Page 25 - Black Velvet Issue 88
P. 25
BV88 pg22,23,24,25 3doorsdown_BV88 pg25 02/04/2016 19:17 Page 4
BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 25
end of it, and how little of that money was ac- and tired of people calling me fat. I was really love to open the door into Europe and have
tually going to the charity they were benefit- just tired of it,” Chris reveals. “I always the same amount of success, especially in
ing, they were shocked and disgusted. With thought that something would change. I fig- the UK. Well, not really the same amount of
The Better Life Foundation, the band have ured that one day I was going to wake up and success, but a fan base so we could play and
full input when it comes to deciding which I was going to be healthy and skinny. One keep coming over there and keep doing it.
charities the money raised goes to and they night I was just lying in bed watching TV and It’s really hard sometimes but we do our
control every dollar. It is a dollar-in, dollar- I realised that there was no way that was best. We would really just like it to be one of
out charity, which means that all the pro- ever going to happen unless I got up and did those things where it’s a no-brainer, so we
ceeds raised goes to the intended charity. something about it. So I flicked on the inter- don’t have to think about it, where we could
Chris tells Black Velvet that the band make net and began researching food and how it be like, ‘Alright, we’re going’. It’s really diffi-
sure they know exactly what the money is helps your body. I found a lot of information cult sometimes to make it because it’s ex-
being spent on. “A lot of times, instead of on becoming vegan and vegetarian and I pensive, but we would rather just be able to
giving them money we actually give them was looking for different ways to eat, things do it!”
products. You know, give them the things like that. I thought, ‘What the hell, I’m going
they need. When there’s a natural disaster, a to try it’. So, I didn’t have a political reason Finally; with ‘Us And The Night’ de-
lot of charities will just kind of rush in there or anything like that, I did it for health rea- scribed as a modern version of the multi-
and some of them are good, some of them sons and I love the lifestyle. Some people platinum debut ‘The Better Life,’ Black Velvet
aren’t so good. Some people just want your that are vegans are really hardcore and they asks Chris to cast his mind back to over 16
money and they’ll take it and they’ll just rob are really aggro about it, but I’m not that kind years ago. Can he remember what he wanted
it and won’t help anybody. So in order to of vegan. To each his own, the planet goes to achieve with the band when he entered
combat that, instead of giving money to peo- around and around and all that stuff and I get the studio to record ‘The Better Life’, and
ple to rebuild, we will actually buy the sup- it, I get the value and I know why they are like how does that compare to what he wanted to
plies for them.” that, but for me it’s not like that. It was just a achieve on this new album? “Well, it’s about
The annual 3 Doors Down Better Life way to help and to do things better for my- the same actually,” Chris laughs. “With the
Foundation event is normally hosted in Mis- self. Over the last three or four years I’ve re- first record we just wanted to achieve
sissippi, but Chris does not rule out the idea ally just turned my complete life around a enough success to keep doing it, you know
of bringing it overseas. “It would be nice,” hundred percent. I live and breathe every day what I mean? That was always kind of our
Chris states. “A lot of people come from in a different way. It’s really nice.” goal; never to sell X amount of records, or
overseas to do The Better Life Foundation Chris says that eating healthy and exer- sell X amount of tickets and make X amount
benefit; they come from over there to us, so cising regularly is a lifestyle for him, not a of money. It was to just make enough and do
it would be nice to go from here to there one diet or some kind of temporary fix. “It’s an what we had to do, to keep on doing it. That’s
time.” At past benefits they have enlisted everyday affair. Every decision I make, espe- really all we ever thought about and that’s
help from bands such as Black Stone Cherry, cially with food and exercise, is a conscious the same right now. Of course people like to
Shinedown, Seether and Theory Of A Dead- healthy decision for me, for my body, for- make livings but, as a whole, the band really
man to perform; it would certainly be a ever.” wants to keep continuing and keep playing.”
much-welcomed event for rock fans this side His onstage performance has also bene- With their past behind them, the making
of the ocean. Who doesn’t like to rock for a fited from the good shape he is in and he of ‘Us And The Night’ has certainly helped
good cause? says that he is happier now than he’s ever erase those shadows that were once cast
been. over 3 Doors Down; a new dawn has begun
hile Chris has helped to make a and a deservedly brighter future lies ahead.
Wgood impact on other people’s lans are underway for 3 Doors Down
lives, a few years ago Chris made a decision Pto make a return to the UK for a full Visit and
which has had a huge impact on his own life. tour. “We’re working it out now, trying to fig- for more
He went vegan. “I was tired of the way I was ure it out, but it’s something that doesn’t info.
living; I was tired of feeling bad every day happen overnight,” mentions Chris. “We’d Words By Penny & Sam Gower