Page 40 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine Issue 103
P. 40
BV103 pg40_BV103 page40 23/12/2019 02:59 Page 1
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line tour unmissable with Song’, when you listen to tion or whether it was a bit stresses of modernity and
the likes of 'Who Did It', a ‘N.A.T.I.O.N.’ you’ll hear flat on the day, who knows. creates a riotously infec-
wonderful example of rock plenty of versatility. There It’s still a masterclass in tious headbanger. ‘Lone-
‘n’ roll storytelling, 'Be You', is a good mixture of sounds blues guitar. some’ is a strong alt rocker,
likely to prove the band's and styles to be found - YYYY switching between soulful
inspirational track of their heavy, frantic, melodic and Clare Huckett wistfulness in the verses
catalogue, 'Going Down', soothing. With hard-hitting, and determination in the
the album's party track, aggressive numbers like STONEWIRE choruses to portray the
and 'Go Get It', which be- ‘No Messiah’, ‘Foe Or LIFE AS WE KNOW IT pain of a failing relation-
longs on the soundtrack of Friend’ and ‘The Con- (22:11) ship. Tarin Kerrey’s voice is
a Hollywood blockbuster, sumerist’, it is evident that If you’re putting out particularly expressive both
THOSE DAMN CROWS the highlights. Just brilliant. Bad Wolves haven’t turned good old-fashioned no-frills here, and in the back-
POINT OF NO RETURN YYYYY to making an album full of rock, to stand out from the ground to guitarist Nick
(EARACHE) Michael Coventry radio-friendly anthems. pack you need to have all Magee’s opening roars in
The list of bands who That being said, the songs the elements finely honed. ‘Summer Son’. This is a
have failed to match the FOREVER VENDETTA may not all be accessible, The performance is every- more complex affair, a
brilliance of their debut NEW DAY RISING but there are a few tracks thing, and in this raw, live- sonic scream of a track
album with their second is (FOREVER VENDETTA) on this album which will ap- sounding recording, with some great synths.
endless and the challenge Moody guitars and at- peal to those who love StoneWire show they have The changes of pace, lay-
of achieving this is undeni- mospheric strings mark the mainstream modern rock, what it takes. At its heart is ering of instruments and
able, but, with 'Point Of No welcome return of including ‘Learn To Walk the phenomenal voice of dramatic vocal style
Return', rising Welsh stars Swansea foursome For- Again’ and ‘Killing Me Sky Hunter. She’s got changes give it a brutal dy-
Those Damn Crows have ever Vendetta after a long Slowly’. Then, of course, power, grit and an occa- namism. ‘Raised By
joined an elite group of hibernation. The porten- there are the sentimental, sionally sultry tone, as on Wolves’ is more metal and
those who have pulled it tous instrumental ‘Un- ballad-esque numbers, ‘House Rules’, with its aggressive, with Magee’s
off. Many bands put years breakable’ morphs into ‘Better Off This Way’ and Southern rock style and in- roaring vocal once more
into perfecting their debut ‘Come Alive’, a mid-paced ‘Sober’, which show Bad fectious groove. Title track taking the lead. It’s a var-
record, but the more popu- rocker with delicious hooks Wolves’ softer side. Con- ‘Life As We Know It’ has a ied, ambitious album, and
lar it proves to be, the and a thunderous energy. taining such varied transi- sleazy, sinuous rhythm for Sanguine have done a
greater the demand for the Their sound is bold and tions of heavy metal and the verses, more classic phenomenal job – this de-
follow-up becomes, the brash, big on the drum hard rock, and doing it so rock for the choruses, and serves a wide audience.
greater the pressure to de- rhythms and riffs, but each well, ‘N.A.T.I.O.N.’ is a the guitars of Gareth YYYYY
liver is, and subsequently element is clear as a bell. powerful album that will Annable and Duncan Clare Huckett
there becomes less time to There’s a groove in the help broaden the band’s Greenway directing the
do this. Those Damn rhythm of ‘Just Can’t Quit fan base further. Well worth style changes. Mid-way FLYING COLORS
Crows have benefitted in You’ which has a lot of ap- listening to, so go on - do it through comes ‘Hero’s THIRD DEGREE
the latter department be- peal, while heavier beast today! Journey’, a near 7-minute (MUSIC THEORIES)
cause, just as they were ‘Takin’ It Back’ is more of a YYYY mid-tempo epic with a soul- When it really gels, the
poised to begin work on foot-stomper with a blues- Penny Gower ful intro vocal and re- supergroup is a powerful
album two, Earache rock edge and a prominent strained yet expressive thing and so it is with Flying
Records insisted they re- bass rhythm. ‘Don’t’ gives JOE BONAMASSA guitar solo. It’s so well Colors, back with their third
release killer debut 'Murder the guys a chance to dis- LIVE AT THE SYDNEY done. Closer ‘A Step Too album. Casey McPherson
And The Motive' and con- play their more soulful side OPERA HOUSE Far’ has a heavier bass line cements his place as lead
tinue touring with it, giving in a strong hard rock bal- (PROVOGUE) and funkier style, the in- vocalist, although Neal
them more time to work. lad. Title track and album Recorded in 2016 on strumental intricacies of the Morse also takes the mic
The result is nothing short closer ‘New Day Rising’ the ‘Blues Of Desperation’ bridge leading to a final with great aplomb, while
of epic as 'Point Of No Re- rounds things off with en- tour, Bonamassa’s live set burst of vocal power from Steve Morse, Mike Portnoy
turn' is as good a rip-roar- ergy and passion, a includes extended versions Hunter which end the and Dave LaRue all get
ing rock ‘n’ roll record you melodic, modern rocker of seven tracks from that album on a high. Cracking their instrumental turns in
are ever likely to find and which also tests Chris Tip- album. Supported by a stuff. the spotlight. Opener ‘The
will surely establish Those pett’s vocals as he really world-class group of musi- YYYYY Loss Inside’ has more than
Damn Crows as super- unleashes the power in his cians, the legendary blues Clare Huckett a touch of alt rock about it,
stars. It is no exaggeration voice. There’s a decent mix guitarist and vocalist deliv- and McPherson’s agonised
to report that all 13 tracks of styles and influences on ers a polished show. ‘This falsetto chorus reinforces
are absolute bangers and display and much to like in Train’ opens with a piano- this. There’s a medieval
are all unique, and none this album. led jam before the rolling courtliness to ‘Cadence’,
more so than 'Never Win'. YYY rhythms get going in an ini- both elegant and folksy at
No doubt inspired by the Clare Huckett tially laid-back start to the the same time, while ‘Last
popularity of the amazing album. The song picks up Train Home’ is a full-blown
piano version of 'Blink Of BAD WOLVES the pace as it progresses, prog epic. From the sweet-
An Eye' the band pro- N.A.T.I.O.N. leading into the first of ness of the duetting guitars
duced, this acoustic track is (BETTER NOISE) many scintillating displays to the drum breakdown, the
spine-tinglingly, goose Following the success of guitar virtuosity. The ro- simple yet effective
bump-producingly beauti- of their 2018 debut, ‘Dis- bust ‘Mountain Climbing’ SANGUINE acoustic mid-section to the
ful. The rock vocals of obey’, it seems that Bad has a cracking bass line COLD BLOOD drama of the climax, it’s se-
Shane Greenhall are stel- Wolves have not wasted and is rounded out nicely (ODYSSEY) riously good. The bass-dri-
lar, but, on this rare occa- any time making album by the brass section, while This third album from ven, funk groove of
sion where it's stripped number two. ‘N.A.T.I.O.N.’ the darkly sinuous groove Alt/Rock/Metal foursome ‘Geronimo’ developing into
back to its bare bones, his is an album that proves the of ‘Drive’ has a pleasing in- Sanguine is influenced by an upbeat rocker comes as
talent is sublime and, while band are deserving of the tensity. There’s a smooth the increase in mental quite the contrast, sand-
it would be fabulous to success they’ve achieved cover of Eric Clapton’s health issues, inspired by wiched between the epic
have more songs of this within a short period of ‘Mainline Florida’ with its the high-profile suicides of and the following heart-
kind, the fact it's the only time. While ‘Disobey’ was carefree mood, followed by several rock legends. It’s a rending beauty of ballad
song like it on the album an enjoyable album, the the Delta blues of ‘The Val- weighty subject handled ‘You Are Not Alone’. It’s a
makes it stand out all the bar has definitely been ley Runs Low’. However, with a deft touch in the ex- varied and impressive
more. Elsewhere, 'Point Of raised on this release. Bad while it is a technically pertly-crafted songs which album. Truly, this is a su-
No Return' is packed full of Wolves mean business. near-perfect performance, explore different causes. pergroup worthy of the
headbanging barn-burners From the blistering opening the album feels like it’s Opener ‘Pressure’ uses name.
which are guaranteed to track, ‘I’ll Be There’, missing its soul. Whether part-industrial rhythms to il- YYYYY
make their upcoming head- through to the closer, ‘LA this is due to over-produc- lustrate the mental Clare Huckett