Page 39 - Black Velvet Issue 88
P. 39

BV88 pg34,35,36,37,38,39_BV88 pg39  02/04/2016  22:26  Page 6

                                                                                            BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 39
              time I go out and see people singing the songs  to hear when they penny-pinch on the not-so-  times, for everybody.”
              and see the crowds building, like tonight we’re  wealthy, and they can’t even rein in the bigger
              in Birmingham and it’s the first time we’ve sold  companies.”               ames is very fortunate to get to do what
              out in Birmingham. I’m really looking forward to  This leads us back to ‘Living In A Moment’.  Jhe loves. That said, he’s written a song
              tonight now.”                      “With the stories that we’re talking about with  called ‘Fingers Burned’, in which he sings that
                Another nice moment for the band was gain-  taxation and all the rest of it and always looking  he’s ‘never happy till I get my fingers burned’.
              ing a record deal with a label based in Germany  for tomorrow and worrying for tomorrow, and  He tells us “It’s more kind of not being satisfied
              – although amazingly, it wasn’t after seeing the  what’s going to come… if it’s hand to mouth, fi-  with just day-to-day stuff. I have never been sat-
              band live. James tells us, “We got a phone call  nancially for you or whatever the story may be  isfied with day-to-day stuff. If you asked me to
              from Metalville, who are based in Cologne in  for you, you’re always thinking about the next  go to the shop and buy just a couple of pints of
              Germany and they said they wanted to do a deal  day and the next day, but actually not a lot of us  milk or go for a newspaper it just doesn’t cut it
              with us. They’d never seen the band. They’d just  actually  sit  down  and  realise  what  we’ve  got  for me and I always want to live life on the edge
              heard what numbers were coming to the gigs,  here and now, and that was the meaning that I  a bit and that’s what it’s about. So it’s not nec-
              what numbers I’d                                                                              essarily  about
              sold  of  the  first                                                                          me having my
              album,  which  I                                                                              fingers burned
              did independently                                                                             in  any  way  at
              in  the  UK,  so  I                                                                           all, but it’s just
              flew  to  Cologne                                                                             about, I always
              and they said the                                                                             have  an  ap-
              plan  that  they                                                                              petite  to  live
              wanted  to  give                                                                              life   on   the
              us, and we’d not                                                                              edge a bit”.
              really  had  much                                                                                D e s p i t e
              support in the UK                                                                             not  competing
              from any label at                                                                             in  motorcycle
              that point in time,                                                                           racing   any-
              so yeah, we were                                                                              more,  James
              really  excited  to                                                                           is still hoping to
              sign the deal and                                                                             break  the  mo-
              the album comes                                                                               torcycle  world
              out in April in Eu-                                                                           l a n d s p e e d
              rope and America                                                                              record  –  al-
              through   Met-                                                                                though  is  still
              alville. And I kept                                                                           waiting for the
              hold of the UK in-                                                                            right time to at-
              dependently”.                                                                                 tempt this. He
                                                                                                            says that he’d
                    o i n g                                                                                 like to achieve
                Gback  to                                                                                   a world record
              the album, James                                                                              even  though
              tells us that Toby                                                                            he  can’t  com-
              comes up with a                                                                               pete in racing.
              lot of the political                                                                          Black   Velvet
              lyrics.  In  ‘Cradle                                                                          ends by asking
              The    Rage’,                                                                                 James   what
              James   sings                                                                                 musical  world
              ‘drain our energy                                                                             record he’d like
              in  taxes’.  James                                                                            to win. He tells
              says that he per-                                                                             us,   “Well,
              sonally  is  ‘more                                                                            we’ve  just  got
              of  the  sitting  on                                                                          in  the  top  40,
              the fence kind of                                                                             mid-week,  on
              guy   when   it                                                                               the   album
              comes  to  lyrics’.                                                                           charts,  which
              He does only sing                                                                             is  a  real  mile-
              lyrics  that  Toby                                                                            stone  for  us.
              comes up with if                                                                              No.  37  in  the
              he  agrees  with                                                                              charts.   That
              them.  He  says,                                                                              was a real mo-
              “Everybody feels                                                                              ment for us. So
              like it’s a bit of a                                                                          we had a bit of
              pain paying taxes                                                                             a  celebratory
              and all the rest of                                                                           drink the other
              it,   and   being                                                                             night  for  that.
              against  the  gov-                                                                            But  it’s  got  to
              ernment’s reign over everybody. But it is what it  wanted to do a song about because I noticed  be No. 1, hasn’t it?”
              is and everybody’s got to pay their own way. It’s  throughout my life, it was always the next thing,  Would that be a world record though?
              an amazing country to live in. I’ve travelled the  the next thing, and I missed a lot of what was  “It would for me,” he replies. “To have been
              world and you realise that money does make  currently happening under my nose.”  a motorcycle world champion and have a No. 1
              such a difference, especially with tax, to have  Does he think more people need to live in  single/album, whatever it would be, would be a
              such a good quality of life in this country. But it  the moment?       real proud moment for me.”
              seems a little unbalanced in a few areas, from  “I think we just need a bit of a reality check  Buy his album, go see him live, help get him
              the rich to the poor, obviously sometimes, when  and to sit down and just look around us and ap-  to No. 1. He definitely deserves it.
              you hear about these massive companies that  preciate what we do have a little bit more, if  Visit
              have all the offshore accounts and all the rest of  we’re fortunate to have a good lifestyle, which
              it, and only pay a pittance of tax in this country  most of us do have, even in hardships in this  Words By Shari Black Velvet
              and bank everywhere else. So it’s a little bit of  country,” he replies. “We have a really, really  Photos By Paul Harries
              lyric about that. All the stories that we’ve heard  good lifestyle compared to others around the  Except Page  39 Photo By Shari Black Velvet
              recently about a few companies. It is frustrating  world. It’s nice to have that reality check some-
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