Page 32 - Black Velvet Issue 87
P. 32

BV87 hcss:BV87 pg32  19/12/2015  20:52  Page 3

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                     here’s  a  lot  that’s  happened  in  this anymore.” We were like “What!?” We  gave Martin that the band had recorded back
                “Tthose  17  years,”  says  frontman  have a rule in Hardcore Superstar that we  in  1994.  “When  we  heard  those  three
             Jocke  Berg.  “It’s  not  only  rock  ‘n’  roll.  don’t fire people. You have to go by your-  songs… we hadn’t heard them since 1994…
             There’s a lot of bad decisions… things hap-  self.”                    we were like “We were that good?!” We were
             pen so much for a band our size. We want to  The  band  drafted  Vic  Zino  in  to  take  surprised. That was the kick in the ass to
             be bigger and bigger. When we did the ‘It’s  Thomas’s place. Vic, from Crazy Lixx, was at  start  writing  songs  for  the  ‘HCSS’  album.
             Only Rock ‘N’ Roll’ album we thought that we  first a temporary replacement but later con-  That gave us energy… but I don’t think we
             were  going  to  be  the  biggest  band  in  the  firmed as a permanent member. “Since Vic  had a lack of energy somehow. We always
             world. And we still want to be that, but we  came into the band it’s fresh energy. It also  write songs. We’ve written ten new songs al-
             know that the way up the stairs is not that  gave me a little competition on stage. I’m not  ready for the next album. But that kind of
             easy, there’s a lot of bumps on the way. It’s  the wildest one. So it               thing…  When  we  heard
             not only rock ‘n’ roll but it’s still fun.”  was  both  bad  and                    the old demo, those three
                Looking  back  to  when  the  band  first  good   what   hap-  ook at the thing in  songs  gave  us  a  ‘wow’
             formed, Jocke says, “I think I’m the same  pened.”                                  feeling.  We  thought,  “We
             guy as back then. The difference is that I’m              “LSyria      with   the   can’t throw this away, we
             older and know what to do. I’m more men-  he band have  kids. They have to flee from  must use it”.
             tally strong today than I was when I was 20.  Treleased   a  the  country.  It  shouldn’t  The album received a
             When you’re 20 you’re like “What the fuck  whopping ten studio  have  to  be  like  that.  It’s  mixed reaction from fans
             should I do? I want to be a rock star. I need  albums.  From  the                   though.  Maybe  this  was
             to  have  a  job  because  I  don’t  have  any  band’s  catalogue  of  2015. What the fuck is going  because  some  of  the
             money,” but nowadays I have a lovely wife,  songs,   there   are  on?.” - Jocke Berg  songs  on  the  new  album
             three kids and I can do what I love the most,  songs  such  as  ‘We                 were  a  little  bit  different.
             having a good time, meeting the audience.”  Don’t  Need A  Cure’,                   ‘Fly’ has a bit of a stoner
                Over the years the band have had trials  which Jocke sings is                    vibe  for  example.  Jocke
             and tribulations like most bands do - both  ‘for the outcast’. They’ve also got a song  says, “It was funny. When the single ‘Touch
             personal and band related. The first major  called ‘Bully’. Jocke gets slightly political for  The  Sky’  came  out,  there  were  like  two
             hurdle that the quartet had to overcome in-  a moment. “Look at the thing in Syria with  camps; 50% were really hating it, they said
             volved their record label, Music For Nations.  the kids. They have to flee from the country.  “What the fuck is this?” and things like that,
             “We didn’t know that we were signing a bad  It shouldn’t have to be like that. It’s 2015.  and the other half were like “Wow, this is
             contract with Music For Nations. More like a  What the fuck is going on? It’s the same with  new and fresh for Hardcore Superstar”.  I
             slave contract. It was 6 albums in 12 years.  bullies and people who think they’re better  think  we  had  to  do  this  album  to  get  the
             That’s a long time, y’know. Luckily for us, the  than others and go down on people that are  songs out of our minds and our hearts and
             company went bankrupt so we got off the  not strong. That’s why when I announce the  get them down on the record.”
             deal.”                              ‘Bully’ song, I always say, “Take care of each  The lyrics on ‘HCSS’ are deeper than a
                Fast forward a few years to 2007 and this  other, help each other,” ‘cause that’s how it  lot of previous songs, according to Jocke. “I
             time a personal hiccup for Jocke. “I got di-  should be. Life is too short.”  think that’s why a few people can’t under-
             vorced   back   in                                                                         stand  the  album,
             2007,” he tells Black                                                                      because it’s a lit-
             Velvet.  “I  was  sad.                                                                     tle bit darker. But
             At  that  time  we                                                                         we felt like we had
             started   recording                                                                        to  do  that  album
             the  ‘Dreamin’  In  A                                                                      to get it out of our
             Casket’  album  and                                                                        system.  But  writ-
             that  healed  me.  It                                                                      ing the new songs
             was the best time of                                                                       it  feels  already
             my  life.  But  just  a                                                                    now  that  we’re
             couple of weeks be-                                                                        back    writing
             fore  I  was  sad  be-                                                                     about certain peo-
             cause   of   the                                                                           ple that we’ve met
             divorce.  But  that                                                                        and it’s more of a
             made  me  feel  so                                                                         party vibe again in
             good,  doing  that                                                                         the songs.”
             record.”  He  says                                                                           So  the  next
             that on ‘Dreamin’ In                                                                       album  should  be
             A Casket’ the songs                                                                        a   fun   album?
             that helped him the                                                                        “Yeah, I think so,”
             most  were  ‘Silence                                                                       replies Jocke. “A
             For The Peacefully’                                                                        hard  rocking  fun
             and  ‘Sensitive  To                                                                        album.”
             The Light’. How did                                                                          So what does
             he   feel   getting                                                                        Jocke  think  fans
             everything out? Did                                                                        want  from  the
             he  see  it  as  ther-                                                                     band now?
             apy? we ask.                                                                                 “I  know  that
                “Yeah,   you                                                                            they want a lot of
             could  say  that,”                                                                         energy  from  us,”
             Jocke replies. “You                                                                        he  says.  “Very
             release  something                                                                         party, rock ‘n’ roll,
             in yourself that you                                                                       energy,   a   fun
             need  to  get  out  of                                                                     time…   I   think
             your system just to                                                                        we’re  giving  the
             get  well  mentally                                                                        fans  this  every
             again.  That’s  the                                                                        night.  You  don’t
             good part of playing music.”                                           have to drink to party. I don’t drink on stage.
                The band also hit a roadblock when their  n April 2015, the band, whose full line  I  get  a  few  mouthfuls  of  beer,  that’s  all.  I
             guitarist Thomas Silver decided to leave the  Iup is Jocke Berg (vocalist), Vic Zino  drink  water.  Because  the  music  gets  me
             band in early 2008. “That was an awkward  (guitar), Martin Sandvik (bassist) and Mag-  going.”
             moment because we were heading to Aus-  nus  ‘Adde’ Andreasson  (drums),  released  We can agree with that. We don’t drink at
             tralia and Japan four days after we played in  ‘HCSS’, their tenth full-length studio album.  BVHQ, but love a good rock show. And Hard-
             London and he just said “I’m not going to do  The album was borne from a demo that a fan  core Superstar put on one of the best.

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