Page 43 - Black Velvet Issue 87
P. 43
BV87 pg43.qxd:BV87 pg43 20/12/2015 02:38 Page 1
BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 43
YYYYY Excellent YYYY Very Good YYY Good
YY Listenable, Just Y Poor
Gábor, Gergő Dobos and Crossfaith. Instead, the return for the emotional Harking back to the late
Máté Gulyás have rein- band has generated tracks ‘Angel’, a raw love song. 70s/early 80s, they aim to
forced the fact that they which tempt listeners to ‘Lockdown’ is an recreate the sound in a no-
can release copious solid dance. Crossfaith offer unashamedly balls-out frills way and capture the
tracks in the form of their chanting lyrics in songs rock song where drummer essence of the genre. The
debut album ‘Sonic Glory’. such as ‘Raise Your Voice’ Dan Evans gets to show- focus is on strong melodies
Any queries of the line-up and the lighthearted collab- case his talents in a song and guitar lines, as well as
change since their ‘Free- oration, ‘Wildfire’ ft Benji that wouldn’t be out of the storytelling aspect, and
dom’ EP have been swiftly Webbe from Skindred. This place on an AC/DC album. the production gives an au-
kicked off stage, even with band has challenged the There’s no doubting this thentic feel. The early
just the first impressions of music scene by presenting album has been excellently tracks are a bit hit and
WALK THE PLANK the album. Marci Székely’s diverse sounds success- performed and recorded. miss, but by ‘Berlin Model
(RUDE) Chris Cornell-like vocal and fully with an enjoyable and It’s a classic British rock 32’ they have really hit their
Zebrahead do it again! backing harmonies from catchy tempo locked within album with a bluesy edge stride. ‘Over The Worldly
What more could you ask Andris Gábor, envelop you the track ‘Devil’s Party’. screaming to stand out Walls’ is a highlight with a
for from these experienced instantly in both ‘Hard Within this album, there are from the crowd. Don’t ig- powerful bass line and an
rockers? Having been on Times’ and ‘Kings And also some softer elements nore it, this is no joke and excellent example of the
the scene for almost two Rulers’, accompanied by a which likably switch to worth your attention. twin guitar melodies that
decades, the new album grunge-tainted Rival Sons dance and electronic YYY permeate the album.
‘Walk The Plank’ does not feel in the heavier riffs. sounds. ‘Xeno’ is an album Adam Clark ‘Clockworks’ has an epic
disappoint. The pure However, there is much which injects a different feel right from the dramati-
essence of punk-rap is more to it on the whole, a taste into the rock scene. WSTR cally-building intro. The
bundled into 13 tracks with well formed performance YYYY SKRWD pace picks up, the riffs fly,
an interesting start and a arises from tracks such as Stella Bibb (NO SLEEP) the drums beat out a primal
few unexpected themes. ‘Gypsy Girl’ and ‘Hope’, Liverpool rockers rhythm, and it’s glorious.
‘Who Brings A Knife To A which wash over you with a WSTR tear through the ‘The Storm’ exudes power
Gunfight?’’s middle-east- more psychedelic atmos- punk rock genre with the and dynamism, with proba-
ern entrance introduces phere by a careful balance release of their breakout bly the most passionate
you to an album with of wah pedal and combo EP ‘SKRWD’. The five- vocal performance as the
never-ending energy in organ. Leading onto ‘Love- piece band crash through song ebbs, swells, and
truckloads and setting the light’ as a ballad that your speakers at the start rages. For old-school
pace for ska-flecked ad- speaks on its own by giving of the album with ‘South NWOBHM fans and new
venture; possibly suggest- you the urge to wave a Drive’. The song’s addic- listeners alike, Black Trip
ing a more mature lighter above your head tive, deep-rooted chorus have a lot to offer.
Zebrahead, derived of and sway. Ozone Mama and intense instrumentals YYYY
edgier lyrics from Matty are in a handful of groups will have you longing for a Clare Huckett
Lewis and outstanding rap that produce a sound not THE JOKERS change of address to
by Ali Tabatabaee. ‘Save many bands with English HURRICANE South Drive. Working the DELAYED DEPARTURE
Your Breath’ reveals a typi- as a second language can (STEAMHAMMER / SPV) graveyard shift wouldn’t be CONSEQUENCES
cal angsty punk anthem in get their grasp on easily. Liverpudlian rockers that bad if you had WSTR’s (DELAYED DEPARTURE)
build-up to the album title Yet they aren’t exactly tip- The Jokers have marked third track ‘Graveyard Shift’ These four talented
track. ‘Walk The Plank’ is a ping the boat on breaking their return with their third playing in the background guys from Hampshire have
lighter song on the album out the box, and to be hon- album release ‘Hurricane’. the whole time. Although released a brilliant EP in
but that doesn't mean it est that’s the only slight Keeping their big rock you probably wouldn’t get ‘Consequences’. 'Let's
under-delivers. The album criticism. They want to sound from their previous any work done because Catch Fire' is one of the
continues to surprise and make sure that you know releases the four-piece, you would be too busy most captivating and
impress, reaching ‘Wasted they have ticked all the along with renowned pro- rocking out to the heavy stronger tracks on the re-
Generation’ - the main right boxes in those robust ducer Tom Size, have cap- drum beats lingering lease due to the strong yet
focus of the track is some- vocals backed up by play- tured a live energy whilst around relatable lyrics. smooth vocals that really
thing you’d expect to come ful guitar, bass and drums recording this record that is ‘Devils N’ Demons’ finishes compliment the guitar riffs
from DragonForce with that rumble their way to- sadly lacking in many off the 6-track EP just as and the well written lyrics.
heavy distortion and fast wards a potential classic mainstream rock releases strong as it started. With 'Choices' is the one track
riffs, but it still reflects the rock legend standard. As of late. Opener ‘Run 4 passionate vocals piercing that will have you hooked
pop-punk band of the far as debut albums go, Cover’ kicks things off with your eardrums and instru- from the very first listen.
naughties we all love at the this is a celebration of au- a classic headbanging riff mentals that can fill a room, The vocals blend perfectly
base. Zebrahead may thentic hard rock! that immediately catches this single closes out the with the music, plus with its
have diversified ever-so- YYYY your attention and sets the EP in the most punk rock catchy lyrics it will be a hit
slightly, but it’s in no means Annina Cremona pace for the rest of the way possible. Even though with old and new fans.
a bad way to go. There are album. Title track ‘Hurri- they only have one release 'Captive' is a mellow track
tracks on the album that CROSSFAITH cane’ pulls you into its rock to their name, based on compared to the rest of this
appeal to not just ska-punk XENO groove with its catchy vo- their debut EP ‘SKRWD’, fantastic EP, but don't write
fans, and they have still (RAZOR & TIE) cals from Wane Parry and WSTR is going to have it off as it is still a great
kept true to themselves in Crossfaith offer more a grinding hook from new many more releases and song and still delivers on
a fun-packed inviting new than just metal as they ap- bassist Phil Hartley. The fans headed their way. strong vocals. 'Synopsis' is
album. peal to a varied crowd, one softer intro to ‘Her Word Is YYYY the track that everyone
YYYYY which does not shy away Love’ fools you into think- Hayli Zuccola who listens to the EP will
Annina Cremona from the dance-infused ing that the album is enter- be talking about. That's
modern rock scene. This is ing a softer side before BLACK TRIP due to the strong guitar riffs
OZONE MAMA captured within the title, as Paul Hurst’s guitar cranks SHADOWLINE and incredible vocals all
SONIC GLORY ‘Xeno’ manages to provide the rock back up again. (STEAMHAMMER/SPV) the way through. This
(OZONE MAMA) a tinge of something differ- ‘Summer Time’ acoustically Swedish metallers album has a track for
After experiencing a ent. Previous fans should swings your mind away Black Trip continue their everyone.
change in line-up, the quar- not expect hard-kicking from the heavy guitars and quest to keep the spirit of YYYYY
tet Marci Székely, Andris rock from within this album, fits well on the album be- NWOBHM alive with sec- Mags O'Donnell
as seen previously by fore the grinding grooves ond album ‘Shadowline’.