Page 40 - Black Velvet Issue 96
P. 40

BV96 albums pg4_BV96 pg40  12/03/2018  00:30  Page 1

              BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 40
                                   outlook enveloping it. Join  gentle soundtrack through-  by  so  many,  Project  Re-  the layering of textures until
                                   Three Days Grace on their  out  on  the  drums  leaving  vise’s offering doesn’t par-  the very end of the track,
                                   latest  journey  and  be  in-  guitarists Jasen Rauch and  ticularly stand out, but they  when  everything  drops
                                   spired.              Keith  Wallen  and  bassist  do what’s been done very  away  to  Andrew’s  voice
                                                YYYY    Aaron  Bruch  to  add  their  well.        and a soft piano chord. The
                                            Penny Gower  stamp  with  occasional             YYY   album ends with title track
                                                        power   chords   dotted         Athena Kam  ‘You’re Not Alone’, an exu-
                                                        throughout the song, each                  berant,  inspirational  track
                                                        perfectly positioned along-                that  showcases  Andrew’s
                                                        side the vocals to complete                ability  to  use  atypical  in-
                                                        a quite marvellous piece of                strumentation and encour-
              THREE DAYS GRACE
              OUTSIDER                                  music.                                     aging  lyrics  to  create  a
                                                                                                   grandiose rock track. The
              (MUSIC FOR NATIONS)                                     YYYY
                 ‘I  only  wanna  disap-                       Michael Coventry                    spoken word interludes be-
              pear, far from here, away                                                            tween some of the songs
              from  everyone…’  sings                   PROJECT REVISE                             give you a breather and are
              Three  Days  Grace  front-                SONGS  THAT  SOUND                         very empowering. The king
                                                                                                   of partying is well and truly
              man  Matt  Walst  during  BREAKING BENJAMIN  LIKE SONGS
              opening  song  ‘Right  Left  EMBER        (PROJECT REVISE)      ANDREW W.K.          back with this album.
              Wrong’.  While  they  didn’t  (HOLLYWOOD)    The debut EP of Proj-  YOU’RE NOT ALONE              YYYY
              disappear  as  such,  the  Long-serving American  ect Revise is a perfect rep-  (RED/SONY)     Athena Kam
              members  of  Three  Days  rockers Breaking Benjamin  resentation  of  the  high  ‘You’re Not Alone’ sees
              Grace - Matt, Barry Stock  are  back  with  their  sixth  energy  that  defines  punk  Andrew W.K releasing his  SCREECH BATS
              (guitar), Brad Walst (bass)  studio album, 'Ember'. The  rock,  with  six  tracks  of  first proper studio album in  WISH YOU WERE HER
              and   Neil   Sanderson  vision   of   the   band's  pummeling drums, memo-  nearly  12  years,  and  it  (SCREECH BATS)
              (drums)  -  did  retreat  to  founder,  lead  singer  and  rable riffs and lively tunes  marks a resounding return  Describing themselves
              some remote places while  guitarist Benjamin Burnley  guaranteed  to  make  your  of the self-proclaimed king  as having a grungy, riot girl
              working on their sixth stu-  remains largely unchanged  heart race. Hailing from the  of partying – and my, does  ethos  at  heart,  London-
              dio  release,  ‘Outsider’.  here and fans of the band  Midlands,  the  three-piece  the album make you want  based  punk  rock  quartet
              Away from distractions, the  will likely lap up everything  punk rock band describes  to  throw  on  your  dancing  Screech Bats certainly live
              band has crafted an inspir-  'Ember' has to offer as the  themselves  as  being  ‘all  shoes  and  party!  The  up  to  this  description  in
              ing album that represents  unique sound and charac-  about the old school catchy  album  begins  with  ‘The  sophomore EP ‘Wish You
              finding  your  place  in  a  ter the band has cemented  choruses and big riffs’, and  Power  Of  Partying’,  be-  Were Her’. Opening track
              crazy world. It’s about es-  its reputation on is here in  they  certainly  reflect  this  cause what else would you  ‘Blood In My Hair’ plunges
              caping,  it’s  about  moving  spades and there is some  sentiment  in  ‘Songs  That  expect the king of partying  you  into  blood-pumping
              forward into the unknown,  tremendous material to be  Sound   Like   Songs’.  to  begin  with?  Dramatic  punk, with displays of ruth-
              it’s about survival. Case in  enjoyed over the course of  Opener  ‘Tie  Me  Down’  and vivid, it’s an instrumen-  less,  rhythmic  drumming
              point  is  the  motivational  this near 40-minute album.  kicks the EP off with high-  tal opening track that is in-  throughout.  ‘Get  Better’
              lead single ‘The Mountain’.  Breaking Benjamin’s infu-  energy guitar riffs and un-  dicative of the intensity of  kicks off with swinging gui-
              The  sinewy  riffs  help  de-  sion of hints of alternative  relenting drums, making no  the rest of the album, with  tars and a swaying bass in
              liver the empowering mes-  metal  into  an  American  apologies for the fiery en-  orchestral  strings,  bells,  6/8,  and  vocalist  Esme
              sage  that  no  matter  what  radio rock foundation gives  ergy  that  dominates  the  and  electric  guitars  all  Baker  gets  confessional
              life  throws  at  you,  stay  them  a  very  special  style  track.  Playful  interactions  blending  in  a  flurry  of  with lyrics such as ‘I said
              strong and keep on going.  and that is present in the  between vocalists Richard  notes. ‘Music Is Worth Liv-  things I shouldn’t say’. The
              Three  Days  Grace  have  opening tracks 'Feed The  Marshall  and  Chris  Tam-  ing For’ follows, and the full  vocal harmonies of Baker’s
              expanded their sound a lit-  Wolf' and 'Red Cold River'.  burro culminate in exquisite  texture  of  the  piece  en-  velvety,  rich  voice  really
              tle in terms of the addition  Benjamin's  angsty  vocals  harmonies, which we see  velopes you at once, and  add another texture, mark-
              of  more  synths/electronic  are used superbly on these  repeated  throughout  the  gives way to an anthemic  ing this one of the standout
              elements, but the band has  songs;  his  voice  comes  EP. There’s  a  slightly  an-  chorus that will make you  tracks  from  the  EP.  The
              not strayed too far from the  across like another musical  grier  undertone  to  ‘Three  want to wave your arms to  tone shifts in unapologetic
              sound that has made them  instrument  alongside  his  Long Years’. An unforgiving  it. ‘I Don’t Know Anything’ is  ‘Every Good Thing’, where
              a  multi-platinum  success;  bandmates  and  gives  the  energy pulses throughout,  a highly energetic rock and  a hint of anger can be de-
              that is certainly not a criti-  songs  even  more  power  which is maintained in the  roll number, and the lively  tected   underneath.
              cism by the way, they are  and  are  among  the  high-  next track. ‘Time Will Carry  piano   accompaniment  Screech  Bats  hone  in  on
              great at what they do. The  lights of 'Ember'. Of course,  You’ leans towards a pop-  marks the triumphant feel-  this  emotion,  creating  an
              pulsating anthem ‘I Am An  there  is  plenty  to  enjoy  punk sound, with an instru-  ing  of  the  track.  An  8-bit  emotional,   impassioned
              Outsider’   includes   the  here rather than just these  mental  bridge  that  slows  and  piano  introduction  track that listeners can re-
              lyrics,  ‘I  don't  wanna  be  two songs; the wild open-  down  harmonically  and  starts  off  ‘Party  Mindset’,  late  to.  The  quartet  then
              anybody's  scene,  I  don't  ing  to  'Psycho'  is  hugely  gives  the  listener  some  which sounds like it could  leans towards slightly more
              believe what you believe.  enjoyable and suitable to a  space  to  breathe  whilst  be the rock cousin of Elton  pop  rock  sensibilities  in
              I'd rather be faceless in the  track  of  its  name  but  it's  maintaining the intensity of  John’s  songs.  It’s  one  of  ‘Just Like You’; with a solid
              dark, than be so fake like  where the band rein them-  the previous tracks. ‘Every  the slower, grander tracks  beat  for  listeners  to  latch
              the  way  you  are…’  The  selves in a little that the re-  Time  Breaks’  is  more  fo-  on  the  album.  The  piano  on to, you’ll catch yourself
              song  is  powerful,  proud  sults  are  even  more  cused on the vocals, with  rock feel continues in ‘Keep  subconsciously   nodding
              and  infectious.  Another  spectacular. 'Tourniquet' is  harmonies  throughout  as  On Going’, which features  along to this track. The EP
              stand-out  track  is  ‘Infra-  an  example  of  this  and  opposed  to  in  small  sec-  one  of  the  most  motiva-  ends  with  ‘That  Valentine
              Red’,  a  song  about  con-  their  more  melodic  work,  tions like in previous tracks,  tional  choruses  in  the  Song’,  which,  despite  its
              nection.  The  atmospheric  while 'Torn in Two' is a gut-  and ‘Take A Moment’ has  album with lyrics such as  title,  is  more  of  an  anti-
              tone  is  supported  with  wrenching  track  where  some intense snare drum  ‘When  they  tried  to  push  Valentine track with lyrics
              pounding drum beats and a  Benjamin's  clean  vocals  build-ups  to  quicken  your  you  down,  you  just  stood  like ‘My lover hates me and
              driving guitar riff. Whether  are  showcased  superbly.  heartbeat.  The  EP  ends  your ground, you kept on  that’s  fine’.  Soaring  lush
              they are singing about the  But it's 'The Dark Of You'  with  the  same  amount  of  going’.  The  motivational  vocals  dominate  the  cho-
              state of the world right now  where  the  band  truly  ex-  energy it started out with in  energy is then transformed  rus, and it’s a great way to
              (‘Strange  Days’)  or  how  cels. Stripped down to the  ‘Fire Burns Out’, and with  into a classic rock spirit in  end  the  EP.  While  not
              crazy  social  media  gets  bare essentials, Benjamin's  an  anthemic  chorus,  it  ‘The Devil’s On Your Side’,  breaking  musical  bound-
              sometimes   (‘The   New  lyrics encourage every hair  ends the EP on a high. Al-  full of explosive vocals, gui-  aries,  you’ll  want  to  keep
              Real’),  the  subject  matter  to stand to attention as he  though the music is good,  tars  and  bass.  There’s  a  an  eye  out  for  any  future
              on  ‘Outsider’  is  pretty  encourages  his  audience  there’s little variation musi-  war-like  feel  to  the  drum-  music by this quartet.
              heavy,  but  has  a  positive  to ‘save this selfish world’  cally between the tracks. In  ming in this track, and the  YYY
                                   while Shaun Foist offers a  a genre that’s been done  intensity is maintained with  Athena Kam
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