Page 14 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine Issue 109
P. 14
BV109 pg 10-13 Terrorvision Interview.qxp_BV109 pg 14 07/12/2023 21:19 Page 5
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they are saying, ‘Look at these immigrants,’ same for other people and places? be kind.
as if that's the reason. "People kick off about China being in "But, I get people are scared and that
"Imagine getting on a boat. Imagine Africa, but they are building roads and people are angry, but we need to stop scar-
leaving your house, right now, and going building infrastructure. I've been to Eritrea, ing people and making them angry in the
somewhere else in the world, right now. It's where my dad went in Africa, and it is beau- first place.
a pretty big decision to make, to try and get tiful. Imagine living in the Lake District, mul- "I've got a friend who came here on the
a better quality of life, and who doesn't tiplied by 50! Mountains, and then all these, back of a boat, he tells me the story of how
want a better quality of life? like, old Italian villages, why would you he got in a truck, got caught and thrown off
"But, some make out they are rapists want to come here? If they had the infra- the truck and he saw another one and he
and murderers and, unfortunately, some structure, jobs and fairness that we did, ran and jumped in that, and he hid behind
will be. In a massive group of people, there then why would they come here? We'd be some stuff and, when he looked up, there
are always going to be some who aren't going there like my dad did. was a family already there, telling him to
nice. But, we have laws that deal with peo- "There are people coming here from ‘Sssh!’ so they didn't get caught. And they
ple like that, so that should be how we do wars and people call them names, because were on that truck for five days.
that. they don't want to stay where they were and "He said he'd knew he'd been on a boat
"And then, you have some who point maybe fight someone who they were at some point and then, eventually, they
out over there about the immigrants, say- friends with before. We need to use our were in a lorry compound, and he went
ing, ‘We already have a homelessness wealth from the Industrial Revolution, or from there. He tried to get some food, but
problem,’ but, most of the time the people from when we took gold from Africa, to help he only had Euros, and this lady could see
saying that never cared about our home- make these places better. We need to give he was starving and she bought him some
less problem, so, at least this dividedness more back and help people and make a bet- food. Now, he's a champion athlete. He's
has raised awareness of some of the prob- ter world." not an economic migrant and, I hate to say
lems people face, so even to just start men- it, but, if he was white, he'd be representing
tioning it… and I do wonder how many ontinuing this, and remembering us in the Olympics. We'd be saying, ‘It
actually do something to help… has helped Cthat the alternative to grabbing a doesn't matter where you're from, we'll
raise some awareness. tent and joining them in that lyric is writing make it work!’
"And, if we don't want people to come to the king, and with the words he just said "But, if you don't welcome everyone,
here, then we need to start giving back still very fresh in the air, we ask Tony if he like that lady did for my friend, you'll never
what we've taken from places and help feels that perhaps all we simply need right know who are the good people. Every soci-
build infrastructure, like what we did with now, is more kindness in general, and how ety has bad people, but with a bit of com-
what we took from other places. Now, I important kindness is to him. passion, you can find the good ones
know I never stole anything, or you never "It's the spirit of the person, isn't it? because, ultimately, we are all the same."
stole anything, we're not guilty, but I am Being kind or mean is the most obvious of
aware of how advanced our society became human spirit. You wear it on your sleeve, ast forward to the autumn of 1998
because of that, so why can't we do the there is no way of hiding it and it is good to Fand album four, 'Shaving Peaches',