Page 29 - Black Velvet Issue 96
P. 29

BV96 centre pages_BV96 pg29  07/03/2018  00:43  Page 4

                                                                                           BlackVelvetMagazine.Com -   29
              I think everyone has a sense of that from the  to  be;  I’d  like  it  to  be  successful,  I’d  like  lifestyle and keep up that rebel attitude, you
              day that they’re born. You know if something  everybody that works with the band, every-  can kind of do things that aren’t really role
              feels  right,  you  know  if  something  feels  one that listens to the band, everyone that  model-esque.”
              wrong. But at what point in our lives does so  comes to a show, I would just like it to be a  One  thing  we’ve  discovered  over  the
              much happen to us that we lose that? And  safe place, a feel-good place where people  years is that you can never please everyone
              it’s  almost  like  a  constant  battle  in  your  could have a good time and don’t have to  all of the time. With an array of fans comes
              adulthood life to get back to that innocence  worry about anything. You can escape from  an array of wants and demands. We’ve no-
              and that understanding that ‘Hey, the world  reality for a little bit.”  ticed bands from time to time apologizing to
              doesn’t   revolve                                                      fans because they couldn’t come out to sign
              around  me  person-                                                    autographs after a show – or something of
              ally’.  Everyone  has                                                  that nature.
              their   own   story.                                                      Craig says, “I was just reading an article
              Everybody’s  going                                                     the other day about full-grown adults that
              through something.                                                     were getting upset at the cast of ‘Stranger
              But if we all tried to                                                 Things’, who are kids, those are kids, under-
              understand   each                                                      age kids. And there were full-grown adults
              other   better   the                                                   waiting  outside  the  hotel  these  kids  were
              world  would  be  a                                                    staying at upset that these kids weren’t com-
              better place, I think.”                                                ing down to talk to them. It’s like, “What is
                During  his  ca-                                                     wrong with you?” You’re a full-grown adult
              reer  Craig  has  had                                                  and you’re creepily waiting outside a hotel
              moments when he’s                                                      where a child is staying because you want a
              questioned  who  he                                                    photo or an autograph?”
              was becoming.                                                             Craig remembers one of his own similar
                “I’ve  definitely                                                                         e x pe r ie nc e s .
              had a lot of middle-                                                                        “There was one
              of-tour   moments                                                                           show I played, I
              where I’m just star-                                                                        believe  it  was
              ing  in  the  mirror                                                                        South  By  So
              thinking,  ‘What  the                                                                       What  in  Texas
              hell happened to you?!’” he laughs. “’What                                                  and  I  got  off-
              am I doing here? Why am I here? What am I  s humans,                                        stage and I just
              doing?’ I have a lot of those moments. I like  Ab a n d                                     was  not  feeling
              having those moments because being a mu-  members come in                                   good that whole
              sician and artist it drives my creative force.”   all  shapes  and                          day,  and  I  just
                His creative force came out in full force  sizes.  Some  are                              pushed through
              for ‘Empire’, a song that’s been described as  seen as role mod-                            that  entire  set
              a  party  anthem  with  a  dark  undertone.  In  els,   others   as                         and as soon as
              ‘Empire’ Craig sings ‘Welcome to my empire  rebels.  Some start                             it finished I was
              where everyone’s fucked up’.       out  as  rebels  and                                     like, “Uh oh, it’s
                Craig says, “I think anything in excess  morph  into  role                                going  to  hap-
              turns into something bad and that’s what the  models.                                       pen. I need to go
              undertones in that song have. On the sur-  Craig  says,  “I                                 throw up. This is
              face,  and  I  guess  we  get  back  to  haters  think  in  this  day                       going  to  hap-
              again,  ‘cause  they  exist  everywhere  and  and  age  there’s  a                          pen. I’m excited
              they’re very fricking annoying, but on the  very  fine  line  be-                           that it’s going to
              surface it’s like, ‘What the heck is this elec-  tween  role  model                         happen because
              tronic party song? Are they trying to be a  and rebel. I didn’t                             I’m   probably
              Top 40 band?’ It’s like ‘Dude, listen to it. It’s  start  a  band  or                       going  to  feel  a
              a really dark song if you actually listen to it’.  want  to  be  in                         lot better once I
              And that’s pretty much what it is. You can go  music  because  I                            do  it.”  So  I’m
              out and have that group of friends that are  wanted to be a role                            just   marching
              all cheers-ing a shot or beer and you’re all  model. From the very beginning, I wanted to  back  to  the  tourbus  and  this  guy  and  I’m
              laughing and sharing memories and creating  be a rebel. I wanted to do music because I  guessing his girlfriend because they’re hold-
              new ones and having a good night, but then  didn’t want to do what my parents thought I  ing hands, they’re at the trailer by the tour-
              you can also be that guy who is “Give me an-  should be, I didn’t want to do what the world  bus. “Can we get a picture? Can you sign
              other one, give me another one, give me an-  or society wanted me to do. I didn’t want to  this?” I’m like, “Yeah, give me a couple of
              other  one,”  and  you’re  stumbling  out  by  get a job and go to college and save up to do  minutes, I’ll be back in a couple of minutes.”
              yourself at closing time because you have  it. At a very young age, I knew I wanted to do  I walk on the tour bus, I throw up, I clean up.
              some dark things in your life. You’re using  something in music. And the more people  I swish my mouth with some Listerine. I go
              that party as a crutch instead of using that  who  told  me  I  couldn’t  do  it,  the  more  I  back out of the bus and walk to the trailer
              party as a feel-good time – so that’s what the  wanted to do it, which is what a rebel is. But  and they are nowhere to be found. I actually
              dark undertones of that song is.”  that turns into something and people end up  did a lap around the bus and up to the trailer
                A lot of bands do seem to enter that pe-  looking up to that. Everybody has a rebel in-  and “That sucks, maybe they had to leave,”
              riod of when they are drinking or partying a  side of them. It’s like, “Oh wow, if he can do  and  not  even  an  hour  later,  I’m  posting
              little too much. It starts off fun but then gets  it, maybe I can do it,” and they start looking  something on Instagram, “Hey, thanks for
              to a point where it’s not so fun and can affect  up to that, and then you really do have to  the great show, Texas. We’ll see you next
              the whole band, relationships and more. Es-  watch yourself, because you really do unin-  time around” and there’s that guy leaving me
              cape The Fate have had their share of those  tentionally  become  a  role  model.  So  you  a paragraph-long comment; “You’re a piece
              moments, with various line-up changes over  have to do things in a positive way to where  of shit. We asked for a photo. You made us
              the years having been a result of some of  you’re influencing people in a positive way. I  wait outside for over an hour,” and it was
              those times.                       tell people all the time, even at shows in per-  just like, “Man, come on! No. 1: No, I didn’t.
                But on the subject of empires, we ask  son, “Hey man,” or ‘Hey girl, I’m gonna see  No. 2: I was feeling sick.” I tried to have a lit-
              how Craig would like his own empire to be.  you on tour one day. Keep at it and we’re  tle bit of sympathy, but people do kind of for-
                “I’d like my empire to just be good,” he  going to be on tour together one day.” There  get that you’re also a human being. “Hey, I
              replies. “Just be fun every day. I like to read  are people I used to go to their concerts and  listen to your music on YouTube. I haven’t
              things from Andrew W.K. on Twitter. I think  now I’m on tour with them, or we text each  got your album and your merch is a little ex-
              he’s hilarious. He’s like ‘Party tip of the day:  other and see how each other’s doing. So it’s  pensive for me, but I support your band and
              Don’t stop partying’. I’m like, “Wow, that’s so  really not that difficult; if you set your mind  that means you should be here for me and
              inspirational!” That’s how I’d like my empire  to it, you can do it. But trying to keep up the  sign everything I have,” when it’s just like,
                                                                                              ESCAPE THE FATE
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