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              favourite called ‘What Happened To Us’, and  “Some  of  the  sounds  that  we  would  Some women love pregnancy and some hate
              it’s  simply  the  lyrics  and  the  melody.  The  make in Logic, we would then transfer over  it. My wife doesn’t like it and she just didn’t
              music  I  like,  I  think  it’s  cool  at  times,  but  into Pro Tools.  When all was said and done  feel  like  herself.  She  didn’t  think  she  was
              there’s just something about that song and  it was on Pro Tools.”      beautiful anymore and it kind of stemmed
              how Doug’s singing it, or what he’s saying in  As a band that have been in the business  from  that.  But  then  it  spun  off  into  other
              it that always strikes a chord with me, and I  since the 90s, back before computers were  areas. There’s a certain beauty standard that
              don’t know if it’s because I’ve gone through  staples in every house and used by bands,  the world created and if you’re not comfort-
              that myself, you know. Obvi-                                           able enough with who you are, and nobody
              ously it resonates with me be-                                         truly is, I guess, you’re striving for that and
              cause I’ve probably dealt with                                         if you don’t achieve it, you don’t think you’re
              things  like  that  in  what  he’s                                     worthy. And I just don’t think that’s fair and I
              saying,  so  check  out  that                                          don’t think it’s true.”
              song.”                                                                    Doug explains that in the original form,
                Last year, the band posted                                           lyrically, the song sounded very different to
              the  making  of  the  ‘Same  Di-                                       what it eventually became. He says he thinks
              rection’  music  video.  The                                           his wife was touched by the song. “It’s prob-
              song  and  video  itself  were                                         ably not as romantic as one might think. ‘Oh
              originally released in 2004 and                                        my gosh, he wrote a song for me.’ I think
              saw Chester Bennington and                                             she’s  just  kind  of  got  used  to  it  over  the
              Kanye  West  making  appear-                                           years. And she also knows that a song starts
              ances.  Regarding  Chester,                                            as one thing and it evolves into something
              Dan  says,  “Right  when  he                                           else and that’s kind of what the song did. Mu-
              passed away, when he died, it                                          sically, it was completely different. The lyrics
              was  this  trip  down  memory                                          also took an evolution.”
              lane for the next however long                                            As far as flaws, the two musicians agree
              it was. I’m the nostalgic one, I                                       that everyone is flawed in some way or an-
              feel  like,  in  the  band.  I  have                                   other. “It’s about owning it, that’s what it is,”
              the  catalogue  of  home  videos,  every  little  we ask how it is to learn a new program like  says Doug.
              thing  that  you  can  think  of,  photos  and  Logic,  which  is  billed  as  a  professional  Dan agrees, “It’s about owning it, being
              everything, so after that happened, I started  recording studio on the Mac. Apple’s website  aware  of  it  and  just  understanding  that
              coming across a lot of things, and images  says it has ‘everything musicians need to go  you’re not alone. Those little things might
              and videos of us touring with those guys. On  from first note to final master’. Dan tells us,  not necessarily define you.”
              camera, photos of us together, photos at his  ”We’ve been doing this for so long that I re-  The subject of flaws also inspired ‘Don’t
              house. He came to a birthday party of mine.  member the day I figured it out. I was on an  Look Away’ – but this song is more about
              He lived about an hour away from us. Seeing  airplane. We had a long flight.               how everyone is
              that stuff, him in the video, it just took me  We  were  going  to  Australia              on social media,
              back to that time and how cool of a time it  and I just sat there with my                  yet only showing
              was and how lucky we are to have experi-  laptop open and opened it up  CELEBRATING   ________________________  you  the  side  of
              enced what we’ve experienced with those  and started messing around.                       them  that  they
              people  that  have  touched  us  and  we’ve  I  already  knew  how  to  use  Black Velvet #100  want you to see,
              touched them.”                     Pro Tools, but I wanted to use                          often  only  post-
                                                 Logic because Logic had all                             ing  photos  from
                    ften, bands are so focused on work-  these  built-in  sounds  to  it  _________________________________  25 YEARS  the  best  angles,
                Oing hard and don’t get to smell the  that I can just easily access                      using the best fil-
              roses when they achieve any success and  and I figured out how to do it,  “Congratulations on  ters,  and  from
              relish the good times. And, as people, many  figured out the midi, how to  100 issues and 25 years  the  best  times.
              of us get more affected by any negative im-  use  the  midi  on  this  flight,             Although   we
              pacts than the positives. In ‘Push Pull’, Doug  and  once  I  figured  it  out  it  of doing this. We know  don’t agree with
              sings ‘Time for me to stop analyzing what  was  somewhat  easy  after  all  about  doing  things  all  the  over-air-
              went wrong, instead of celebrating what’s  that. I don’t know the way to                   brushing,   we
              right ’. So, this now is a time when the band  use  it  to  make  a  proper  for  25  years.  So  we  don’t  think  that
              are finally taking the time to try and focus on  record if I was doing it my-  should have been asking  social  media  is
              the positives and celebrate the good times –  self, but I think the one per-  YOU  the  questions.  all negative, and
              which included ‘The Reason’’s 15-year an-  son  who  knows  how  to  do                    now it gives ‘nor-
              niversary. “Yeah, that’s something to cele-  that would probably be Chris,  How  have  you  main-  mal’  people  the
              brate,”  says  Doug,  “but  just  overall,  right?”  He  turns  to  Doug.  tained your passion for  ability to become
              everything we’ve talked about here, it’s 25  “And  that  would  be  on  Pro                as  much  of  a
              years later, we’re still the closest of friends,  Tools.”     what  you  do  for  25       celebrity  as  a
              we  still  get  to  do  this  for  a  living… Yeah,  ‘Push Pull’ definitely has  years?” – Doug Robb   well-known  en-
              there are still so many things that you can  a more electronic sound to it.                tertainer.  While
              look at and go, ‘Wow, that’s awesome’. It’s  And ‘Just Let Go (Who Cares  “The fact that we’re  your average Joe
              just that glass half full or half empty point of  If  We  Fall)’  signifies  the  going to be in the 100th  (or   Joanna)
              view. Instead of seeing it empty, see it full.”  band’s mentality, choosing to             Bloggs down the
                Do  they  think  that  humans  in  general  try  something  new  and  not  issue, that’s amazing, so  road  can  now
              analyse too much rather than being happy  play it ‘safe and secure’. And  thank  you,”  –  Dan  Es-  look  as  glam-
              with things?                       so, while musically, the band                           orous  in  photos
                Doug replies, “I think if they live in the  avoided   repeating   them-  trin            online,  a  few
              past or future too much, they can be, yeah. I  selves, lyrically, Doug was in-  “Yeah, I’m very hon-  decades   ago
              think, if you live relatively in the moment, un-  spired by a range of subjects,  oured,” – Doug.  only  celebrities
              less something very terrible is happening at  from his wife feeling insecure               were    having
              that moment, yeah. I think if you’re always  when  pregnant  to  social                    glamorous  pho-
              looking back at how things were, or if you’re  media selfies. In ‘More Beau-               toshoots   that
              looking forward about what they could be,  tiful’, he sings about how we                   everyone  would
              you can tend to become pessimistic.”  should all be proud of our flaws. “We’re all a  see.
                                                 bag of flaws,” the vocalist says. “The lyrics  Doug says, “If you had the means and
                     ith new album ‘Push Pull’, the band  came from the time when my wife was preg-  the avenue to only show yourself in these
                Wused  both  Logic  and  Pro  Tools.  nant with our first kid, and I couldn’t tell you  very glamorous ways, yeah, it was a weapon
              “We demoed stuff in Logic and then…” says  exactly the moment it happened, but I got an  in the celebrities’ gun that the non-celebrities
              Dan, before Doug ends his sentence, “We  overall vibe from her and other people like  didn’t have. They didn’t have photographers
              recorded in Pro Tools.”            her  who  have  gone  through  pregnancy.  taking awesome pictures, people going to

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