Page 25 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 108
P. 25
BV108 pg24-28 Anchor Lane Interview.qxp_BV108 pg25 18/06/2023 19:15 Page 2
BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 25
n Yourself
n Yourself
rontman Conor Gaffney immediately the best music that any of us have produced. seen as being lazy and people who have no
Fstrikes you as someone who knows ex- "With regard to the themes, a lot of them ambition, which couldn't be further from the
actly what he is doing and talking about. come from the feelings and the experiences of truth.
Speaking from a very well set-up mini-studio living through the lockdown. I do try to make it "There is a song called 'Ministry' where it
that he has created at home, he is perfectly clear that it's not a coming out of lockdown talks about that and being vilified by your
poised to tell us all about his latest work, which album, but a lot of things happened in that time everyday, 9-5 kinda guy, who talks to you and
he is clearly immensely proud of, and rightly where it did evoke emotions and certain things says ‘Well, why don't you just get a normal
so. to happen in people’s lives. There were a lot of job?’. That kind of treatment. But the main thing
"We are very pleased with the end result," events which occurred in that period and it cre- was the conversations we were having to-
he says about the album. "What we've ated a lot of anger and angst. For us, a lot was gether, where we were talking about the world
achieved is the best thing that any of us have how musicians were treated and how musi- and that was where 'Call This A Reality?' came
done, both individually and collectively. This is cians are constantly seen. We're regularly from, because it was us saying, ‘Is this real? Is