Page 15 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine Issue 109
P. 15

BV109 pg 10-13 Terrorvision Interview.qxp_BV109 pg 15  07/12/2023  21:21  Page 6

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               was spearheaded by its first single,   a position where he can be heard, and they   the Earth! So, what's it matter?"
               'Josephine', a song which tells the tale of a   are asking about these things like they mat-  As for the immediate future, Terrorvi-
               friend called Joe, from when friends were   ter. It doesn't matter! It's not a thing; let   sion have just recorded an album.
               hard to find, who had a restless soul with   people get on with our lives and worry   "Yeah, we've just recorded an album;
               something on his mind, who would later be-  about the things that matter. You know what   it's what Terrorvision does. We had these
               come his new girlfriend, Josephine.    I mean?                        bonkers ideas we'd invented or picked up
                  Some 25 years later and issues like   "It's funny, because, when we did the   and then we thought, ‘We've got enough of
               transgender rights, the problems many   song, we never thought about whether we   these and they sound alright,’ so we picked
               members of the LGBTQ community face,   should do it, it was just a story about some-  up 10, 12 of the songs and recorded them
               remain as topical as ever, and so we ask   one who we knew. But more people com-  and they are being mixed at the moment.
               Tony how he feels these things have im-  ment about it now because it's become an   "They sound great, they sound very
               proved since they released the song and   issue and it shouldn't have done. It should   Terrorvision-y, which means not everyone
               what further improvements are needed.   have become easier for folk. People should   is going to like it, but I like the fact that not
                  Smiling as he answers, "The thing is,   have realised that people are great, regard-  everybody likes it. The day people go ‘Ah,
               when we wrote that song, it wasn't a thing,   less of what they are wearing."   that was alright,’ is the day you are done,
               I don't think. I don't remember it being a                            isn't it?"
               problem. It was just a story. The song 'Lola'   o conclude, we ask Tony if he can
               was the same thing. We've always had peo-  Ttell us if there are any plans for the   But, Terrorvision isn't done.  And the
               ple in society who were trans, and histori-  band that he can share with us, and, also,   prospect of new music will excite all exist-
               cally, they've been pushed out and made to   what he hopes the band's final legacy might   ing fans and may well be just the opportu-
               feel unwelcome. Again!             be.                                nity to introduce even more new fans to
                  "I think it's hilarious when people kick   And we suspect fans will be thrilled to   their fantastic back catalogue. And why not,
               off because there are some drag queens,   hear the answer to the first part, but, in typ-  because as we've shown, the songs are
               who are great fun, reading stories to kids.   ically Terrorvision fashion, he answers the   just as great and just as relevant today as
               And you have people screaming, ‘That's   second part first. "People will have CDs and   they ever have been. And, one thing is for
               disgusting!’ But then, they book tickets for   they last forever, so, as long as they don't   sure, with Terrorvision, everyone will be
               a pantomime, which is exactly the same   all get used on the allotment and some sur-  welcome.
               thing. It's storytelling! I've never really   vive, and, if one of ours survives, and if, in
               thought of it as a problem.        the future, I have a great, great, great, great   Visit
                  "There is a politician who I noticed,   grandkid or something, or someone finds   ficial for more info.
               who's always running round, going on   one in a junk shop one day and listens to it
               about it. He's like the kid running round the   and goes, ‘Oh, that's what it was like in   Words By Michael Coventry
               playground asking if you have body parts   England in 1995,’ I'll be happy with that. As
               in Latin and laughing at you if you get it   for legacy, it's legacy smegacy, isn't it? You
               right or wrong. And he's a politician and in   can't see us once we're six hundred foot off

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