Page 32 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 108
P. 32

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              BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 32
                                   play in unison with the   voice has matured and   dition, its emotional mes-  Away' shows another side
                                   band and, together, they   deepened naturally over   sage about war ringing true   to the band with a slice of
                                   take the songs to a higher   the years, so the songs are   today more than ever.   acoustic-based folk rock,
                                   level; the instrumental sec-  played in a different key to   Listening to these new   and closing track 'Drink'
                                   tion of 'Paper Sun' is so   suit his current vocal style,   versions of the songs   has attitude and a rock 'n'
                                   good you wonder why they   and, for the majority of the   brings back lots of great   roll barroom swagger.
                                   never did it originally. But,   songs, this works really   memories if you were a fan   Overall, this is an im-
                                   where the record excels   well, and you can hear   back in the day, and really   pressive collection of di-
                                   the most, is when the   every word clearly as he   underlines just what a su-  verse, but powerful, classic
                                   Royal Philharmonic Or-  enunciates them more   perb band White Lion were   rock.
                                   chestra play the songs in   carefully too. The produc-  and it's tragic that their ca-  YYYY
              DEF LEPPARD          place of the band and then   tion on the album is excel-  reer was cut short, like so   Ian Trigg
              DRASTIC SYMPHONIES   Def Leppard come in to   lent, as it gives the songs a   many other bands of that
              (UNIVERSAL UMC)      back them up, which   much more meaty and   time, due to the advent of
                 Orchestral albums are   makes 'Too Late For Love',   powerful feel than the   grunge. They were a crimi-
              always going to be a divi-  'When Love and Hate Col-  somewhat lacking produc-  nally underrated band, and
              sive subject which some   lide' and 'Love Bites', jaw-  tion of over 30 years ago.    hopefully, this release will
              will love and equal num-  droppingly, goosebump-   The album kicks off   give them some more
              bers won't and, opinions on   inducingly stunning and   with 'Lady Of The Valley',   much-needed  attention.
              them will ultimately boil   'Gods Of War' sounds bet-  one of the heaviest and up-  Mike and Marcus are due
              down to the individual. But   ter than it ever has in four   tempo numbers on offer   to tour the UK in August to
              there is no denying they   decades, in hindsight, this   here and this is a tremen-  support the album so go
              are here to stay and for   song was made for this   dous version, possibly   and support them as the
              many of rock's greats, they   performance of it. While   even better than the origi-  songs are done justice
              are becoming an increas-  'Drastic Symphonies' isn't   nal. A special mention too   once again.   LACEY
              ingly frequent sign of their   going to change anyone's   for guitarist Marcus Nand,   YYYYY   THIS IS ALL WE ARE
              own immortality. The latest   opinion of Def Leppard or   who previously played gui-  Ian Trigg   (LACEY)
              to step up to the challenge   albums of this kind, this is   tar in Freak Of Nature on      Lockdown may have
              are UK rock legends Def   truly a work of art and, for   their second tour and does   GARDNER JAMES    been a tough time for
              Leppard and they have   fans of either the band or   an outstanding job here of   NO STRINGS   many, but it was also a time
              certainly gone all-in with   orchestral rock albums, this   recreating Vito Bratta's   (PAVEMENT ENTERTAIN-  when magic happened be-
              'Drastic Symphonies' by   is an essential listen.    solos throughout the album   MENT)   hind closed doors. ‘This Is
              teaming up with the Royal       YYYYY      almost note-for-note, which   Rock duo Janet Gard-  All We Are’ is Nottingham
              Philharmonic Orchestra to   Michael Coventry   really takes the songs up to   ner, ex-Vixen vocalist, and   rock four-piece Lacey’s
              bring fans 16 songs from                   another level.       her partner, guitarist Justin   new 14-track opus, and
              their extensive back cata-                    The 1989 classic hit   James, are back with their   these guys just keep get-
              logue in a new fashion. Al-                'Little Fighter' is a poppier,   new album, 'No Strings',   ting better.
              bums such as this always                   more commercial track but   the follow-up to their 2020   While ‘3AM Sonata’ is
              raise questions prior to                   is given lots more oomph   release, 'Synergy'.   an atmospheric opener,
              their release. Will the                    here, as is the following   'I'm Living Free' kicks   ‘Run  Away’ stops you in
              songs simply be ballads                    track, the uplifting 'Broken   the album off in mighty fine   your tracks and highlights
              performed acoustically, will               Heart'. The songs are full of   style; it's a powerful an-  the band as real con-
              they be heavier songs per-                 the  trademarks  which   them with a blues rock   tenders to take over the UK
              formed acoustically, will                  made the band so memo-  vibe, a majestic statement   rock scene. ‘Dream In A Lit-
              they be the same as al-                    rable: hard-hitting guitar   of intent. 'Turn The Page'   tle Less Colour’, co-written
              ways but with an orchestra                 riffs and heavy grooves,   follows, an upbeat, heavy   with James Veck-Gilodi of
              in the background, will the   MIKE TRAMP   tempered  with  catchy   rocker, with some melodic   Deaf Havana, is a radio-
              tracks be completely re-  SONGS OF WHITE LION    hooks and sing-along cho-  guitar soloing, courtesy of   friendly gem and there’s no
              imagined, or will they   (FRONTIERS)       ruses, and embellished   Justin. '85' is another 80s-  wonder it was picked as a
              sound largely the same as   It's been 32 years   with the furious but tasteful,   style rocker but a bit more   single. ‘Middle England’, in
              they were originally? And   since the original White   Eddie Van Halen-influ-  poppy. The production val-  the middle of the album, is
              the answer here is all of the   Lion band split up and   enced, guitar solos pro-  ues really add something   a lighters-in-the-air ballad –
              above. Fortunately, the lat-  frontman Mike Tramp has   duced by Bratta. These are   to the songs, making them   a real epic and precious
              ter category is very thin on   had a pretty successful ca-  most evidenced on tracks   sound modern but also   stunner. Graz’s vocals
              the ground and it's only the   reer since, both solo and   such as 'Hungry', 'Tell Me',   with a hint of 80s nostalgia,   begin quite softly in ‘Easy
              classic 'Bringin' On  The   with his band Freak Of Na-  the feelgood anthem 'Liv-  which is what fans of this   Way Out’ (and other
              Heartbreak' which, surpris-  ture, plus a brief revival of   ing On The Edge' and the   genre truly appreciate.   tracks), but the lyrics reveal
              ingly, doesn't seem to ben-  White Lion called Tramp's   mega-smash 'Wait'.   Janet's voice has ma-  a strong beating pulse un-
              efit too much from the   White Lion, due to Tramp   For the majority of the   tured over the years and   derneath that demands at-
              orchestra's presence, but   being the only original   songs, Mike  Tramp has   has developed a slight   tention. It has a dancey,
              the remaining 15 tracks all   member in that lineup. So   stuck to the original ar-  rasp, which is shown off at   pop sensibility, but with
              do in their own way.  The   now, he has decided to   rangements and styles, but   its best on slower songs   solid rock undertones.
              ideas vary. Songs like   look back fondly on his   a few of them have been   like the title track 'No   Bands  like  Matchbox
              'Pour Some Sugar On Me'   time as part of the hard   changed slightly, such as   Strings', 'Hold On To You',   Twenty or Goo Goo Dolls
              and 'Animal' are completely   rock outfit he co-founded in   on 'Love Don’t Come Easy'   the softest song on the   would be impressed by
              ripped up and presented in   1983 with the exceptionally   and 'All  The Fallen Men',   album but nevertheless still   ‘You Can’t Compete With
              a new, fresh way and there   talented  guitarist  Vito   and this seems to be for   stunning, and 'Don't  Turn   History’. Lacey can defi-
              is no denying the utter ge-  Bratta. The band went on   the better, most notably on   Me Away', which starts off   nitely compete with arena
              nius that has gone into this   to release four albums dur-  'Going Home Tonight' and   acoustically but builds up to   rock bands.
              and the level of musical   ing the late 80s and early   'Cry For Freedom', the lat-  a heavy, forceful, second   The final song of the
              artistry on display. Songs   90s, including the double   ter song being the biggest   half. More heavy songs in-  album, the title track, ‘This
              such as 'Hysteria', 'Switch   platinum-selling  'Pride',   standout in this collection,   cluded are 'Set Me Free',   Is All We Are’, has a tone
              625', 'Have  You Ever   which spawned two mas-  with its hard-hitting lyrics   'Into  The Night', featuring   that heads straight for your
              Needed Someone So Bad'   sive hit singles, 'Wait' and   and melodic chorus.   more spectacular soloing   heart (and an orchestral
              and 'Paper Sun', the latter   'When The Children Cry'.    The album finishes   from Justin, and 'I'm Not   ending). Graz sings about
              being a particularly deep   Tramp has decided   with White Lion's most pop-  Sorry', opening with a riff   running out of time – but
              cut to appear on the   that the time is right to re-  ular hit 'When The Children   which is reminiscent of Def   we have all the time in the
              record, which will be wel-  visit and re-record all their   Cry', played here on piano   Leppard's 'Photograph' and   world for these guys.
              comed by long-time fans,   hits, along with a few fan   rather than acoustic guitar,   also features a great,   YYYYY
              simply see the orchestra   favourites. Obviously, his   and is a truly beautiful ren-  catchy chorus. 'She Floats   Shari Black Velvet

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