Page 34 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine - Issue 100
P. 34

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                        his right here is the best feeling in the world, when I am my strongest, my
                ‘Tmost vulnerable, my most honest, my most exposed, and my most free,’
              wrote Diamante, the half-Mexican, half-Italian singer/songwriter who grew up in
              Boston before making her way to L.A. Diamante released her debut full-length
              album, ‘Coming In Hot’, last summer and it’s a scorching release. It showcases her
              many years of hard work and determination to do what she was born to do – sing
              and perform on stage. One listen to the album and you will feel the talent, feel the
              passion and, most definitely, feel the magic and empowerment.

                   o why does this early-20s, turquoise-  forgive me anyway, but I still want to say I’m  for me, because I had waited practically my
                Shaired  singer  feel  vulnerable  on  sorry’.”                      entire life to finally write a full-length album.
              stage? Well, one imagines that it is because  It was quite a challenge for Diamante to  I just remember being so, so excited, going
              all eyes are on her. Diamante tells Black Vel-  say she was sorry in a song. “It’s double dif-  into every session, thinking, ‘This is going to
              vet, “When I am performing I definitely do  ficult for me because it’s difficult for me to  be the day that song gets on the album,’ she
              feel  my  strongest,  my  most  empowered.  I  be vulnerable in the first place, that’s always  recounts excitedly. “And writing with some-
              feel  like  a  Viking  warrior  goddess  up  on  been a challenge for me, and it’s also difficult  one you don’t know is also a challenge. You
              stage, but at the same time I do feel my most  for me to admit when I’m in the wrong be-  practically have to open up your entire soul
              exposed because I’m here singing my heart  cause I can be a very proud person. I thought  and heart for someone that you don’t even
              out, performing unapologetically I guess you  it  was  important  to  have  a  song  like  ‘I’m  know. That for me is the most challenging
              could say, even though there are all these  Sorry’ because you do hear a lot of heartbro-  part.”
              eyes watching me, dissecting everything I’m  ken ballads; ‘You did this to me, this is what  She  particularly  enjoyed  writing  with
              doing,  listening  to  every  note  that  I’m  you did wrong,’ but you don’t hear too many  Lenny Skolnik and Seann Bowe though, two
              singing, but it’s still freeing because when  when the person owns up to what they did  songwriters that worked under Howard Ben-
              you’re  a  performer  that’s  the  place  where  wrong and we’ve all been in that position.  son. “They’re actually much closer to my age
              you feel the most free and that’s where you  We’ve all wronged somebody whether it was  which I thought was really cool because a lot
              know  you’re  supposed  to  be.  So,  yeah,  I  on purpose or not. I wanted to have that per-  of the writers that I worked with were much
              guess that’s exactly why. It’s a vulnerable ex-  spective.”            older and had a lot more experience in song-
              perience  while  still  being  powerful  at  the  The song saw Diamante feel emotional  writing  and  these  were  maybe  22/23-year-
              same time.”                        while recording it in the studio. With Howard  olds, and I remember having so much fun
                It’s something that Diamante has gotten  Benson as producer pulling the best out of  writing with these guys because they spoke
              more  and  more  used  to  over  time.  She’s  the vocalist and urging her to be vulnerable,  my language, you know? And a lot of the
              been  singing  since  the  age  of  six,  before  she  says,    “I  remember  the  very  line  he  time going into a writing session would be
              fully realizing that she wanted to perform at  would tell me; ‘Dig deeper, dig deeper. Go  like, ‘OK Dia, what are you feeling today?
              the age of ten. She even took the lead female  there, go there,’ and it really helped.”  What’s been going on? Talk to us.’ A lot of
              role  of  Sandy  in  Grease.  Although  a  shy                         songs would come out of me just talking to
              child, Diamante became empowered when    debut album can make or break an  them  and  just  hanging  out  and  being
              setting foot on stage – and now is using her  Aartist or band. It’s like your firstborn;  friends.”
              voice to empower others.           you  want  it  to  be  perfect,  it’s  everything  Once the songs were written they went
                “I  think  the  power  of  music  can  unite  you’ve always wished for. And when you’re  through various levels of quality control, as
              people together,” she says. “I think it can  signed to a record label they want it to be  it were.
              empower people, which is the number one  perfect too. Diamante took the time to write  “The songs themselves went through, I
              thing I wanted to do with my album, espe-  with 50 or more songwriters in order to come  guess you could say, three different trial pe-
              cially women. I think music can really help  up  with  the  best  songs  possible  for  the  riods. The first would be, I’d go into the stu-
              people  find  an  outlet  like  it  did  for  me.  album.  She  tells  us,  “Each  was  different  dio with a bunch of different songwriters for,
              Singing has always been my form of expres-  every time and each had a different writing  let’s say a month, and maybe do 20 or 30
              sion, my outlet, because I grew up as a shy  process every time. Sometimes we started  demos.  I  would  then  take  these  20  or  30
              person, an introvert, and finding music for  off with just a simple… most of the time, ac-  demos to Howard and we would sit in his
              me was a way of kind of deciphering ‘Oh,  tually, we started off with a simple idea and I  home  studio  and  he  would  play  the  first
              this is how I’m feeling, I couldn’t put this into  would just write to an acoustic guitar or a  verse and the first chorus and he would tell
              words but this artist did and so now I know  piano, and that’s actually the method that I  me straight away ‘Yes to this one, no to this
              exactly how to go through this process. Now  prefer. Other times I would walk in and some-  one.  This  one  has  potential,  it  just  needs
              I know how to look back on this experience  one would have a track already made for me  work,’ and so we would file them away as
              and really understand what hap-                                                  ‘Yes’,  ‘No’,  ‘Maybe’s  and  then
              pened’.  And,  of  course,  music  “I feel like a Viking warrior goddess up on   from the definite ‘Yes’s that he
              saves  lives.  Music  can  be  that                                              really liked he would then send
              thing for people where they don’t  stage, but at the same time I do feel my most  those to my record label, and
              know what else to live for and they  exposed...” - Diamante                      then my record label would say
              have  music.  Music  can  do  so                                                 ‘Yes, go cut this one,’ ‘No, we
              many things.”                                                                    don’t feel this one,’ ‘Yes, record
                While  there  are  some  really                                                this  one  right  away.’  What’s
              tough  songs  on  ‘Coming  In  Hot’,  such  as  to write to, which for me is more difficult to  also different is that it’s not like I wrote the
              ‘Bulletproof’, and Diamante’s cover of Lower  do. But it was really cool to write with that  12/14  songs  that  were  going  to  make  the
              Than Atlantis’s ‘Had Enough’ – chosen be-  many people for that long of a time, because  album and then recorded them. I was still
              cause she’d had enough of the disrespect to-  actually I got to grow as a songwriter and  writing for the album up until the very end.
              wards  women  -  we  also  hear  the  more  learn all these different tricks and meet all  So I was recording and then writing at the
              vulnerable ‘I’m Sorry’. With such an apology  these different people and so now I know all  same time. But as far as the vulnerability fac-
              in a song, we ask Diamante if she thinks that  these different things, and I listen back to the  tor  goes,  Howard,  from  day  one,  when  I
              music can heal relationships.      songs that I was writing at the very begin-  started writing, he really pushed me to go
                “I do, yeah,” she replies. “I definitely do  ning of the process up until the end and it’s  there and to be vulnerable and to be really
              think that music has the power to ultimately  cool to see how much I’ve grown and how  honest with my lyrics. He explained to me
              do  anything  it  wants  just  because  it’s  so  much I’ve changed as a songwriter.”  how, artists in the past that he’s worked with,
              powerful.  But  a  song  like  ‘I’m  Sorry’,  that  When she first started writing with song-  it has always benefitted them when they took
              song to me was; ‘I wronged you so bad, past  writers she felt a wave of emotions.  it  to  that  vulnerable  place  and  when  they
              the point of no return that you could never  “It was daunting but it was also exciting  weren’t afraid.”

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