s ther-  eferring back to the song ‘The Moun-
              similar experiences to you, or who may be  apy for us.”                   Rtain’, we pick up on the line, ‘Is this
              going through the same problems that you                               life that I’ve been living all that’s meant for
              are dealing with in your life.           isten to the songs on the album and  me?’  We ask Brad whether there has ever
                When  Three  Days  Grace  released  the  Lyou will hear that the lyrics deal with  been a time when he has stopped to ques-
              album’s first single, ‘The Mountain’ - an en-  trying to find your own place through life,  tion the direction his life has been heading.
              couraging  song  that  reminds  you  to  keep  being  yourself  and  being  comfortable  in  “Absolutely! I think we all do,” he responds.
              going and continue to move forward, keep  doing that. It’s okay to be an outsider - to not  “I’d have to say it gets harder and harder
              climbing that mountain - they invited fans to  be  caught  up  with  negative  influences  or  every year to leave my children; I have kids
              share what they have been trying to over-  how other people and the media want you to  at home, I have a family. I have three boys -
              come. Many different stories were shared, by  act, to feel, what they want you to believe, in  they’re eleven, nine and seven. Every time I
              people of all ages and all backgrounds, each  order to conform. Just be you. “Sometimes  have to get on that tour bus I ask myself that,
              with their own daily battles. Struggles relat-  getting outside of the mainstream in-crowd  you know. I think we all have things in our
              ing to trying to get over loved ones dying,  is  a  good  thing,”  notes  Brad,  “especially  life that we would like to change and try to
              overcoming drug addiction, suffering from  when the mainstream crowd becomes kind  question ourselves sometimes; which I think
              depression  /  mental  health  issues,  going  of  a  crazy  world.  There  are  times  when  is good. We have to check it that way, so that
              through  heartbreak.  One  thing  that  these  you’ve got to find your own path and just go  we know whether the things in our life are
              people  had  in  common  though,  is  how  for it.”                    meant to be there or not.”
              they’ve cited music for helping them through  Brad tells us that he is an outsider. He is  Having  been  off  the  road  for  almost  a
              these tough times. As an artist and a song-  a loner. “That’s why I live where I live. There  year, Brad, Barry, Neil and Matt will soon be
              writer, Brad calls it the ‘ultimate compliment’  is nobody around and when I come home I  hopping on a tour bus as Three Days Grace
              when someone says one of their songs has  stay home, I don’t really go out. I don’t like  begin touring in support of ‘Outsider’. “I’m
              helped them overcome a bad time in their  crowds, so I kind of stay to myself and I’m  excited to get back out and play some new
              life. “We have a lot of fans that talk to us, es-  alone all the time.” Back when Brad was at  songs,” Brad says. There are plans for the
              pecially for the song ‘Never Too Late’ [about  school things were pretty much the same for  band to tour America, Canada and they are
              being in a dark place but seeing a way out  him then too. “Once the grunge movement  also looking at the UK too. “We have some
              and wanting to turn your life around], they  came  along  I  was  definitely  that  guy,  you  great fans in the UK so we’re hoping we will
              say that the song saved their life in some  know - ripped jeans, plaid shirts, long hair,  be there definitely within the next year,” he
              way. When you hear that, nothing makes you  didn’t give a shit what anybody thought; I did  adds.
              feel more grateful. It’s very humbling and it’s  my own thing,” Brad reflects. “That was kind  Three Days Grace are definitely a band
              kind of why we do this. It’s not just about us,  of our thing growing up. Really, the grunge  that are meant to be on the road; if you have
              it’s about our fans, so it’s pretty amazing.”  movement was the reason we started writing  ever been lucky enough to see them live you
                Frontman  Matt  has  talked  about  his  music.”                     will know that they put on a great show. We
              bouts of depression in interviews where he  “So yeah... when I have to get away from  cannot wait until they make a return to these
              has said that he had felt ashamed when he  everything, I come home. Touring life is def-  shores and when they do make sure you get
              was advised by doctors to go on antidepres-  initely a crazy world, and one that can catch  yourself a ticket and we’ll see you there!
              sants.  Matt’s  story  prompted  some  of  the  up  to  you  if  you  are  not  careful.  Coming
              topical content on ‘Outsider’ and he wants  home for me, it’s being in the woods and just  Visit for more
              the negativity surrounding mental illness to  turning off. Some days I won’t... I have gone  information
              change.  “Writing  is  definitely  therapeutic,  weeks  sometimes  with  my  cell  phone  off,
              everybody in the band talks about their life.  which my bandmates don’t like very much,  Words By Sam and Penny Gower
              Matt, he’s pretty open about stuff like that,”  or my manager. but sometimes you just have

                THREE DAYS GRACE
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