Page 13 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine Issue 109
P. 13

BV109 pg 10-13 Terrorvision Interview.qxp_BV109 pg 13  07/12/2023  21:17  Page 4

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               come. A 12-year-old boy asked if his mum   ow To Make Friends And Influence   pen," he replies, with a huge smile. "But, if
               could come with him. He asked the Home   'HPeople' was the first Terrorvision   that were the case, yeah, I'd get a big tent
               Office, politicians, and it was like, ‘Does she   album to crack the Top 20 in the UK album   and people could come in my tent and all.
               have savings? Does she have £18,000 a   chart. Leading the way was 'Oblivion',   Of course, why wouldn't ya!"
               year income?’ ‘No, she's my mum.’ ‘Does   which remains one of the band’s greatest
               she have somewhere to live?’ ‘No, she's my   and most familiar tracks, and almost any   ll jokes aside though, the lyric, like
               mum.’ ‘Does she speak fluent English?’   fan of the band will be only too familiar with   Aso many of their others, remains in-
               ‘No, she's from a third world country, but   the iconic opening lyrics and, in the pres-  credibly relevant in 2023 and, following on
               she's my mum.’                     ence of their frontman, we were hardly   from his previous discussion about his
                  "And they tell this 12-year-old boy,   going to pass the opportunity to ask him   half-brother, we ask again about issues
               ‘Sorry, she doesn't qualify’. How can we live   the question the song has been asking lis-  such as asylum seekers and homeless-
               in a country where being a mother isn't the   teners since 1994.      ness, as, almost 30 years after 'Oblivion'
               biggest qualification? And my little brother   ‘If all the people in the world camped   was released, these problems remain even
               is 19 now. He's got ‘A’ levels, cracking qual-  out in your back garden, would you write   greater now.
               ifications, he's won a series of the Welsh   and tell the king or would you grab a tent   "We've been very divided, I think. With
               Mountain Bike Championship, he's fit as a   and join them?’           the politicians, we've had a real amateur
               fiddle, he is an inspiration and, yet, we don't   We can't even start the question with-  hour, people who were their mates, rather
               listen. We're too bolshy! There are things   out Tony letting out laughter, he's likely   than having those who were best for the
               we can do, but we don't look for a fair rem-  been asked this before in his life but an-  job, and, when they are panicking they do
               edy, because there is no money to be made   swering again is absolutely no issue for   that thing where they say, ‘Look over there!’
               from it."                          this loveable character.           And, quite often, when they say, ‘Look over
                                                     "I'd have to have a pretty big house and   there,’ they're talking about struggling to
                                                  be doing alright for myself for that to hap-  pay our bills or buy our food, whatever,

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