Page 25 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine - Issue 100
P. 25

BV100 pg24-27 ryan roxie_BV100 pg27  12/03/2019  19:52  Page 2

                                                                                           BlackVelvetMagazine.Com -  25

                       Dream It and Do It

                     ave you ever imagined your reality? Have you lived life focusing on your dreams and doing
                 Heverything to envisage them happening? There’s a movie called The Secret, which talks of
              manifesting your desire and the law of attraction. Meet Ryan Roxie. Some will know Ryan for grac-
              ing arena stages with Alice Cooper, or previously being a part of Slash’s Snakepit. He’s also formed
              his own musical outfits, such as Dad’s Porno Mag and Roxie 77, although one of his first big breaks
              was in the late 80s when, as a member of Electric Angels, he signed to the major label Atlantic
              Records. There’s been no stopping Ryan and to this day he continues to live, breathe and dream
              rock ‘n’ roll. His new album, ‘Imagine Your Reality’, is proof that when you really dream it and do
              believe it, those dreams can, and will, come true.

                    yan was born an only child in Sacra-  You can find out more about The 12 Sys-  a  self-proclaimed  mystic/physicist  named
                Rmento, California on December 1st,  tem For Learning Guitar on Ryan’s website –  Vadim Zeland and his books about Reality
              1965.  Looking  back,  he  begins  by  telling     Transurfing... really, really interesting stuff,
              Black Velvet, “In some ways, being an only                             but I don't tell too many people about it be-
              child actually helped with imagining my re-  ife isn’t always easy for musicians,  cause it's something they need to discover
              ality as I spent more time than I would have  Lthough – and Ryan gives some good  on their own. It's a bit esoteric, but it friggin’
              with a brother or sister alone in my room,  advice  for  up-and-coming  musicians.  In  works!”
              staring at the posters of rock stars on my  ‘Look Me In The Eye’ he sings ‘do it for love  One of the things he imagined doing was
              wall, imagining myself BEING those 'larger  and not for glory’. Ryan says, “As a musi-  a TEDx talk – which he ended up doing last
              then  life'  characters.  Plus  I  never  had  to  cian, and especially for one that had dedi-  year. Ryan explains, “I wanted to do a TEDx
              'share' the mirror in my house, so I could  cated themselves to making it more then just  talk because I have such high respect for the
              spend as much time playing air guitar and  a hobby, we are always in a financial crisis!  people that go on and do them. They have
              perfecting my 'posing' craft,” he laughs.  Have the 'hamster' mentality, and by that I  excelled in whatever it is they do in life, and
                He tells us that he wasn’t one of those  mean... when you make money, don't blow it  want to share that with others. To me, that is
              musicians that ‘practiced until their fingers  all on new equipment or stupid shit... save it,  the ultimate act of giving; sharing your expe-
              bled’ sort of players. “I mean, I did the nec-  because you'll need it those months when  rience so that others can be inspired by it
              essary stuff to get my motor skills up to a  you are NOT touring or not making money.  and make their own lives more fulfilled be-
              level where I could play solid - you have to if  Also, don't be so 'proud' to not take a paying  cause of it.”
              you are going to be in this business - but I  gig, as long as you actually can 'Look Your-  In Ryan’s TEDx talk, he explained that
              would also leave time to study music, bands,  self in the Eye', and you made money doing  you can achieve your goals with ‘practice,
              fashion,  songs,  because  being  a  rock  ‘n'  what you have practiced and trained to do,  persistence and patience’. Black Velvet asks
              roller is not just about playing skills... it's the  then I see no problem with that. Ask yourself,  if he ever got impatient? “I think any driven
              entire package. The key for me was to try  ‘do I want to be an 'artist' or do I want to be  person will get impatient of where they are
              and do something each and every day to-  a 'professional musician'?’ Sometimes you  at any given moment... like a shark in some
              wards becoming a full-time rock musician,  can be both, but most times you will have to  ways, you feel like you always have to be
              which I still do today - for instance, this in-  do gigs that you're not entirely 100% 'proud'  moving. That's why the mantra or 3P's as I
              terview - I know there might be some of you  you did... but hey, did you get paid? Did you  call 'em; 'Practice, Persistence, Patience', is
              out there reading this right now that have not  take one step closer to your ultimate goal? If  a good reminder for me - plus, it's simple to
              ever heard of me... well, now you have, and  so, then fuck whatever they say.”  repeat  in  your  head.  I've  learned  over  the
              I've taken one step closer to having more                              past years to 'enjoy the ride' a lot more than
              people know about who I am and what I do.”  n the subject of imagining your real-  I used to, which basically means I'm enjoy-
                The first concert Ryan ever attended was  Oity, Ryan explains, “Envisioning the  ing the 'process' of getting my goals accom-
              The Jackson 5 in 1977 in Oakland, California.  goal is really important, but putting that 'vi-  plished just as much as the end result.”
              He says that Michael Jackson was “friggin’  sion' into some sort of 'action' is even MORE
              awesome!” Though he thinks there are less  important. Great ideas and goals will always  n June, Ryan released ‘Imagine Your
              kids learning to play guitar now than back in  enter your head at some point in life. It's up  IReality’, a ten-track album featuring ten
              the  70s  or  80s.  “You  have  heard  that  old  to you to make them realities, and the key is  guitar  solos.  As  a  guitarist,  he  wanted  to
              song 'Video Killed The Radio Star'? Well, I've  visualization and plan of action.”  make sure every song had a guitar solo. Al-
              changed  it  to  'Video  Games  Killed  Child-  There are a lot of ‘motivational’ and ‘law  though Ryan thinks it’s not always neces-
              hood!',” he laughs. “But seriously, it's hard  of attraction’ type videos on YouTube. Some  sary for a great song to have a guitar solo,
              to compete with video games when you're a  were inspired by the movie and book, The  he adds, “I do know a well-played guitar solo
              kid.  Think  about  it,  you  can  learn  a  video  Secret.  Ryan  says,  “I  was  pretty  'early',  I  can  make  a  really  good  song,  a  fucking
              game pretty well in a couple of months... gui-  guess you could say, to The Secret, so it's  GREAT one.”
              tar might take a couple of years.... that's why  something I've always tried to maintain in my  Since  Ryan  wanted  a  guitar  solo  on
              me and some colleagues have been working  own head - positivity, confidence that it will  every song, we ask if it’s hard to come up
              so hard in writing a new methodology for  work  out  in  the  end,  and  enjoying  the  with new guitar solos – since there are al-
              learning the guitar that takes months, if not  process  as  you  are  striving  to  make  your  ready so many solos on so many songs.
              years, off the process. We are calling it 'The  dreams come true. One of the most helpful  “You just have to remember one thing...
              12 System for Learning Guitar' and we plan  books that I have come across, that very few  don't make your solos sound like scales, and
              on releasing it later this year.”  people actually know about, is a concept by  always try and write a 'story within the song'
                                                                                                     RYAN ROXIE
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