Page 42 - Black Velvet Issue 94
P. 42
BV94 pg40-43 Theory_BV94 pg43 17/09/2017 01:15 Page 3
BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 42
to a party or something. I’ve always been, I just being by myself, doing my own thing. coming someone else rather than the true
guess, introverted that way, where I felt I’d It’s interesting.” you is a shame. Be yourself, content with the
rather just sit at home by myself than inter- We find that being alone means you can skin you’re in, and remember that you’re
act with a bunch of people. Maybe that’s not get more work done, but on the road, Tyler beautiful just the way you are. Don’t let oth-
in the same sense as a loner who has no puts songwriting and other music-related ers make you feel bad for not being the same
friends because he doesn’t want to. I’m a work, aside from the show and interviews, as them. You don’t need to be as thin as
loner because I choose to be, I guess, or I aside. them, as curvy as them, or the life and soul
chose to be. But it didn’t really affect my “When you’re touring on the road, you of the party like they are.
growing up. Maybe it did in a positive sense, focus on the touring stuff. After we are done Tyler says, “I was just talking to a friend
like I said before. I was able to figure out doing a show, we don’t do shit. Watch TV, of mine yesterday. We can only view life
things on my own. I used that when I started relax, I just watch Netflix. All the band stuff, through our own eyes, through our own per-
being able to make music. I first started out the writing, all that; that happens at home if spective, but it’s funny because we expect
when I was young. Me and my dad built a we have a few weeks off or between record everybody else to see us through our eyes,
studio and I would literally have to go and do cycles when we go home. We don’t do any which is impossible. We always try so hard
everything myself. I would push record and writing or anything like that on the road. I to impress people. With social media, it can
run into the other room where the drums love that, because I can separate that. It gets kind of get sad because you have this one
were, shut the door and try and record half a crazy when it’s, “Today I have to write a part that is narcissistic, but then you also
take and then mess up and stop and run into song, but I also have to do an interview”. I have people who are introverted or very self-
the other room and push stop, ‘cause I don’t know, I like separating the two things. conscious and it kind of just escalates the
would never call people. “Can you come It makes things a little more healthy.” issue so people can become worse and they
over and push record for me?” I’d just liter- Despite being a loner, and proving that can feel worse about themselves because
ally try to do everything by myself. It’s work everyone is different, Tyler says he’s not they go online and see people who are beau-
but it’s sometimes a bit of a pain.” quiet. tiful or successful and have money and it
So then one wonders how it is being on “On tour I’m so loud and obnoxious. I makes them feel worse, so… Yeah, I wish
tour, when you prefer your own company? think I’m the most obnoxious one on the people would just spend more energy being
Does he like having his own space every so tour. There’s nowhere to go, so usually you able to accept who they are. That’s probably
often? have to amuse yourself, and usually I have easy for me to say. It may sound conde-
“It’s tough,” he replies. “You do and you to involve other people with that amusement. scending, but it’s a goal. At the very least,
don’t. The band; the good thing about us, is I tend to get very boisterous and excited people can maybe listen to that song and be
that we love being around each other. when we’re on tour and make jokes and I’m able to understand, ‘Hey, listen, you are who
There’s great camaraderie with the band, sure sometimes for some people it’s you are, accept that. Be OK with it, and hey,
also the crew. Being alone on the road is “Enough!” We all have our little things that listen, I’m a loner too. It’s all good. We’re the
weird; I don’t like it. But when I go home, I we do that annoy each other. But if you ask same’.”
can’t wait to be by myself. Maybe that’s one the guys who’s the loudest of the band, it’d
of the things; you’re around people 24 hours be ‘Tyler. He’s always loud all the time’.” usically, ‘Wake Up Call’ sees the
of the day on tour and tour so much, there’s In ‘Loner’, Tyler sings, ‘it’s not too late to Mband broadening their sound. Previ-
nowhere to go by yourself. Maybe after a look at yourself and just appreciate you are ous album ‘Savages’ was Theory at their
show, if you’re doing a one-off and go to a who you are, we all try too hard’ – and that’s heaviest (after their record label urged them
hotel, you go back to the hotel room and all exactly what he thinks. We should all love to reinvent themselves), while ‘Wake Up Call’
you hear is the ringing in your ears from the ourselves for what and who we are, and the is arguably Theory at their lightest.
show. It gets a little weird, quiet… too quiet. things that make us different. Our flaws can “The last record was something we
But then when I go home, it’s all I want. I love make us special, and trying to fit in and be- needed to get out of us,” explains Tyler. “I