Page 35 - Black Velvet Issue 87
P. 35
BV87 pg35:BV87 pg35 21/12/2015 06:30 Page 1
BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 35
Crowbar headline for us at Black Country
Metal Fest in 2014 to meeting Andy Copping,
the owner of Download Festival when we did
press for Download 2014. Another highlight
was David Andersson of Soilwork wearing our
logo on stage at the O2 Birmingham.
If you could meet one of your inspirations
and ask them one question, who would you
like to meet and what would you ask?
One of my inspirations is Nikki Sixx Of Motley
Crue. I think I would have to ask him 'How are
you still alive?' Haha. But seriously, I think
Name, Age & Location: Team is the best I can ask for. They are all Nikki Sixx is a very intelligent guy. Even though
Adam Till. Aged 38. Burntwood, Staffs. UK. 100% dedicated to the cause, I can't thank he has had his fun, he is a very clever busi-
them enough! ness man.
What do you do - or what do you aim to do?
Co-Owner and Director of Midlands Metal- Best purchase that's helped to improve Advice to others that may want to follow in
heads Radio Ltd. your career? your footsteps?
The best purchase or maybe I should say the Enjoy what you’re doing and work on it every
How long have you been doing it for - and birth of was 'Mick the Minotaur', we currently day, even if it's just for an hour a day. I live Mid-
what made you choose this career? have him locked away in a cage in the depths lands Metalheads Radio. Always thinking of
Midlands Metalheads Radio has been running of Midlands Metalheads Towers. He caused a ways to move forward. I think it's because I
for about 6 years. In all honesty it fell upon us bit of trouble at Download Festival 2015. He's love it so much. Just basically enjoy what
as a random idea. It was born one evening, on currently feeling sorry for himself you’re doing. The media business is a hard
a balcony between two best mates, over a bot- line of work to be in, the highs and the lows.
tle of Jack Daniels, Adam Till and Ozzy Maid- Have you had any professional training or
enfield (Co-Owner/Director/ DJ). We wanted to taken part in any courses to improve your Where do you go from here? Plans for the
create a community for people who share the career along the way? future?
same passion for music as we do. No, I and all the rest of the team have learnt In 2014 we made Midlands Metalheads a Ltd
from day one. I think it's the fact that we all Company which was a big deal for us consid-
What does a general working day or week have the love for rock music and the commu- ering it was just a random idea one night over
usually consist of? nity that makes us do what we are doing. Metal a bottle of Jack. We have a lot of new plans in
I don't think I have a general day or week. It is music is a faith and the fact that we have a the pipeline and a lot of new staff that are very
always different which is what I love. But to love for it makes us want to push it forward and keen. So I suppose watch this space, we are
summarise it, I’m always on the phone to staff, always work on new ideas. going nowhere!
asking what they are doing, working on proj-
ects and always thinking of ways of moving Highlight(s) of your career so far? Website for more info:
forward. The Midlands Metalheads Radio There have been so many, from when we had
Name: How long does it take ever happened to
Ísis Cristina Jesus you to keep the site me because of the
updated? How much fansite was the
Fansite Name: time do you put into opportunity to
Lifehouse Brasil Online it? meet a lot of
I spent and I'm still amazing people
Why and when did you decide to start spending some time to from all over the
your fansite? update the website world. I discov-
I'm a fan of the band since 2004 but I was- since I'm doing all of ered some other
n't into the whole online thing. But I started this by myself. I was able amazing bands,
to deeply fall in love with the band, so after to collect lyrics, biography of the band and had the chance to talk with them about Life-
some time thinking if it was going to be a band members, photos, videos and others house, and I feel blessed for knowing Life-
good idea to create a website about them, and it takes a lot of time when you have to house, it's incredible how music can bring
I said yes to my thoughts and I created Life- translate it! As I study and work at the same so many different people with different sto-
house Brasil Net late 2010. When they time I don't have much time left for anything ries together. I would never trade that for
went into the hiatus, I took a break from the else, so I am always trying to do my best to anything else!
website and decided to do some other keep everything working. I'm still trying to
things, but I kept following the band and put some new features on the website, try- Tell our readers why they should visit
giving information about their steps on our ing to make it more attractive to the fans, your site. What's it got?
social network. When the band announced so I can say I do a lot of effort to provide the Lifehouse Brasil Online is the only website
that they were going to come back and re- best information to the Brazilian fans! in the world dedicated exclusively to the
lease their 7th album, I put everything back band for Portuguese speakers, focused on
together but I made a few changes, for the Does the band know about it? Coolest the Brazilian fans! Fans can find news,
better! I decided to build the website be- thing to happen to you because of the lyrics, videos, information about the band,
cause of the lack of information we, Brazil- fansite? band members and their side projects,
ian fans, had about the band translated into The band knows about the website, we al- tours, albums and we have a forum where
Portuguese. This is one of the main rea- ready got some tweets from them, it was the fans can communicate to each other!
sons why I learnt English, I started translat- amazing, I guess I achieved what I wanted! It's a way to bring the band closer to their
ing interviews, lyrics and other things to We are the only website online here in fans.
Portuguese and share with other fans that Brazil about the band and we have some
don't speak English. partnerships along with other famous web- Website link:
sites from here too.The coolest thing that