Page 27 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine - Issue 100
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so that it ultimately makes the song better,” for them.... that's why I affectionately refer to
he answers. “And remember this, there are a them as either #77nation or the #roxiegui-
lot of guitar shredders in the world, but true tararmy”.
guitar 'heroes' come from bands that have
great songs. Think Brian May, Steve Stevens, ne of our favourite songs on ‘Imag-
Neil Geraldo, just to name a few.” Oine Your Reality’ is ‘Me Generation’,
The album features eight original songs, a song billed as being ‘A 180 degree flip on
plus two covers, one being a cover of Cold- the kids vs. adult rant songs that usually ac-
play’s ‘God Put A Smile On Your Face’ and cuse the ol-skool generations of being too
the other being a cover tame, too boring, and
of The Move’s ‘Califor- too... well, old.’ In the
nia Man’, featuring song, looking to today’s
Robin Zander of Cheap CELEBRATING ________________________ youth, Ryan sings,
Trick (who also cov- ‘They don't wanna fight.
ered it in 1978 on their Black Velvet #100 They just wanna make
‘Heaven Tonight’ love through the night’.
album). Being able to Doesn’t he think it’s
have Robin a guest on _________________________________ 25 YEARS good if people don’t
a song was a dream want to fight?
come true for Ryan and “Well, the good “Yes, definitely,” he
initiated through his news is that neither of answers, “but some-
working connection times, especially when
with Alice Cooper. Both us will be around for you're young and find-
Robin Zander and Rick the millennium issue... ing your way, it's good
Nielsen of Cheap Trick to venture a tiny bit out
have joined Alice is that inspiring of your comfort zone.
Cooper on stage and enough? Ha! (Or, wait, As long as you're not
Ryan met Robin in killing each other, a little
Nashville, although maybe we will!)... But reckless behavior
Robin recorded his seriously, congrats on makes you realize that
parts at his own studio there ARE boundaries,
in Florida and sent the big 1-0-0. That and, ultimately, might
them in. speaks volumes about help you become more
Ryan’s boss, Alice, responsible than if you
was the first person to your own dedication were to live your entire
play the single on his to the craft. Who life in a bubble. Trust
radio show, ‘Nights me, I would not have
With Alice Cooper’. knows, if both of us are been where I am today
“That's what I love still around by issue unless I had moved to
about Alice and Alice's the big, badass city of
ego,” says Ryan. “He is 1000, let's celebrate by Los Angeles on my own
so cool within his own doing another inter- at the age of 17. But
skin that he has no yeah, not everyone that
problem supporting his view. Deal?” – Ryan I knew back in those
bandmates’ careers. Roxie days made it through.
Look, we all know That is the test... and in
whose name is on the the end, that is the re-
marquee, and we are ward.”
so happy to be part of that legacy... that's
why I think it's so cool that everyone is al- etting back to the album title of
lowed to have their own stuff going on as G‘Imagine Your Reality’, we ask Ryan
well as our dedication to the Alice Cooper if there’s anything in the world in general that
Band.” he wishes he could imagine and make reality.
Maybe the world peace that John Lennon
n ‘The Uh Oh Song’ Ryan sings ‘I’ve once imagined?
Ibeen waiting for this moment all my “World Peace, although not impossible,
life’. Obviously Ryan’s had many amazing is a tough one because it means 'only posi-
moments in his life so far. But which had he tivity, and never any negativity', which is sort
really been waiting for? of an imbalanced equation as I think the
“Every time I sing that line, or repeat it in world is always striving for equilibrium.
my head, I'm singing it on a 'big' stage to a That's why sometimes we have 'bad days'.
huge crowd of people, and guess what... they How in the hell could we know what a 'good
are singing it back to me!” It’s not all musical day' was if we didn't experience the others?
memories that he’s proud of though. “Certain It would be nicer, though, if we could 'talk'
moments like when my two kids were born, and debate our differences with each other
first time I saw my wife, first time I jammed instead of blowing the shit out of each other.
with Brian May.... those types of things,” he My personal 'reality' is much simpler; I'd like
says. to see more people playing guitar, that's all.
Although Ryan is kept busy touring with And I know that I have been given a gift to
Alice Cooper, during the occasional down- teach it easier to other people, so maybe
time, he does get to play his own music. that's my ultimate way of making the world a
Ryan just played a couple of shows in the UK better place.... more guitars!”
recently. We ask if he knows the people who Ending on that note, we think you should
are likely to be front row at a Ryan Roxie venture over to and, if
show. you play guitar or are thinking about it, book
“I usually have had conversations with some guitar lessons with Ryan. Check out
each and every person in the front row at one his album, ‘Imagine Your Reality’, too.
point or another. The fans realize (or should
realize) that they are just as much of the rea- Words By Shari Black Velvet
son as I am to able to be up on stage playing Photos By Victor Chalfant