Page 45 - Black Velvet Issue 93
P. 45

BV93 pg45_BV93 pg45  07/06/2017  00:10  Page 1

                                                                                           BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 45

                                   idea and seem to know the  tures  Of The  Past’  heads  song are a lot lighter and  just more of the same from
                                   direction  that  they  are  into ballad territory, upping  less  forceful compared to  the talented frontman are
                                   heading in. This album will  the  melody  and  breaking  other tracks on the album.  quickly   dispelled   with
                                   do  them  nothing  but  out a great but short-lived  Racking the energy levels  ‘Dancin’  Down  Below’,
                                   favours.             guitar solo. It retains both  up  again  with  'Insomniac'  which  is  the  first  obvious
                                                YYYY    power and energy and yet  the band drop us straight  sign  of  what  this  band  is
                                            Abby Coulson  is reflective and packs an  back  into  the  action  with  truly about and it is exciting
                                                        emotional  punch.  From  another burst of compelling  stuff. Taking the hard rock
                                   SISTERS DOLL         here to the close it’s power  guitar rhythms and catchy  we  have  come  to  expect
                                   ALL DOLLED UP        rockers all the way, and ‘Lift  choruses. The closing track  from both Aaron and drum-
              HALFLIVES            (SISTERS DOLL)       Me Higher’ and ‘Never For-  on the album, 'A Candle In  mer  Kev  Hickman,  previ-
              EMPTY ROOMS             Melbourne’s   Sisters  get’  are  a  couple  of  the  The   Window   (Please  ously  of  RavenEye,  this
              (HALFLIVES)          Doll  are  old  fashioned  best tracks on what is a re-  Come Home)', consists of  song sets itself apart from
                 Italian alternative five-  glam, more 70s/early 80s  ally strong album.  a  mix  of  the  two  different  the  crowd  with  a  special
              piece  Halflives  are  defi-  than  the  down  and  dirty  YYYY  sides of Lucky Boys Confu-  edge provided by Aaron’s
              nitely trying to prove a point  Sunset  Strip  or  Swedish  Clare Huckett  sion. We get a contrast of  unique soaring and swirling
              with the release of 'Empty  scene.  That  said,  opener         soft  vocals  transitioning  vocal ability which is given
              Rooms'. The band have al-  and  title  track  ‘All  Dolled      into raw-sounding and riff-  extra  power  by  the  band.
              ready  established  a  sup-  Up’ has a fast-paced intro         filled choruses, and it is a  It’s both a song you’ll strug-
              portive worldwide fanbase,  and heavier air that would-         very nice and well thought  gle not to bang your head
              so much so that this album  n’t  be  out  of  place  in  the    out track to end the album  to  but  one  which  will  be
              was  funded  by  a  tremen-  more  modern  Scandina-            with.  Even  during  the  equally trying to drag your
              dously  successful  crowd-  vian  offerings.  Similarly,        slower and more chilled out  legs  and  feet  into  some
              funding.  Halflives  have  ‘Johnny’  has  a  strong             tracks the band manage to  dance steps.
              played  their  fair  share  of  melodic  storytelling  style    hold  their  energy  levels  The musical skills are
              support and festival slots,  and  sticking  towards  the        and  make  sure  that  they  again on show in ‘The Devil
              but  now  is  their  time  to  lower  end  of  the  musical     have  your  full  attention.  That  Needs  You’,  where
              shine  through  and  take  scale has a certain inten-           Overall,  'Stormchasers'  is  Aaron’s  rocking  relative,
              control.  'Empty  Rooms'  sity  as  well.  It’s  a  very  LUCKY  BOYS  CONFU-  an  extremely  strong  and  sister Laurie and Tom Mc-
              opens with the track 'Lone  promising start. From here  SION    well-presented   album;  Carthy  fully  shine  for  the
              Wolf', which is jam-packed  it’s straight into overtly an-  STORMCHASERS  hopefully we won't have to  first  time  with  a  blistering
              with  vigorous  electronics  themic pop-rock territory in  (TOWNSTYLE)  wait another ten years for  and memorable guitar solo
              alongside   soulful   har-  keeping with Sisters Doll’s  Formed   in   1997,  new music!  which is made all the more
              monies,  which  demon-  theatrical bent. ‘Good Day  Chicago-based rock band    YYY   impressive by the support
              strate  just  what  vocalist  To  Be Alive’  is  frothy  and  Lucky  Boys  Confusion  leant  to  it  by  Kev’s  stick-
              Linda  Battilani  is  capable  fun, ‘Strutt’ is all arrogant  have  found  themselves  work  and  bassist  Chris
              of. The track is structured  swagger, and ‘Hurricane’ is  playing  more  shows  and  Guyatt. However, things hit
              well,  with  an  introduction  full on power ballad. Throw  festivals  over  the  years  their  peak  at  the  halfway
              that builds up and issues a  in an appearance from ex-  than you can keep track of,  point where the full power
              sense  of  tension  whilst  Kiss  lead  guitarist  Bruce  and they are back at it once  of Aaron’s skills on the mic
              waiting for the beat to kick  Kulick  on  ‘Young,  Wild  &  again  with  their  latest  re-  are unlocked. ‘Journey Out
              in. This song is a nice way  Free’, a more overt rocker  lease, 'Stormchasers'. With  Of Here’ is a stripped-back
              to open up and introduce  with the killer guitars you’d  it  being  almost  ten  years  entity where Aaron’s voice
              us to the album. 'Mayday',  expect, and there’s a lot to  since  the  release  of  their  becomes  the  star  of  the
              has a similar structure and  like  on  this  album.  There  last album, you would think  song and his melodic har-
              sound to 'Lone Wolf', which  are tracks that could have  that  their  sound  would  Abby Coulson  monies  towards  the  end
              is no bad thing because it  been trimmed from the 13  have  changed  quite  dra-     are  totally  hypnotic.  The
              shows that Halflives have  because it feels a bit over-  matically, but this is not the  AARON   BUCHANAN  album’s title track ‘The Man
              found  a  style  that  suits  long, but it’s a decent lis-  case.  Lucky  Boys  Confu-  AND  THE  CULT  CLAS-  With Stars On His Knees’
              them perfectly. 'Burn' is a  ten.         sion introduce us to 'Storm-  SICS         follows. Stripped back even
              standout track among the            YYY   chasers' with 'I Slept With  THE  MAN  WITH  STARS  further, Aaron’s voice trem-
              rest of the album - the intro-  Clare Huckett  The Devil', which is an ex-  ON HIS KNEES  bles with honesty and hu-
              duction  is  pretty  low-key              tremely lively track filled to  (AARON   BUCHANAN  mility  before  exploding
              but  as  we  work  our  way  MAYBURN      the  brim  with  fast-paced  AND  THE  CULT  CLAS-  when he sings of meeting
              into  the  chorus  the  song  NO HORIZON  traditional rocky sounding  SICS)          the man with stars on his
              demonstrates  everything  (ALSTER)        guitar riffs and vigorous vo-  It doesn’t take long for  knees.  It  is  a  triumphant
              that Halflives are capable  Described  as  power  cals to match. Lucky Boys  the  mission  statement  of  five   minutes.   Having
              of.  The  contrast  between  rock, Mayburn’s second of-  Confusion definitely aren't  the  debut  album  from  slowed  the  tempo  of  the
              serene  vocals  and  com-  fering is a high-octane fu-  afraid  of  making  them-  Aaron Buchanan And The  album  down,  the  pace
              pelling instrumentals is car-  sion of hard rock and metal  selves  heard.  Track  two,  Cult Classics to be made  gradually   builds   back
              ried out so well during this  with a strong melodic influ-  'It's  After  Midnight',  holds  clear,  with  introductory  throughout the second half
              track, and Linda Battilani's  ence.  Opening  with  ‘Sur-  the   energetic   up-beat  piece  ‘Show  Me  What  of “The Man With Stars On
              vocals seem to reach an-  rendering’,  it  has  instant  tempo,  but  this  time  with  You’re Made Of’ adding the  His Knees” and ends with
              other level. Another stand-  appeal  with  fast  paced  slightly  calmer  vocals  in  cry of ‘give me all you’ve  the  surprise  of  a  bonus
              out  track  is  'Echo'.  The  drums and solid riffs. The  places  which  is  a  good  got’ and it’s quickly appar-  11th  track.  ‘Firing  In  The
              chorus is extremely catchy  instrumentals are as impor-  thing to include, especially  ent  that  everything  has  Fields  Of  Mayhem’  ends
              and  full  of  energy  and  tant as the vocals and are  when  an  album  is  so  po-  been pumped into making  things  on  a  glorious  high
              when mixed with the laid-  given the space to really let  tent.  Another  song  that  this a triumph. Having com-  note taking the band’s abil-
              back verses it creates an-  rip,  incorporating  duelling  demonstrates  this  more  pleted the band’s war cry,  ity  to  make  you  nod  your
              other very strong piece of  guitars with great aplomb.  tranquil side to Lucky Boys  the  album  blasts  off  with  head and shake your hips
              music.  The  album  closes  Peter  Janda’s  vocals  are  Confusion  is  'Name  In  first single ‘All The Things  in equal measures to new
              with  'Collide',  a  slower-  excellent, especially when  Lights' which is a song that  You’ve Said And Done’ and  levels,  this  is  a  fantastic
              tempo track. Halflives have  demonstrating  an  emo-  gives  Stubhy  Pandav  a  those familiar with Aaron’s  party  song  which  is  well
              an incredible instrumental  tional intensity in the cho-  chance to show off his vo-  previous   work   with  justified as this first effort
              ability and it's great when it  ruses on ‘Rising Tide’. Title  cals  a  little  more  than  Heaven’s Basement will be  from Aaron Buchanan And
              gets  to  shine  through  on  track ‘No Horizon’ is more  usual. We start off with a  at  ease  straightaway  as  The Cult Classics really is
              slower tracks like this. All in  metal,  with  more  aggres-  slow  intro  leading  us  in,  this is a track which could  something  to  be  cele-
              all, 'Empty Rooms' is a su-  sive  vocals  and  a  heavy  and it isn't until the chorus  have  easily  come  from  brated.
              perb release and Halflives  guitar  refrain  opening  out  that  it  really  kicks  in,  but  their  back  catalogue.  But  YYYY
              definitely  have  the  right  into soaring choruses. ‘Pic-  even so the guitars in this  any suspicions that this is  Michael Coventry
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