Page 19 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 105
P. 19

BV105 pg 16-19 The Dust Coda Interview.qxp_BV105 pg 19  28/12/2021  01:22  Page 4

                                                                                             BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 19
              lots of people who are true to the cause and truly   solo… I remember some chick from some label   very young. He was a family member who died
              believe in it, and you need those people and   telling me, ‘Oh my God, don't do guitar solos,’   when he was about 26 and it kinda got me using
              they are great to be associated with and are in-  and was telling me they were so naff and so un-  some of that in that song, and I'm so proud of
              spirational and just help keep the scene alive,   cool and they would never be coming back and   that song because I think it is one of our best
              which is incredibly important. We played at Leo's   I remember thinking ‘Oh maybe... No, that's   collaborative efforts."
              Red Lion in Kent this year before our headline   ridiculous!’ And then, about a year later, I met   Adam is proud of the song. "Well, yeah, it's
              tour, which is turning into a great rock scene,   Adam and all we did was talk about guitar solos.   got a two-minute guitar solo at the end, that's
              that club, we played with two great bands. We'd   "So, find your crew of people who actually   wicked! In all seriousness though, that one
              never met Matt Long And The Revenant Ones   dig what you dig. Adam and I, when we first   stood out for various reasons and it was all
              before and what a guitarist. We were all like,   started writing together, we realised we had   about doing it justice. The hallmark of any great
              ‘This guy is great.’ It was fantastic. Then it was   pretty much the exact same record or CD col-  song, to us anyway, we played it acoustic the
              Daxx & Roxane, who we've known for years.   lection from when we were kids. We could quote   first time in preparation for something and it still
              One of our first small club gigs was with them   the same records. So, find your crew of people   just sounded massive. The whole parts and the
              years ago and they are still on the scene. I adore   who actually want to sit on a bus and listen to   chemistry just worked and that was a very re-
              them. I know the other guys do too and they put   AC/DC for 12 hours straight. Because that is   warding thing, that you go all big and bang with
              on a hell of a show. They are just fantastic. They   where you get your strength… from each other.   it and if you had the budget you could have all
              are just grafters and they are just going to keep   And so when people come at you with advice   the lights and pyro, but equally the two of us just
              on trucking and do what they do."   like, ‘You should wear purple pants on stage be-  strumming, it still takes you on that journey.
                 "They believe," adds John. "There is a band   cause that will make you look cooler,’ you'll be   Everyone came together and pulled it off. I also
              I've been following for years now and they've be-  able to tell them to fuck off. You have solidarity   think it is one of Scott's best songs on the album,
              come pretty big, called The War On Drugs. I   if you have an affinity with the people you work   drumming-wise. It is really, really good and it's
              would describe them as Tom Petty, Bob Dylan,   with."                  an absolute joy.
              Dire Straits, produced by Brian Eno. They are                             "You don't write an album for songs like that
              just a great band with a kind of Americana sound   he songs 'Rolling', 'Bourbon Pouring',   because everyone will tell you to piss off, but
              and they have been around for 10-15 years.   T'I've Been Waiting' and 'She's Gone', un-  you throw in a cheeky one that's good enough,
              They were formed around one guy and they just   like 'Breakdown', wear their meanings very   it's just wow!"
              put out record after record for a long time and   much on their sleeves and are openly among
              then they started to get traction and got on a   the most emotive work in the band's catalogue   ream  Alight' is yet another firm
              label, but I've watched them the whole time and   to date, touching on particularly difficult subjects   'Dfavourite on the album and one which
              I just think they are so cool.      such as loss and heartbreak. We ask if they can   has the potential to be talked about in the same
                 "They just do what they do.  The singer,   tell us more about what inspired these songs   breath as Aerosmith's 'Sweet Emotion' in the
              Adam Granduciel, he must be in his 40s now.   and if it was difficult to channel those personal   test of time. Its lyrics scream the importance of
              He dresses like a hippy, walking around in his   subjects into their work.   living life to the fullest and making the most of
              blue jeans and long hair, and he just does not   After apologising to his bandmate for, in his   the here and now, and are something which they
              give a fuck about trends, anything like that. In   words, ‘hogging the interview’, John tells us,   and the rest of the band live by. ‘You gotta give
              every video, he's                                                                          it your all,’ they
              just strumming his                                                                         sing.
              guitar with his                                                                               John explains,
              faded T-shirt and I                                                                        "I'm a pretty opti-
              love that. He's not                                                                        mistic person most
              interested in play-                                                                        of the time and
              ing that game. He                                                                          yeah, the song is
              knows they are a                                                                           meant to be a very
              great rock ‘n’ roll                                                                        positive  song
              band, a soft rock                                                                          about going out
              ‘n’ roll band, and I                                                                       there and doing
              love   watching                                                                            what you want and
              them   because                                                                             what you believe
              they know who                                                                              in and that kind of
              they are and they                                                                          stuff."
              have not been di-                                                                             And with 'Mojo
              luted by anyone                                                                            Skyline', a record
              else's opinion -                                                                           which has now ce-
              and that is a mar-                                                                         mented The  Dust
              vellous thing and a                                                                        Coda as a UK-
              very hard thing to                                                                         charted rock band,
              do in this industry.”                                                                      it is safe to say that
                 Given  that                                                                             their dreams are
              ‘Breakdown’ is a                                                                           alight through the
              cautionary tale to                                                                         band  and  the
              those considering                                                                          music they make
              a path in the music                                                                        and performances
              business, we ask if                                                                        they deliver. Adam
              they have any ad-                                                                          tells us. "If you
              vice they wish they                                                                        don't enjoy it then
              could pass on to                                                                           what is the point,
              their younger selves if they had the opportunity,   "No, it's not difficult because it kinda comes nat-  because we're at a level where there is more
              or if there is something they may like to offer to   urally to me to express myself through lyrics, but   hard work behind the scenes than spent doing
              any new bands reading, which they hope may   'Rolling' is a particularly interesting one. That   all the cool stuff, but it is all a part of the jour-
              help and inspire.                   very much comes from a piece which Adam   ney."
                 "Don't listen to many people's opinions, but   wrote and as soon as I started playing it with him   And what a journey it promises to be, and if
              listen to the right people's opinions", are the   and the rest of the band, I really got this feeling   you haven't joined it yet, please get yourself a
              words which John offers to Black Velvet. "And   that there was something truly other-worldly   ticket at the earliest opportunity, it will be more
              develop your internal compass so you know who   about it. It was coming from a very deep, dark   than worth it!
              is just fucking full of shit and who actually knows   place. The whole arrangement and the way he   Visit for more info
              what they are talking about.        had written it and the way it goes from this kind   and pick up ‘Mojo Skyline’, out now on Earache
                 "I remember before I met Adam and I was   of huge, climatic journey… it inspired me to write   Records.
              on the scene in London, playing loads of   these lyrics that were kind of about death and
              acoustic shows and shit like that and I made a   the afterlife.                       Words By Michael Coventry
              solo record and I had a song which had a guitar   "Someone very close to me passed away
                                                                                                  THE DUST CODA
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