Page 31 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 108
P. 31
BV108 pg 31.qxp_BV108 pg 31 13/06/2023 21:34 Page 1
BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 31
YYYYY Excellent YYYY Very Good YYY Good
YY Listenable, Just Y Poor
fer things a little more seri- finest songs you'll hear in way through the songs as album release for the band,
ous, closing track, 'Vio- 2023, and one which will you listen along. Mean- following their 2021 debut
lence No Matter What', make you smile. ‘Runaway' while, the partnership of album ‘Stranded’. This
featuring the guest vocals is a close second. Confirm- Micky Waters on bass and record will have you up and
of Lzzy Hale from recent ing that their speciality lies Paul Mahon on guitar is dancing from the very first
touring partners Halestorm, in rip-roaring, full-throttle one of the finest in rock, riff of the opening album
could be for you, and is the rock ‘n’ roll, these two and the way they comple- title track ‘Your Heroes Are
perfect way to wrap up an songs are not your every- ment each other is an in- All Dead’, right through to
album which is both brilliant day hard rock songs, and, spiration to all such hitting that repeat button to-
and barmy in equal meas- again, a great deal of this is partnerships. They are so- wards the end of the last
ures. down to their frontman, lidified perfectly by James track ‘A Long Way To Run,
AVATAR YYYYY whose smooth and soulful Heatley on drums. It is no A Longer Way To Climb’, as
DANCE DEVIL DANCE Michael Coventry tones, with more than a exaggeration to say these you really will not want the
(CENTURY MEDIA) hint of country, make them four are in perfect harmony music to end. So Long,
Re-emerging from the so enjoyable, and again, with one another and the Space Girl have found an
deep forest in Sweden, it's the balance between him music they produce is a enticing way into the pop-
somewhat hard to fathom and his bandmates is a joy. testament to this. Having punk scene, cleverly pick-
that unique quintet Avatar 'In Too Deep' is your classic been away for so long, the ing up classic power-pop
can still remain this fresh hard rock opener, with an importance of a good first melodies and chord
on their ninth studio album, epic instrumental where impression is critical and changes, mixed with
but with 'Dance Devil those aforementioned gui- the title track delivers this in speedy tempos and guitar
Dance' they not only have, tar skills are shoved into spades. An absolutely notes, whilst carving out
but they have produced a the spotlight and shine mesmerising, awe-inspir- their own distinct, emo-
belter of a record which ex- bright. Even when the band ing piece of music with an esque quality. Third track,
isting fans will lap up and slows things down they still opening akin to a beast ‘Peaches And Cream’, is
potential new fans should DOOMSDAY OUTLAW hit hard. 'Nowhere Left to waking from a long hiber- certainly a standout, with
take a good listen to. The DAMAGED GOODS Hide' is so good, while the nation and then roaring it- delicate strikes of cymbals
versatility of frontman Jo- (JUSTICE BROTHERS) job of wrapping things up is self back to roaming the by Anina, coupled with low
hannes Eckerström is a The impact of the left to 'The Little Things', by earth hunting its prey, the tones of bass and guitar
pleasure to enjoy. From his global COVID-19 pan- far the most soulful five song is nothing short of that stride effortlessly back
crushing growls on the title demic was felt by all, but minutes of the record, and epic and easily among their into high gear, reintroduc-
track, which kicks the for some, it was an oppor- a goosebump-inspiring finest work. The same can ing seductive vocals from
album off and is a hallmark tunity to make the best of a song, which will leave you be said for 'Blood Brother', AJ midway through the
of the record, to the bad situation. Northern UK needing to see and hear which follows. It replaces track. It is quite something.
melodic side of the haunt- rock act Doomsday Outlaw the real thing live when the 'Sundowners'’ sex appeal You will find yourself foot-
ing ‘The Dirt I'm Buried In’ did just that as they spent opportunity arises. with a hefty injection of tapping the entire time, ab-
and the more stripped- the time in limbo fine-tuning YYYYY funk and the guitar work solutely drawn into this
down side of his ability in and perfecting 'Damaged Michael Coventry throughout these songs is entire album, and left want-
‘Train’, he really is a Goods', and the end result as good as anything you ing more. From the high-
chameleon. And, even if is anything but. It's a bor- are likely to hear this year, paced, pop-punk energy,
the standard sound of derline masterpiece. A while the infectious 'Want combined with more bal-
Avatar isn't to your liking, handful of songs initially You To Love Me' is James's lad-like tracks such as
there is something here for came to life during their time to shine, spearhead- ‘Tonight’, So Long, Space
almost everyone. The gui- 'Lockdown Session' EP ing an instrumental which Girl truly understand just
tar work of both Jonas over two years ago, but the boasts some of the best how powerful music is and
Jarlsby and Tim Öhrström difference is like night and musicianship you could its ability to unite, as well
is phenomenal and their day, and shows just what wish to enjoy. After a cou- as getting the listener and
riffs make everything an incredible improvement ple of listens, the whole band members through
sound so much more pow- time can make. At the heart album confirms their quality whatever life may throw at
erful, as does the work of of things are the brilliant and also that not only does us. ‘Your Heroes Are All
John Alfredsson, whose vocal talents of Phil Poole, THE ANSWER 2023 herald the return of Dead’ sees So Long,
drums rain down like ma- who brings elements of SUNDOWNERS The Answer, but that the Space Girl add weightier
chine gun fire in an apoca- hard rock, blues and soul (GOLDEN ROBOT) hype remains very, very elements to their sound,
lypse. Their ability to join all throughout the 12-track At the start of the cen- real. more gravitas to their al-
this together in perfect record, frequently changing tury a young Irish band ar- YYYYY ready upbeat vibe with, at
symmetry is a testament to things up and keeping rived on the scene and Michael Coventry times, some genuinely
how far Avatar has come in them fresh and interesting. were tipped to be the next hard-hitting messages
their 20-plus year exis- No two songs sound the big thing. Now, 23 years SO LONG, SPACE GIRL within the lyrics. The final
tence. However, it's when same, which is quite a feat. and six albums later, fol- YOUR HEROES ARE ALL track, ‘A Long Way To Run,
Avatar are Avatar that they It doesn't take long for the lowing a brief time explor- DEAD A Longer Way To Climb’
are at their unbeatably band to play their trump ing other avenues, The (SO LONG, SPACE GIRL) does all of the above and
best, and it doesn't get any card with the utterly sub- Answer aren't just back, Prepare for a deep more, with a stand out ulti-
more bonkers than ‘Gotta lime 'On My Way', which is they are better than they dive into a true, eat-your- mately feelgood message
Wanna Riot’ and the tale of a brilliant example of the have ever been. And ‘Sun- heart-out, pop-punk vibe about not giving up on
Bobby's friend called Rob- band’s talent in using their downers’ is every bit as from Oxford-based quartet yourself. An all-round stun-
bie who was missing a instruments to add even good as their celebrated So Long, Space Girl, ning record that commands
hand, that will have the more oomph to Phil's 2006 debut, 'Rise'. The formed in 2019 by bassist to be on full blast, ‘Your He-
opening vocals of ‘Ba, ba, voice, as the guitars of Alez original line-up remains in- Paul Coppock and drum- roes Are All Dead’ will get
ba, badda, ba, ba, baaaaa’ D'Elia and Rowan O'Sulli- tact, Cormac Neeson's im- mer Anina Barrett, and you charged and ready for
imprinted into your brain for van act almost as backing mediately identifiable later joined by a live performance from the
hours. ‘Hazmat Suit’ calls singers on the song. It's soulful and bluesy vocals frontman/guitarist AJ Willis, band, and excited for what
on you to ‘put on your haz- brilliantly done and the re- play a significant part in and then guitarist Rob will come next from the
mat suit and dance from sult is not only the best making The Answer what Mauro (who joined the trio quartet.
me’, which shouldn't need song on the album, but is they are and you can truly in 2022). ‘Your Heroes Are YYYYY
any explanation. If you pre- also likely to be one of the visualise him strutting his All Dead’ is the second Sammie Lynch