Page 43 - Black Velvet Magazine Issue 98
P. 43

BV98 pg43_BV98 pg43  19/08/2018  00:21  Page 1

                                                                                           BlackVelvetMagazine.Com - 43
                                   the  latter  pair,  acoustic-  Jason  Spencer’s  guitar  you what you wanna hear
                                   styled tracks which demon-  skills.  The  album’s  third  ‘cause we’re so insecure’.
                                   strate the band’s versatility,  song sees a shift in gears  There are no holds barred,
                                   while  ‘Spinning’  carries  but  it’s  one  which  brings  the album is so real it may
                                   such an infectious melody  about  the  highlight  of  the  hurt  as  it  questions  and
                                   you’ll still be humming it for  album and the quite sensa-  suggests.  ‘The  Stigma
                                   hours after you stop listen-  tional ‘Like A Baller’, a song  (Boys Don’t Cry)’ is a par-
                                   ing.  As  good  as  these  the likes of which we’ve not  ticularly  piercing  piece  of
                                   tracks are in their own way,  heard  since  Kid  Rock’s  work that tugs at the heart
                                   it’s when With Confidence  heyday  and  one  which  is  with  its  emotion  as  it  fo-
                                   does  true  pop  punk  that  just dripping in bad attitude  cuses on the subject of the
              WITH CONFIDENCE      they  shine  the  brightest,  and  overconfidence  as  ‘boys don’t cry’ stigma. The
              LOVE AND LOATHING    the aforementioned ‘Tails’  Chad Nicefield opens with  stunning song begins sen-  ENUFF Z'NUFF
              (HOPELESS)           carrying  extra  poignancy  “I  check  my  dome,  I  sitively and poignantly be-  DIAMOND BOY
                 In  a  time  where  so  when you consider the re-  straighten  my  tie,  who  is  fore   working   up   to  (FRONTIERS)
              many  of  our  established  cent tribulations the band  that  looking  back  at  me  hard-hitting,  hot-blooded  Chicago  pop  rockers
              pop-punk heroes are trying  has gone through, the line  looking  so  fly,  I’m  like,  attack. ‘The Question, The  Enuff  Z'Nuff  have  been
              to  find  a  new  or  different  ‘I  won’t  fail  you,  no-one’s  damn oh, that’s me in the  Answer’  is  a  thought-pro-  going for over 30 years and
              sound,  are  exploring  new  perfect’ carries extra mean-  mirror”  you’ve  discovered  voking  pack  of  questions  have released over 20 al-
              avenues, or are just, well,  ing and while they are right,  the  perfect  mood  setting  wrapped  in  a  mulling  lull-  bums during that time; 'Di-
              growing up, it’s refreshing  no-one  is  perfect,  ‘Love  track for a night out.   aby,  while  ‘The  Reaper’  amond  Boy'  is  their  14th
              for one to stay true to their  And Loathing’ is as near as  The trouble is, the first  (featuring Aaron Gillespie)  studio album and also their
              roots  and  even  more  so  damn it.      three songs set a standard  sees  passions  rise  as  first without original vocalist
              when  we  can  report  that      YYYYY    the  rest  of  the  album,  as  Aaron kicks it off, spouting  Donnie   Vie.   Founding
              the results are tremendous.  Michael Coventry  enjoyable as it is, just can-  ‘I’m  staring  death  in  his  member and bassist Chip
              Much  has  happened  for                  not match. Patience is re-  eyes’ over a powerful musi-  Z'Nuff has now taken over
              Australian-born With Confi-  WILSON       warded as several are slow  cal arrangement. With the  as  lead  vocalist,  with  the
              dence since their debut LP  TASTY NASTY   growers, ‘House Of Fuck-  album really coming to life  rest  of  the  line-up  com-
              ‘Better Weather’ little more  (SONY RED)  ery’  being  another  hard-  after the death of Chester  pleted  by  long-standing
              than  two  years  ago  and  Life  is  too  serious  rocking highlight while ‘Act  Bennington, this is relevant  lead guitarist Tory Stoffre-
              much  of  what  made  the  sometimes and music can  My  Age’  will  have  you  in  and raw. ‘The Two Tongues  gen,   former   Ultravox
              headlines was not positive  be  too,  which  is  what  stitches and ‘Summertime  (Screaming   Salvation)’  singer/guitarist  Tony  Fen-
              and  has  played  a  signifi-  makes bands like Wilson,  Treat  (Tasty  Nasty)’  is  a  sees two sides – the angel  nell and drummer Dan Hill.
              cant  part  in  their  new  and their so called ‘global  fine sing-along. If your life  of  life  and  the  devil  of  Longtime fans of the band
              record ‘Love And Loathing’  fuckery’, so refreshing and  needs more fun, then you  death. ‘I’m just desperate  will not be disappointed as
              being  the  product  of  a  their  third  studio  album  need Wilson.   to belong,’ Patty sings with  the album is packed full of
              three-piece  band,  but  we  ‘Tasty   Nasty’   certainly  YYYY  conviction.  It’s  something  their  traditional  catchy
              are not here to judge, we  brings  the  latter  at  times  Michael Coventry  that  many  will  relate  to.  hooks and strong melodies
              are here to review and this  but offers plenty more that        With  ‘The  Great  Depres-  with hints of 60s/70s psy-
              is as good as a pop-punk  is  the  former  over  its  37-       sion’, As  It  Is  have  really  chedelia. After the opening
              album  as  you  are  ever  minute,  11-track  roller-           become  a  band  that  you  intro  of  'Transcendence',
              likely to find. Jayden See-  coaster  ride.  If  there  was     need  in  your  life  –  and  a  the title track bursts in like
              ley’s  voice  is  perfectly  any  question  as  to  what        band that belong at the top.    a burst of adrenaline and is
              formed  for  this  kind  of  kind of ride Wilson has in                     YYYYY    a bit of a departure for the
              music  and  his  vocals  are  store,  this  is  immediately                     SBV  band as it has a fast, chug-
              expertly heightened by the  answered with the opening                                ging,  punkish  feel,  and
              talented  guitar  work  of  cries on ‘Dumptruck’ of ‘this       TAILBLOCK            feels like a fresh, exciting
              Inigo Del Carmen and to-  shit bumps, this shit fucks,          THINK OR BE          way  to  start  the  album.
              gether they spearhead the  this  shit  dumps  like  a           (TAILBLOCK)          Chip’s raspy, throaty vocals
              record  in  grand  fashion  dumptruck’ which will give  AS IT IS   Kentish  trio  Tailblock  are smoothed out a bit by
              with an epic triple header of  you a pretty clear indication  THE  GREAT  DEPRES-  certainly manage to cram a  being  multi-layered  and
              ‘That Something’, ‘Sing To  of the mayhem and mad-  SION        variety of styles into their  sparkled with effects. Song
              Me’  and  ‘Moving  Boxes’,  ness to follow through their  (FEARLESS)  latest  6-track  EP.  De-  highlights include 'We're All
              each fabulously thick slices  unique combination of rock  ‘The reason we do this  scribed as post hardcore,  The Same', which sounds
              of rocking pop punk which  and hip-hop. And while it is  is  because  it’s  exciting,’  their  title  track  seems  like  classic  Enuff  Z’Nuff
              will   happily   measure  easy to be distracted by the  said  Patty  Walters,  front-  largely in the pop-punk line  with a bouncy, poppy 60s
              against anything else in the  craziness of it all, if you dig  man  of  As  It  Is,  and  the  of  instant  appeal.  ‘Heavy  vibe, the catchy 'Where Did
              genre; the latter is one of  a little deeper you will re-  band’s new album is defi-  Arms’ is a solid rocker with  You  Go',  rocker-with-a-
              the  best  tracks  on  ‘Love  veal Wilson’s secret, which  nitely  exciting.  With  ‘The  a bit of a bounce to the gui-  groove  'Fire  &  Ice',  the
              And   Loathing’,   only  is they are bloody brilliant  Great  Depression’,  the  tar rhythms that seems at  Beatlesy, psychedelic bal-
              matched by the album con-  at what they do. The notion  Brighton-based  band  are  odds with the hostile tone  lads 'Dopesick' and 'Love
              cluding ‘Tails’. In the mid-  of mashing rock music and  pushing  themselves  and  of the lyrics, while the later  Is  On  The  Line',  plus  the
              dle, the band steer away a  hip-hop  is  not  a  new  one  listeners’ perception of the  ferocity of ‘Blisters’ comes  superb out-and-out rocker
              little from the stereotypical  but  not  one  many  have  band. The album is set out  as  a  bolt  from  the  blue  –  'Metalheart',  the  heaviest
              pop-punk  sound,  not  too  tried and even fewer have  in  stages  –  rather  like  a  roaring vocals, much heav-  song  on  offer  here  with
              far that they ever lose their  succeeded  but  these  De-  theatrical play. Lyrically, the  ier  guitars,  yet  it  still  has  plenty of attitude but with
              way,  but  just  far  enough  troit boys have triumphed.   band  delve  deep  around  that catchiness before slid-  loads  of  their  trademark
              away  to  bring  something  ‘Dumptruck’  and  ‘Wrong  the topic of depression and  ing  into  a  melodic  close.  harmonies,  along  with
              different  to  the  album.  Side Of History’ are a pow-  life  and  death.  The  title  Closer  ‘100’  goes  for  a  'Faith  Hope  and  Luv',  an
              ‘Icarus’ is a more aggres-  erful start to ‘Tasty Nasty’  track opens the album and  plaintive melodic tone and  old demo from the late 80s
              sive-sounding  song  than  where their hip-hop flavour  if you’re familiar with Set It  with  the  acoustic  touch  given a modern heavier re-
              we are accustomed to from  is  used  majestically  to  Off, you may feel a resem-  works  well  as  a  calming  working. 'Diamond Boy' is
              the  band  and  highlights  magnify  these  rocking  blance.  ‘Hello  consumer,’  round-off to what has gone  another worthy addition to
              their  ability  to  add  a  little  songs,  creating  tracks  we are greeted. The song  before. Tailblock handle the  the Enuff Z'Nuff catalogue
              guts  to  their  music  when  which you will be unable to  is everything you need and  different  styles  with  deft-  and a very promising first
              needed,  while  songs  like  resist  banging  your  head  more.  It’s  captivating  and  ness and confidence. They  step in this new chapter of
              ‘The  Turnaround’,  ‘Better’  to,  all  the  while  grinning  catchy  with  a  dramatic  are  well  worth  checking  their career.
              and especially ‘Bruise’ and  from  ear  to  ear  with  the  spirit. Patty sings ‘We tell  out.   YYYYY
              ‘Paquerette  (Without  Me)’  sheer stupidity of it all and  you it’s okay to die to stop  YYYY    Ian Trigg
              go in the opposite direction,  basking  in  the  glory  of  you giving in’ before ‘we tell  Clare Huckett

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