Page 23 - Black Velvet Issue 85
P. 23

BV85 pg22,23,24,25:BV85 pg23  14/06/2015  03:38  Page 2

                                                                                           BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 23


                    here's a pretty big difference between  like “Oh it’s okay, we’ll just pick someone else,”  and Mark, they were working a graveyard shift
                 Tbeing  a  drummer  and  being  a  front-  but we were like “No no no no no! We’ll do it,  job at a UP postal service where they were just
              man, so Jonny had to make some big adjust-  we’ll do it!” So I did the show and I sang from  loading boxes in the belly of a jet at three in the
              ments on stage. “It was very uncomfortable  behind the drum set! It was the worst show of  morning. They were deliriously tired one night
              because the drums were like my security blan-  my life. It was so bad in fact that our guitar  because they would also go to school all day,
              ket. We did a practice show, it was in this dive  player that I started the band with, that was  and the idea came to them to have multiple
              bar that was like our hangout, in front of only  pretty much the night he quit the band. So I got  people on one bass, so they started working
              three people that we told,” Jonny says, recall-  really drunk and threw up in an iHop bathroom  on it and over a few years it evolved into what
              ing his first performance as a vocalist. He con-  just super depressed, it was that bad!”  it is now.”
              tinues, “Unfortunately some people found out  Unlike  the  Battle  of  the  Bands  perform-
              somehow  through  the  grapevine  -  some  ance,  Nothing  More's  current  live  show  is  othing More's self-titled album was re-
              friends and fans of the band - and I was so  pretty  extraordinary  and  the  band  (Jonny  is  Nleased in June of last year, and the
              nervous  because  I  was  like  ‘Nobody’s  sup-  joined by Daniel Oliver, Mark Vollelunga and  band  used  dual  themes  of  water  and  fire
              posed to be here!’ I just wanted to play in front  Paul O’Brien) is known for their crazy drum and  throughout the release. “A lot of the stories be-
              of the three drunk guys that were always there.  bass solos. “The solos evolved out of more  hind what inspired the songs were pretty much
              So I did that practice show and then the first  primitive versions of themselves. For example  all trials of some sort or another, things that we
              real show, ironically, was the most important  the  drum  solo,  I  was  on  drum  line  in  high  had to trudge through and get to the other side
              show that we played for years. It was on Sun-  school so I was always doing things with other  of and understand and process. Then we put
              set Strip in LA. We got flown out to Los Angeles  drummers like performance stuff and we’d be  them into songs. At the time they were very,
              because  we  won  Battle  of  the  Bands  at  flipping drums and sticks, so I learned that side  just tribulation-like experiences. We all grew up
              Warped Tour. We were in the top four and they  of performance and show from experience on  in the church when we were younger just be-
              said if you want all the cash and the prizes then  the drum line, so I always wanted to incorpo-  cause our parents were a part of it and there
              you have to play the show. We just a week be-  rate that kind of perspective into a rock band.  was always this interesting biblical metaphor
              fore parted ways with our singer, so they were  Then with the bass solo that came from Dan  that was the baptism of fire, and there was a

                                                                                                NOTHING MORE
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