Page 41 - Black Velvet Issue 88
P. 41
BV88 pg40,41,42_BV88 pg41 02/04/2016 23:37 Page 2
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he band’s new album, ‘Limitless’, has cause Jenna believed in it so much. We were fans, we hope that we send a positive mes-
Ta positivity in many of the songs. It was pre-pro-ing that song again. We got to the sage and then that positive message goes to
born from Jenna needing strength herself. bridge and Jenna had that ‘woah’ idea and someone else and hopefully it just snowballs
‘Power Of One’, for example, began as an out- then that kind of mantra came through. We just out.”
let to write about her own flaws and insecuri- thought, this is perfect, ‘cause it’s almost like a Jenna has posted photos of herself medi-
ties, but she ended up embracing them meditation thing. Hopefully. Well, we thought it tating and doing yoga. Whak tells us, “My mom
instead. The song shows fans that it’s ok to was.” practices Buddhism. Obviously Jenna is be-
have flaws and insecurities, and that you can One of our own particular favourite songs coming very sensitive to all that kind of stuff
accept and embrace them too. on the album is ‘We Are’, in which Jenna sings, and very aware. Her awareness is heightening
‘To Be Free’ also has a positive air, partic- ‘they’re not gonna change the world, we are’. and I guess it’s hard not to be when you’re
ularly at the end when there is a repeated ‘I am Whakaio says, “That song was kind of the first around that. I can definitely feel it when we’re
limitless, I am limitless’. We can almost imag- time we had talked about world issues in a on stage and the energy and everything on
ine the audience at every show repeating that sense in our way… in a kind of spiritual way. tour. I’ve always had a kind of thing where I can
line in unison, feeling powerful and ambitious. And because we’ve toured the world so much sense if someone’s dishonest around me and
Whak tells us, “We’ve had that song, ‘To Be we’ve kind of opened our eyes and become I don’t really like it, so I guess that kind of thing
Free’, a while. That was one of the first we more sensitive to things and we felt that we fi- I definitely believe in.”
wrote but it was very different back then. Jenna nally could have an opinion that could matter. I The guitarist tells us he feels sad for peo-
had the vocal idea and it was kind of pop- guess we’re not trying to save the world, but I ple that don’t want to change the world, or
punky back then, and then we wrote all these guess everything that we do out there in the worse, are destroying the world. “I feel sad for
other songs and we brought that song back be- room and the connection we have with our them, honestly, because I know how unhappy