Page 38 - Black Velvet Issue 87
P. 38

BV87 pg36,37,38,39:BV87 pg38  20/12/2015  00:14  Page 3

             BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 38
             thought I’d see this day / tossed up pride into  going to be able to sustain the lifestyle that  terror  attacks  in  Paris,  Fozzy  took  to  the
             the fire / nothing to keep the crows away…’  we are living, “We’re taking all this assis-  stage  in  Vaureal  a  week  later.  Before  the
             “The  scarecrow  symbolizes  shame,”  Rich  tance and this is not real money, these are  show  frontman  Chris  took  to  his  social
             states, before recalling something that his  loans  that  we’re  borrowing  from  our  chil-  media accounts and declared that “Tonight
             father had once said to him, “If the govern-  dren, our grandchildren, and future genera-  we play for freedom, for the joy of life and for
             ment rolled down the street throwing bags of  tions.  This  is  not  even  money  that  exists  the love of rock ‘n’ roll.” Rich tells us that the
             money on the sidewalk when he grew up no  today and the system will collapse.”  atmosphere at the show was great. “I think
             one would go out and take it, because there  About the subject matter Rich says that  people who lived in Paris were understand-
             was some shame attached to taking hand-  he thought it was an interesting idea to talk  ably shaken up because it happened in their
             outs. Hand-outs were for those who really  about the idea of shame and how shame is  neighbourhood, you know, and maybe some
             needed it, not people who just wanted to live  maybe a good thing. “Not to shame others,  people  they  knew  could  have  been  there.
             off of it but people who were really in desper-  but this feeling of shame inside ourselves for  The same way that New Yorkers were after
             ate need. His point was to say that if you can  treating someone poorly. I think that shame  9/11 or Londoners were after 7/7 there’s that
             get a job, if you’re physically able to help  can be spread amongst a million different  feeling of…” he trails off before continuing.
             sustain yourself, leave that money in assis-  ways that we treat each other in society, the  “As someone who’s not from Paris, when I
             tance for people who truly need it as that’s  way that we raise our children and the way  was there I didn’t feel threatened at all. The
             what it’s there for. The shame is gone and  that we interact as communities. The idea of  reason  is  because  the  safest  place  in  the
             now living on assistance has become more  shame protecting the farm from the crows  world on the day after 9/11 was on an air-
             of  a  lifestyle.  It’s  not  to  say  that  I’m  even  was a great analogy because the farm needs  plane. There’s a sense of when crazy people
             passing judgement on that, but I’m saying  to be protected and shame kept the crows  do crazy things, at least in my mind, they
             I’ve been poor most of my life and I’ve never  from  destroying  the  farm.  The  crows  will  wouldn’t hit the same type of target; usually
             taken assistance. The reason I haven’t is be-  never replant corn because the crows aren’t  they’re prodding for new places once that
             cause I haven’t needed to, I’ve always been  interested in maintaining the farm, they are  has been exploited. I am of the mindset of
             able to figure out a way to get to the next  only looking for the momentary need that the  you can’t control crazy, right? You can make
             thing. Even if that meant selling a guitar that  farm can provide them; then they will find an-  every weapon illegal, you can try to cut off
             I owned, that I purchased when I had a little  other  farm  to  destroy.  Shame  was  always  terrorists’ money supplies, you can try to do
             more, I always tried to figure out a way to get  that thing that kept us from destroying the  anything you want but you’ll never, you can
             by on that. I think that it would be nice if so-  farm, knowing that the farm is important, that  never stop that. It will always exist in our so-
             ciety recognized that there’s nothing free. In  the lifeblood of the community is to be able  cieties.  Whether  it’s  Muslim  extremists  or
             other words, free healthcare is not free; free  to use it for food. We as society have started  whether it’s people with mental illnesses or
             healthcare had to come from some place,  to destroy those things. I think a nice little bit  whether it’s people with domestic violence
             and that meant gas taxes, imbedded prop-  of shame would come in handy from time to  who kill their own family; these things can
             erty taxes, all of these things that we don’t  time.”                  never be stopped no matter what we decide.
             think about; everything is embedded.” Rich                             The only thing we can control as a society is
             notes  that  in  different  times  there  was  a  nother subject that is dealt with on  how we react to it, and how we can comfort
             sense that we needed to be a little more self-  A‘Do You Wanna Start A War’ is anar-  those who went through it and the families
             reliant and self-sufficient and it was those  chy. ‘One Crazed Anarchist’ is about some-  who lost love ones; we can try to be compas-
             things that helped to create a different work  one who plans to carry out dishonourable  sionate,  we  can  also  be  vigilant.  Unfortu-
             ethic. The guitarist believes that we’ll soon  actions to gain attention. While many artists  nately, people who follow a crazy ideology
             come to a point where society is no longer  cancelled shows and tours in the wake of the  whose intent is to kill and maim... Any cul-
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