Page 19 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 108
P. 19

BV108 pg 14-19 Skillet Interview.qxp_BV108 pg 19  12/06/2023  20:47  Page 6

                                                                                             BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 19

              opinions, I don’t mind; but you asked me mine.   agree or not. It hasn’t been about trying to make   know, if you want to get a vax, get it. If you want
              I don’t mind what theirs are, but to me I just kind   someone else be like me; it’s just been about ex-  to get ten, get it. If you want to wear a double
              of felt very alone, like, ‘Am I the only one that   pressing my life story and my experience. I think   mask, wear it. If you don’t want to work, don’t
              feels this way?’”                   that the pandemic sort of made me feel like   work; if you do want to, do. It was just very much
                                                  there were some things that I needed to say.   like, you’ve got to let other people make some
                  n ‘Valley Of Death’ John sings, ‘The world   Maybe that’s where it changed. All of a sudden,   decisions about their lives. I saw what was hap-
                 II wanted turned to night’. We ask if, as a   I felt like, ‘Oh, I have to say that. I can’t be silent   pening…I have, I had two teenagers at the time;
              band or on a personal level, has the pandemic   about this’. In America one of those things…and   my daughter graduated high school during the
              changed his priorities or any goals that he had   I know not everybody is going to agree on this,   pandemic, so she did the online graduation, if
              set?                                and again, I don’t mind if people don’t agree with   you will. It was depressing seeing her and her
                 “Hmmm…” John ponders. “You’re going   me on this, but in America, people were going   friends not be able to have any social contact for
              deep on this interview, I’ve got somebody from   mental about the vaccine, masking, and all of a   months at a time. I just felt that this was really
              my label here, I hope he didn’t want me to shut   sudden if you didn’t get a vaccine you lose   not good for young people. It’s a hard time to
              up!” John laughs as he turns and points over to   friends; you might lose family; you might lose   grow up. I mean being eighteen and fifteen is
              Skillet’s PR guy, who is sitting alongside Skillet’s   your job. It was insane. There’s a friend of mine,   hard anyway, but it’s really hard when you’re not
              guitarist, Seth Morrison, on the sofa situated on   I won’t say the name of the band; a big band   allowed to see your friends ever again, with no
              the opposite side of the dressing room.    kicked their guitar player out after 18 years of   hope in the future of it ever changing. I realise
                 “I would say, yes. In some ways. You know,   playing in a band together, because he wouldn’t   that a lot of people will not agree with me about
              Skillet has always been open about who we are;   get vaccinated. And I was just like, this is ab-  that, but I’m just like, ‘Screw that, I’m not going
              open about what we believe; I think very authen-  solutely an un-American thing that is happening   to live that way and I don’t think it’s good for
              tic, and also very inclusive of other people that   and my position was, I think very inclusive, you   young people.’ So, I just became outspoken
                                                                                     about saying, ‘Hey, stop hating on people that
                                                                                     disagree with you about it. Let people make their
                                                                                     own decisions’.  And some people got really
                                                                                     mad. So, I would say for me it was an issue I felt
                                                                                     like I could not be silent about, because I’m see-
                                                                                     ing what it’s doing to the kids and it’s not good.
                                                                                     And the real annoying thing is that no matter
                                                                                     how much scientific evidence comes out saying,
                                                                                     ‘It probably wasn’t a good idea to lock down for
                                                                                     a year. Probably wasn’t good for the kids; it’s not
                                                                                     good for their mental health’. No one’s apolo-
                                                                                     gised. None of my friends have said, ‘Sorry, you
                                                                                     were probably right.’ Nobody is going to apolo-
                                                                                     gise, nobody’s going to change, and it’s really
                                                                                     annoying. I don’t need them to apologise. I just
                                                                                     want things to go back to when we were friends
                                                                                     again. I don’t need an apology, just let’s move
                                                                                     on. But, a lot of people don’t want to move on.”
                                                                                        John says that he wonders what would hap-
                                                                                     pen if Covid23 came tomorrow. Would it all hap-
                                                                                     pen the same way again? Have we learnt
                                                                                     anything or not? What does this mean for the fu-
                                                                                     ture? “If they can make me do this, what else
                                                                                     can they make me do?” John questions. “I love
                                                                                     history, I’m not a history buff, but I enjoy history.
                                                                                     I’m quite fluent on the Russian Revolution and
                                                                                     Karl Marx, and those kinds of things. If you’ve
                                                                                     read any history this seems really familiar, and
                                                                                     this is kind of quite frightening. it’s like, ‘What in
                                                                                     God’s name is going to happen the next time?’”

                                                                                         t’s an answer none of us know. The pan-
                                                                                        Idemic created a much greater division
                                                                                     within societies across the globe and not just po-
                                                                                     litically, particularly in the United States. Now
                                                                                     that the restrictions have been lifted, let's hope
                                                                                     we can find a way to reunite and learn together
                                                                                     - listen without judgement; accept others will not
                                                                                     always share your viewpoint and be more toler-
                                                                                     ant of that. Let's be kinder to each other.
                                                                                        As Nelson Mandela once said, 'For to be
                                                                                     free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to
                                                                                     live in a way that respects and enhances the
                                                                                     freedom of others.'
                                                                                        Visit for more info on Skil-

                                                                                             Words By Penny and Sam Gower

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