Page 19 - Black Velvet Issue 85
P. 19
BV85 pg18,19,20,21:BV85 pg19 13/06/2015 03:06 Page 2
BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 19
Living in a different head space, a different band and in this music?’ That’s the way I ap- get people singing our songs and stuff but at
spiritual space and a different musical space, proached the writing process towards this the end of the day I want to not just be remem-
Jacoby found freedom and by the time the record, that’s why this record turned out the bered for that. I want to be remembered for
record was finished he says he came out of the way it is. That’s a great statement, that’s a being a man that would put his hand out to a
experience feeling a stronger, more confident great way to live by Steve Jobs. When I’m brother that’s going through some struggles
and happier person. making decisions I’ll run it through this process: and help him out. I’ve had that favour done to
Black Velvet reads Jacoby the following Does it serve my higher self? Does it elevate me and I feel that that’s the mark I want to
motivational quote about facing fear by Apple me or does it take me into that old life? Be- leave on the world.” While he strives with his
co-founder Steve Jobs – ‘Remembering that I’ll cause I know what my old life produces for my- personal goal to be known not just a great
be dead soon is the most important tool that self so…Does it help make me get to the better frontman or a great rock star but as ‘a good
I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big version of myself? Sometimes I follow that de- man’, Jacoby admits he does battle with
choices in life. Because almost everything – cision and it’s great for me and then sometimes it.”“One moment I’m like ‘Man, I want to help
external expectations, fear of embarrassment I go, ‘Ahh, I’m just going to do this other shit my brothers out,” then the next moment I’m just
or failure – these things fall away in the face of over here.’ That’s just human experience, that’s like, “Fuck it. I don’t even want to answer the
death. Remembering that you are going to die, the choice that we’re given.” phone right now and talk to you”. It’s a constant
is the best way to avoid the trap of thinking you While the singer was in Vegas he spent struggle you know, but that’s life.”
have something to lose. There is no reason not time with people who were just starting their
to follow your heart.’ journey into sobriety. Black Velvet asks alking about his fellow band members
“It’s funny that you said that, that was my whether this was an eye opening experience T– Tobin Esperance (bass guitar), Jerry
ammo when I went into make the record,” Ja- for him and did it make him appreciate how far Horton (guitar) and Tony Palermo (drums) –
coby smiles. “I was like, ‘If this were the last he had come in his own journey? “Oh yeah Jacoby notes, “We grew up from being boys to
Papa Roach record I was ever to write, record definitely,” Jacoby responds. “In my life I found men and we’ve always had this brotherhood
and be part of what would I say? If my life were that service to others is the highest calling. and this bond amongst us. Me and Tobin are
to end, what would be my final statement in this Rock ‘n’ roll is cool, it is fun to get on stage and like polar opposites, I’m totally extrovert, he’s