Page 12 - Black Velvet Issue 89
P. 12

BV89 pg10,11,12,13_BV89 pg12  17/06/2016  20:40  Page 3

              BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 12
              there’s a lot of that stuff that I’ve come to terms  says  he  thinks  that  everyone  gets  to  a  point  ally curious about the cover. Brian is hesitant to
              with and a lot that I’ve learned. I think it’s just this  when they need to figure themselves out and  tell us too much but does say, “We just wanted
              perpetual never being satisfied that is definitely  that fans can relate to that, growing up too. “Be-  to strategically place a lot of our friends at home
              something that I fear and I think it’s about trying  cause no-one’s going to do it for you. You can  in LA in a room in one of my best friends’ house
              to  conquer  that.  Even  if  the  best  thing  could  have so many people who are going to guide  and strategically place people where it looked
              have ever happened and our show has hap-  you along the way, but at some point you’ve got  like everyone was having a great time but the
              pened, I’m always looking for more and there’s  to take the right steps yourself.”  five of us were having a not very great time. Also
              a good side of that and there’s a bad side of  Rather than going to an expensive producer,  on the cover, the only faces you can see the en-
              that.”                             band members Stephen and John Gomez pro-  tire faces of are the five band members and then
                But Brian is a lot happier now than he was  duced ‘Stories For Monday’ on a laptop in a bed-  there’s one other person whose face you can
              a year or so ago. “I got a little disoriented and  room. The brothers had been learning how to  see and no-one needs to know who that is but it
              lost somewhere along the way between the end  produce  records  while  Brian  had  been  away  means everything to us. Every other face is sort
              of the last album and now. But I think in the last  travelling. We ask Brian if he thinks now, know-  of half turned or covered by somebody.”
              six months or so I’ve figured out what happiness  ing they can make a great quality album them-  He adds, regarding this sixth person, “With-
              is and how it pertains to                                                           out  him  I’m  not  sure  we’d
              me and what I desire of                                                             even be a band.”
              all  of  this. And  I  think                                                           We think that’s the per-
              I’m a lot happier now.”                                                             son in the photo frame on the
                What  is  happi-                                                                  wall. But who is that? Anyone
              ness?                                                                               know?
                Brian says, “I think
              it’s just a matter of re-                                                                his  year,  The  Sum-
              minding  myself  what                                                                  Tmer Set performed at
              makes me happy, from                                                                a  Bernie  Sanders  rally  and
              the  smallest  moments                                                              even got to sing ‘This Land Is
              to the biggest moments                                                              Your  Land’  with  Bernie
              and  that  can  be  any-                                                            Sanders himself. Brian wrote
              thing, but there are just                                                           ‘a man I respect and look up
              certain triggers that can                                                           to so greatly’ while Stephen
              remind me to stay the                                                               tweeted, ‘I have looked up to
              course  and  be  happy                                                              @BernieSanders for years’.
              with  what  I’m  doing.                                                             Brian tells us, “Bernie’s been
              And  remember  when                                                                 in  politics  for  decades  now
              we’re playing our set…                                                              but he’s only kind of come to
              We’re  playing  a  90                                                               life  in  the  young  people  of
              minute set and I’m try-                                                             America in the last couple of
              ing to remind myself to                                                             years… We also got to meet
              make  sure  the  minute                                                             the guy and he was just real
              60 is the same as the                                                               and  honest  and  down  to
              minute 4 and just be in                                                             earth  with  us,  and  I’ve  met
              it and focus the entire                                                             other political figures before
              time  and  that’s  what                                                             and some of them seem like
              makes   me   really                                                                 robots and he was just like a
              happy.”                                                                             really  nice,  rad  guy  who
                                                                                                  talked  to  me  about  Bruce
                     hen the band                                                                 Springsteen  and  that  was
                Wtold      their                                                                  kind of cool. It just makes you
              record  label,  Fearless                                                            want  to  believe  it. And  that
              Records, that they were                                                             was  nice.  It  was  different.
              going to split up, “They                                                            There was something special
              were  pretty  bummed,”                                                              about it.”
              says  Brian.  “We  told                                                                Bernie’s motto is ‘A Fu-
              them we were going to                                                               ture  To  Believe  In’.  Brian
              split  but  also  put  out                                                          thinks  it  would  be  a  good
              one last album. So we                                                               change with Bernie running
              were  going  to  give                                                               the  country.  “I  think  people
              them a record to put out                                                            are ever-evolving and I don’t
              but we told them it was                                                             think you can run a country
              going  to  be  the  last                                                            based on mechanisms from
              one.   They   were                                                                  hundreds  of  years  ago  for-
              bummed. But what was                                                                ever. I think Bernie’s looking
              really fun was when I called the president of our  selves in a bedroom that it’s a waste of money  after  the  little  people  and  I  think  in America
              label and told him we weren’t going to break up  using an expensive producer?   there’s so much that has become dominated by
              any more. And just the joy and sound in that  “Yes and no,” answers Brian. “To the degree  the upper class and big banks and Wall Street
              conversation was unforgettable. Chris was very  of this one, we made the record in a bedroom,  and Bernie just seems to be looking out for the
              excited, the president of our label.”  essentially, and it turned out fantastic, and we  people that to me matter, and I think that’s really
                Brian  ended  up  retreating  to  his  parents’  could have made the same sounding record in  nice.”
              house in Arizona and that’s where he really re-  a studio, so we’ve proved to ourselves we can
              flected on himself and his life. He ended up writ-  do  more  with  less,  which  was  something  we  etting back to the band and album, the
              ing ‘Figure Me Out’. And in ‘Figure Me Out’ Brian  needed to learn how to do again. But there’s al-  G‘Wasted’ intro talks of ‘a new day, a new
              sings of making his parents proud. He tells us  ways a certain level of insight from an experi-  beginning,  a  new  chance  to  be  great’.  Does
              that  they  ARE  proud  of  him.  “They  like  the  enced A-list  producer,  a  magic  you  can’t  get  Brian  feel  like  his  vision  of  greatness  has
              music, they like the album. That helps. They  from anywhere else. And a bigger studio always  changed since the early years? He thinks so. “I
              were fine with the idea of the split too. They just  means more toys! That’s fun too,” he laughs.  don’t really know how to explain that but I do
              wanted me to find what it was that was going to                        think that what I’m searching for as far as great-
              make me happier in a sense. I think they knew I  ince the album release, the band have  ness is very different than what I used to think,”
              was going to figure it out either way. They didn’t  Sbeen back on tour and things have been  he says. “I spent a little bit of time just searching
              seem to be that afraid.”           going great. Josh tweeted, ‘The hidden mes-  to have a big hit song by any cost, whether it be
                Brian has said that ‘Figure Me Out’ is the  sages in the ‘Stories for Monday’ cover makes  a flash in the pan or something that was going
              ‘most honest piece of work’ he’s ever done. He  ‘Sgt. Pepper’s’ look juvenile’. This makes us re-  to last. And I think my idea of greatness now is
                THE SUMMER SET
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