Page 25 - Black Velvet Issue 95
P. 25

BV95 pg24-27 Papa Roach Interview_BV95 pg25  19/12/2017  23:40  Page 2

                                                                                            BlackVelvetMagazine.Com -25

 Dodge and Burn
 Dodge and Burn

               needed it. It feels good to do that kind of  They grow up thinking something is one  mind have the mission statement ‘Compas-
               stuff.”                            way when it’s really another. Systems and  sion is Genius’. The Re-mind website, over
                                                  institutions that are in place are there to  at, says that Jacoby em-
                   t’s been a tough year as far as hurri-  sort of preserve themselves and not neces-  bodies the mission statement because ‘he
                  Icanes  go.  They’ve  battered  certain  sarily help people. It’s sort of an intro state-  believes in the best of people. Standing on
               countries and states leaving people home-  ment, we don’t like to get too preachy in the  the world stage, he brings his own lived ex-
               less, with no roof to call their own. We can’t  music, but it’s something Jacoby felt that  perience of the challenges of mental illness
               begin to imagine how awful it is to have lost  he needed to touch on a little bit.”   and is a voice for people who are generally
               everything, even hope.                A fan commented on the video, ‘Come  misunderstood’. Jacoby himself began life
                  And  while  there  isn’t  a  song  relating  to my classroom please’. Jerry says, “We  homeless. His family lived in a tent and a
               specifically to this on Papa Roach’s latest  haven’t been to schools as a band, but we  van for a while. With that in mind, Jacoby
               album, ‘Crooked Teeth’, due to the fact that  do  try  and  do  things  to  help  music  pro-  has supported his local homeless organi-
               the album was written before then, it does  grams in school. We obviously think they’re  zation,  Sacramento  Steps  Forward,  even
               have  some  socially  and  politically  con-  very  important,  especially  in  the  U.S.;  spending a night out on the street as part
               scious   songs,   including   ‘American  they’re  getting  rid  of  a  lot  of  those  pro-  of their Winter Sanctuary program to raise
               Dreams’, which Jacoby wrote while looking  grams because they’re extracurricular and  funds. These days he has a loving home
               at  the  political  climate.  In  the  ‘American  they don’t help the test scores and things  with a wife and three children, although he
               Dreams’ video, Jacoby goes into a school  like that, so the funding is getting cut. We  still sees dark times. The song ‘Help’ on
               classroom  to  talk  about  the  American  do try to do fundraising to keep it, because  Crooked  Teeth’  came  about  after  Jacoby
               Dream.  Does  Jerry  think  kids  are  being  it is important.”      said to producers RAS and Colin Brittain, ‘I
               taught  the  right  thing  in  schools  now?                         feel like I need some help’. We ask Jerry
               While it’s a big topic that would take us a  he longer Papa Roach has been a  how he feels when he hears songs from Ja-
               long time to fully discuss, he replies, “I feel  Tband, and the more success they’ve  coby where he reveals that he needs help.
               like it’s one of those life lessons that people  had, the more they’ve wanted to help oth-  “It can be difficult sometimes because
               really have to get out there and live to fully  ers. The members have supported various  we wanna be there for him, but then I feel
               understand and grasp. And as far as the  charities  and  organisations,  with  Jacoby  like  his  darkest  times  just  coincide  with
               American Dream goes, it’s hard to change  most recently becoming an ambassador for  those periods when he’s not with us, so…
               people’s  perception  of  how  things  work.  Re-mind, a mental health organization. Re-  that’s  how  sometimes  those  songs  are

                                                                                                    PAPA ROACH
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