Page 37 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine - Issue 100
P. 37

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                    s a child, Diamante had musical the-  granted the people around me, and the expe-  artist.  Maybe  a  lot  of  people  at  that  show
                Aatre training – and then at the age of  riences that I get to have.”  don’t know who you are yet, so it’s a lot of
              15 took part in a School Of Rock Summer                                having to win the people over, and maybe
              Camp  that  inspired  her  to  delve  into  rock  ven if Diamante does hide any inse-  the  first  three  songs  they’re  hesitant  and
              music. She discovered female rock legends  Ecurities  from  social  media,  we  do  then you grab them, and that’s honestly my
              such as Joan Jett, Pat Benatar and Stevie  love the strength that she portrays. Even if  favourite part, kind of conquering the peo-
              Nicks.                             she  may  not  be  strong  100%  of  the  time,  ple. It’s a bit of a challenge on its own but I
                “Joan Jett, she’s incredible,” says Dia-  when she IS, her strength is invigorating and  think it’s really cool. I remember a couple of
              mante.  “The  reason  why  she’s  one  of  my  can knock down borders and walls. She has  times just getting up on stage, hearing ‘Oh
              biggest  inspirations  is  because  she  was  told followers ‘Stay relentless’ and ‘kick the  no, here we go - another girl,’ and I don’t
              killing it in the world of rock in a time where  doors down if you have to!’ reinforcing how  know why that’s even a thing, why people
              women playing rock music was not some-  she has had to do that herself. ‘No. I’ve been  think like this, but yeah, sometimes you have
              thing that people celebrated. It was actually  told ‘no’ too many times to count. ‘Not hap-  to work a little harder to win the people over
              frowned upon. And the fact that she held true  pening,’ ‘not this enough,’ ‘not that enough.’’  on stage.”
              to herself and just kept going is, I think, the  This, though, is life for many, many humans.  But it’s this female underdog mentality
              most admirable thing about her. And I don’t  Some of the biggest stars were almost all  that keeps her fighting, and makes her even
              mean that she lived in the rock world but she  failures  at  some  point  in  their  life,  turned  more resilient. Dia even wrote a song called
              pretty much dominated it in her time. And  down or turned away from the dream they  ‘Fight Like A Girl (F.L.A.G)’. She says she
              she paved the way for so many female rock  envisaged at that time. And Glenn Beck said  thinks that men underestimate girls’ ability
              musicians that I know that I look up to, so it’s  it best; ‘Without failure there is no sweetness  to fight.
              kind of a snowball effect.”        in success. There’s no understanding of it.’  “That’s why I wanted to have a song like
                She adds, “I would love to meet her one  So,  what  have  been  Diamante’s  sweetest  that, because ‘fight like a girl’ has always had
              day, or at least go to a show.”    successes  so  far  and  does  she  think  the  negative connotations, right? Fighting like a
                ‘Coming In Hot’ includes a cover by fe-  ‘no’s have helped her appreciate the ‘yes’s  girl has always been synonymous with being
              male  rockers  Heart  –  ‘Crazy  On  You’.  more when they came?       weak,  not  fighting  well  enough,  and  so  I
              “They’re a group that I look up to also,” she  “I would say just having my debut album  wanted to take that phrase and flip it on its
              says. “I love the 80s. I wanted to do an 80s  come out at all was a huge success for me,”  head so that fighting like a girl is actually
              cover on my album. I figured, if I’m going to  she replies, “especially because it took so  something strong. It’s something empower-
              do an 80s cover I might as well do something  long and also because a lot of up-and-com-  ing and it’s something desirable as opposed
              really challenging, push myself… so I guess  ing artists never get the chance to release a  to how it’s always been viewed. You know,
              that’s why I picked a Heart song, ‘cause their  debut album, so that right there was a gigan-  not even fighting like a girl, it can be any-
              songs are known for being very vocally chal-  tic success. I think being part of the tours  thing… ‘You _____ like a girl,’ You _____ like
              lenging.”                          that I’ve been a part of has been almost sur-  a  girl,‘  it’s  always  something  bad.  So  I
                                                 real, and just being able to play arenas and  wanted to take it and flip it on its head and
                    ut it’s her own songs that see Dia-  amphitheaters,  that  has  always  been  a  make it something good.”
                Bmante challenge herself emotionally.  dream of mine, but when it does happen, it
              ‘War Cry’ is a song based on what she deals  doesn’t even feel real. So I guess that’s an-  or Dia, 2018 was the year of ‘Coming
              with daily – revealing her insecurities and  other one. I definitely know that I would not  FIn Hot’. Writing a message to fans,
              battles. Diamante sings ‘You only know me  be where I am today without all the ‘no’s that  she said, ‘You guys brought this album to
              from what I'm letting you see, gets so lonely  I received. I’m a big believer that everything  life, took it in, and each of you made it your
              living half underneath’. With the singer once  happens for a reason. Maybe a past ‘no’ is  own  empowerment  album’.  This  theme  of
              saying  that  she  loved  musical  theatre  be-  what’s helped me move towards something  empowerment is something that Dia will con-
              cause she got to play a character, we ask if,  that became a success.”  tinue to drive, “just because it’s what I love
              when she gets up on stage fronting a rock  Yes.                        writing most about. I love uplifting people
              band, she still becomes another character to  Diamante has supported everyone from  and  empowering  people  and  I  know  that
              an extent.                         Whitesnake  to  Hinder  and  has  upcoming  music has helped me so much personally,
                “Yeah,  there’s  an  element  of  having  a  tours  with  Breaking                  and empowering myself,
              persona when you’re on stage,” she replies.  Benjamin,   Asking                       if I can do that for other
              “I wish I was as confident in everyday life as  Alexandria  and  Un-                  people,  I  feel  like  my
              I am when I’m up on stage. Something else  deroath.  She’s  also  CELEBRATING   ________________________  music  has  a  purpose.
              too,  what  the  lyrics  to  ‘War  Cry’  also  res-  toured   with   Bad              Receiving   messages
              onated with was living in the age of social  Wolves,  where  she  Black Velvet #100   from  people  every  day
              media.  I  know,  especially  myself,  this  is  joined  the  band  on                saying  ‘Your  song’s  re-
              something that I try and work on as much as  stage   to   perform                     ally helped me with this
                                                                       _________________________________  25 YEARS
              I can, is when I post things on social media I  ‘Hear  Me  Now’,  a                   situation’,   especially
              always want to seem like I’m on top of the  song  she  sang  on.                      songs  like  ‘Bulletproof’
              world  and  I’m  fantastic  and  everything’s  And believe it or not,  “You’ve done 100,  and ‘War Cry’, the more
              great, and the truth is, people don’t feel 100%  she tours in between  do  1000  more!   You  empowerment  ones,  I
              every day of their life, and I know I don’t. I  going to school.                      get  these  messages  all
              tend not to share things that make me ap-  “I  go  to  college  got this!” - Diamante  the  time,  and  to  me,
              pear weak or vulnerable because I don’t want  and  I  study  busi-                    that’s what makes writ-
              to be seen in that way, so that’s why I say  ness,”   she   says.                     ing  music  worth  it.  It
              ‘You only know me from what I’m letting you  “How I’ve been doing                     makes everything worth
              see’. A lot of people say ‘You have this in-  it since 2015 is, I go to               it.  Yeah,  I  think  writing
              credible life and you feel incredible all the  school  whenever  I’m  home,  and  I’m  just  about empowerment is intertwined with my
              time’ and a lot of times it’s not actually the  maybe writing or taking a break, and then I  musical identity.”
              case.”                             take a semester off whenever I have to go on  She even ends our interview by empow-
                At New Year, Diamante posted on Insta-  tour, and it’s funny because the last three  ering us, when we tell her this is Black Vel-
              gram ‘I’ve made it a resolution this year to be  years it’s worked out perfectly, where I’ve  vet’s 100th issue. “You’ve done 100, do 1000
              the best version of me yet, to continue to  had a semester and then I get told, ‘Hey Dia,  more! You got this!”
              love myself, have confidence in myself, and  you’re going on tour in this month,’ and I say,  Thanks Dia!
              be unafraid’.                      ‘OK’. I tell my school, “Hey guys, I’ve gotta
                She tells Black Velvet, “I think I just need  leave” and I do a leave of absence, then I  Check out ‘Coming In Hot’ by Diamante
              to be the happiest version of me, to be the  come back to school after the tour ends.”  on Eleven Seven/Better Noise Records. Get
              most giving, the kindest, to work the hardest  The support slot tours are helping her  it – you will feel better for it.
              and just improve every aspect of myself that  win new fans. As an opening artist she gets  Visit for more
              I like,” she laughs, “and keep it going. It’s not  her music out to new listeners. “I guess with  info.
              anything like a gigantic change. I do like who  every show there’s always this little… I call  Words by Shari Black Velvet
              I am as a human being, but it’s more so to  it the dance, it’s like a little push and pull, es-
              improve on these qualities, and not take for  pecially when you’re a new, up-and-coming   Photos By Lindsay Adler
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