Page 41 - Black Velvet Issue 94
P. 41
BV94 pg40-43 Theory_BV94 pg41 17/09/2017 01:08 Page 2
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inspire others. dren, with no brothers or sisters, are some-
“That’s pretty much my life,” he says. times born into the life of a loner, becoming
“‘I’m a loner and that’s OK’… I think there introverts, due to having no siblings in their
are a lot of people out there that are loners household to spend time with. When you’re
and find that there’s something wrong with an only child you learn to become self-suf-
that, but I think you can be your own sup- ficient, to enjoy your own company, doing
port system where being alone a lot of the what you want when you want. But loners
time I find I work better. That song is kind can also be those that do have brothers or
of a motivational piece for people that are sisters.
loners and the song is kind of inspirational Tyler says, “I had an older sister grow-
and stands for being a loner and celebrat- ing up, and ugh, we hated each other. We
ing it and don’t necessarily be a loner and never got along, so it wasn’t like me and her
think that you’re a loser, because that’s not would do stuff together.”
true at all.” He says his childhood was good. “I had
The definition of a loner is someone friends. I just was definitely the odd duck of
who prefers to be alone, especially one who the friends. I was the weird one. I’d rather
avoids the company of others. Only chil- stay home on a Saturday night than go out