Page 24 - Black Velvet Issue 88
P. 24

BV88 pg22,23,24,25 3doorsdown_BV88 pg24  02/04/2016  19:11  Page 3

              BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 24
              sand right there. Everything prior to that was  great guitar player, almost to a fault; he’s re-  music side of my role models. My role mod-
              3 Doors Down the way it was and everything  ally intricate and uses all these weird chords.  els  were  like  Gary  Rossington  [guitarist  -
              after that is 3 Doors Down the way it’s going  When he was writing it, it was a challenge to  Lynyrd Skynyrd] and the guys from Metallica
              to be.”                            kind of hear through a lot of what he was try-  and Megadeth… the bands I really love.”
                Now the band has been reset, its mem-  ing to convey to the band. It took a moment  Originating from a small town in Missis-
              bers are back to sharing the same tour bus,  to piece it together and to figure out what he  sippi, what was it like for Chris growing up
              having realised that they should just enjoy  was trying to say. We had to put it down on  in a small community and what kind of val-
              the ride. “What we learnt from that period  paper and learn these parts, it was challeng-  ues did it instill in him? “Well, I think the
              was,  don’t  take  it  so  seriously  that  it  be-  ing but a lot of fun.”  small community really instilled in us family
              comes not fun for any person or any group                              values, if you will. It’s kind of given us char-
              of people. It can really happen and it can re-  e talk to Chris about the opening  acteristics to always be nice to people; don’t
              ally happen fast, especially when you’re on  Wtrack,  ‘The  Broken’,  and  the  gui-  take the rock star persona, always make time
              planes, trains and buses,” Chris notes. “Peo-  tarist reveals that it holds the leading posi-  for the fans, especially when they make time
              ple  go  through  things  personally  that  are  tion for a reason. “It was important for us to  for you. That kind of thing comes from just
              hard for you to deal with; but at the end of  lead with that to wake people up and let them  being from that area, because that’s the way
              the day you have to enjoy it. You have to be  know that we are still here, but at the same  people are there. Growing up there, what it
              friends and you’ve got to just get the fact  time maybe scare them a little bit; that was  was really like? If our little world was that
              that you are going to be doing this together  kind of our logic,” he laughs. “It’s really dif-  small town we were instantly famous in our
              so you might as well make the best of it.”  ferent from 3 Doors Down and it’s definitely  little world overnight – like mega famous,”
                                                 one of the songs that when people hear it  Chris laughs, “it was pretty crazy!”
                    aking the best of it is what the band  they’re like, ‘Uh-oh’, you know what I mean?
                Mhas been doing during the making  Like, ‘What happened?’  At the end of the day  oing  back  to  ‘Us  And  The  Night’;
              of the ‘Us And The Night’ album. The title  it’s still a rock song and it’s still a 3 Doors  Gwhen the first single, ‘In The Dark’,
              track  features  the  lyrics,                                D o w n   hit  the  radio  airwaves,  it  received  a  big
              ‘What they don’t know is,   t’s  kind  of  a  snapshot  of  where  track. It’s  thumbs-up from fans and the media alike.
              we’ve got so much more  “Iwe’ve  been  and  the  struggle  of  just   a  There were, however, a small  selection of
              than  we  show’.    We  ask  getting new members, the turmoil of the  f e e l -  fans who voiced their concern about the sex-
              Chris what the band want                                     good, fun  ual tone of the song, saying that the lyrics
              this new album to reveal  business and the uncertainty and the fear  song that  were what they would expect from a band
              about 3 Doors Down that  all wrapped up into one thing.”  - Chris  we   all  like  Nickelback,  not  3  Doors  Down.  Chris
              we  haven’t  seen  before.  Henderson, on ‘Us And The Night’.  enjoy.”  tells us that they were expecting that song to
              “We want people to know                                         ‘ T h e  receive a mixed reaction, but he points out
              that  we  are  still  around                                 B r o k e n ’  that  the  lyrics  are  not  entirely  what  they
              and even though we’ve had some changes  is a call out for the youth to be active in the  seem. “If people knew what the song was re-
              in the band, we didn’t let it stop us. We are  world. It’s a song that says: the youth are the  ally  about…  Because  what  they  think  the
              still going full steam ahead and I think that’s  future and if you don’t like something that’s  song means, it doesn’t mean. They look at
              what that song, ‘Us and The Night’, is really  going on in the world, do something about it  the lyrics in a way that means one thing to
              about;  at  least  for  me.  I  mean,  lyrically  it  - be the change that you wish to see in the  one person and it means another thing to an-
              could  mean  anything  to  anyone  that  they  world.  With  the  social  media  revolution,  other person.  We never said what she likes
              choose it to. For me, it’s kind of a snapshot  youngsters today have so many outlets for  to do in the dark; it’s basically open for inter-
              of where we’ve been and the struggle of get-  their  voices  to  be  heard  more  easily  and  pretation. People are just assuming because
              ting new members, the turmoil of the busi-  loudly than any other generation. There is no  they  like  to  be  told  what  they  [the  lyrics]
              ness  and  the  uncertainty  and  the  fear  all  doubt that social media has helped develop  mean.”
              wrapped up into one thing.”        intercultural relationships, allowing people  The accompanying video stars RJ Mitte
                After spending nearly a year doing the  to become more open-minded and accepting  from the popular television series Breaking
              ‘Songs From The Basement’ acoustic tour,  to diversity and change. We wonder whether  Bad. RJ, who has mild cerebral palsy, is an
              the band were itching to write hefty songs  Chris  thinks  today’s  youth  are  more  in-  advocate for people with disabilities and has
              which people can rock out to. With the aim  formed and better educated on global affairs  educated  people  about  cerebral  palsy.  He
              to push the envelope as far as they could to  than when he was growing up. “I don’t really  tries  to  promote  the  importance  of  hiring
              take them out of their comfort zone, the ‘Us  have a definitive answer to that. I guess my  people  with  disabilities  and  encourages
              And The Night’ recording process proved to  opinion is what you are asking for, but… I  them not to see a disability as a weakness.
              be demanding yet enjoyable. It was a great  don’t really know if they are or they aren’t,  We ask Chris whether the band knew much
              exercise  in  getting  the  quintet  to  gel  and  because they are really only going to take  about RJ before he appeared in the video
              learn new things from one another. Chris ex-  what they want from the internet and they  and whether it was a conscious decision to
              plains how both Chet and Justin helped to  are only going to take what they want from  hire him for the role.  “The video director
              breathe  new  life  into  the  writing  process.  the media. In general, in the United States, I  knew him and had said to us that he would
              “Over the years as you write songs you kind  would say probably not. Maybe overseas a  like to get RJ to be in it. We were like, ‘OK,
              of get stuck in this kind of unwritten set of  little bit because people specifically tend to  great’. Yeah, we did know about him and we
              rules that are just brought down through the  be a little more informed over there.”  knew what he was dealing with but that was-
              process; through radio and people that you  One thing that has never changed over  n’t a factor. You know, it wasn’t about that for
              talk to and different songs you’ve written.  the years is that young people need good  us and we actually didn’t even have a con-
              You kind of get this rule book to play by, and  role models to look up to, to help them follow  versation about it. We really like him and we
              those two guys didn’t have that same rule  the  right  path  in  life.  Unfortunately  there  really like his ideas and what he was bring-
              book that Brad, Greg and I had. It was fun to  doesn’t appear to be enough emphasis on  ing to the video, versus all the other stuff.”
              see them not have to conform and not worry  positive role models in the media today and
              about all these different things that we may  we  live  in  a  world  where  the  definition  of  Doors  Down  are  certainly  no
              have worried about. It was nice.”  ‘celebrity’ and ‘role model’ is blurred. Chris  3strangers  themselves  to  raising
                Do you feel that they may have felt some  agrees, “I think there’s a lot of role models  awareness and money for good causes. In
              sort of pressure to prove themselves to you?  but maybe not so positive. It’s about what  2003, the band set up The Better Life Foun-
              “Maybe,” Chris replies. “I think they proba-  the media tells you… I don’t want to get too  dation, with a mission to ‘Make a positive
              bly did internally but they never showed it.  in-depth, but I don’t really think there are a  change in the lives of children in need of
              They just came to work every day, had a lot  lot of positive role models at all anymore.”  food, shelter and medical assistance, and to
              of fun and did the same things that we did. It  We ask Chris who his role models were  enhance  the  lives  of  children  and  young
              was great!”                        when he was growing up. “Oh wow, I’ve got  adults with special needs.’
                There  were  several  songs  that  really  to  think  about  that,”  he  replies.  “My  role  The foundation came about following a
              challenged  them  but  Chris  says  that  the  models were mostly musicians. I didn’t look  charity event the band had been asked to do,
              most challenging was a song called ‘Walk  at musicians on a personal level, like people.  alongside  Shinedown,  in  Alabama.  Both
              Before You Run’, which can be found on the  What they did in their private lives was one  bands were performing for free and the event
              deluxe  edition  of  the  album.  “That  was  a  thing and what they did musically was an-  was a sold out arena show. However, when
              song written by our drummer, Greg. He’s a  other for me. So, I really paid attention to the  they saw how much money was made at the
                3 DOORS DOWN
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